49% of 18-to-29 year olds had a positive view of socialism while 47% had a positive view of...

If voting for Bernie Sanders makes me a socialist, fine.
I'm not going to vote At all because it doesn't matter any way. The electoral college will elect who they want anyway.. only reason I said I'd vote for Bernie is because his stance on cannabis. But he wouldn't be the first politician to say he was pro pot and not do Shit for us. See this cock sucker in office. Atm point proven..
i'm pretty hot actually.

a homophobe like yourself has to be harboring some latent homosexual desires, murdoch. wanna fuck me?
$16 for a pint of beer and min wage is $20 an hour?

our min wage is $7.25 and you can pay much more than that for a pint of beer here. even your cheapest grocery store pint is gonna be about $3.
i'm pretty hot actually.

a homophobe like yourself has to be harboring some latent homosexual desires, murdoch. wanna fuck me?

Well Buck, if you're truly hot, I might go for it.

Get yourself a big-barreled baseball bat and ream ream ream your asshole for a few days, until your biggest, baddest farts no longer make a sound. Then you'll be just the right size for my dick.
Not that its any of my business, but if you want to hold erections I think that should be up to you. Please make sure the other party consents though.

that's really creepy coming from you since you think small children can consent to that.