46 days 12/12 and no visable bud to speek of


when you say Coco Canna A, Do you mean you are using only the fertilizer from the one bottle from Canna? Just cause there are 2 parts that get mixed with Canna. I doubt thats the problem since your plants look healthy but thought i would throw it out there
I agree with that other guy, that you maybe arent getting total darkness when the plants are sleeping. Or maybe you are forgetting to close your cabinet doors that you leave open during the day for ventilation, even a couple hours after the lights go out is maybe enough time for the plants to not know WTF to do, keep growing or flower. Find your hole saw get that fan running, you will want it running at night too soon i bet anyway.


when you say Coco Canna A, Do you mean you are using only the fertilizer from the one bottle from Canna? Just cause there are 2 parts that get mixed with Canna. I doubt thats the problem since your plants look healthy but thought i would throw it out there
I agree with that other guy, that you maybe arent getting total darkness when the plants are sleeping. Or maybe you are forgetting to close your cabinet doors that you leave open during the day for ventilation, even a couple hours after the lights go out is maybe enough time for the plants to not know WTF to do, keep growing or flower. Find your hole saw get that fan running, you will want it running at night too soon i bet anyway.
yeah i do use both a and b, must have forgot to put that lol, i have to turn the lights out myself, and so the doors are shut then, i am very rarely late, as i have about 20 million alarms set to remid me. i am still looking, i am halfway through my tools at work so still a chance i will find it.


Well-Known Member
Wow....are you serious?
The first plant I ever tried to grow was bagseed. It took 4 weeks before it showed and then it took 12 weeks to finish. Outdoor strains take a while to do what they need to do. Also the bud aint as good as you would hope for.


Active Member
most of bagseeds dont fare well in artificial lights ,but in this situation and judging by the apearence of the newest leaves u gota have some sort of light leek

That is just a bunch of crap, holy shit, some people I swear just make shit up to scare the noobs! I grow bagseed all the time in artificial lights, so do many people here. Bagseed is WEED, people, just like the beans you pay so much $$ for, it just doesnt have known genetics and some breeders name attached to it. I pulled 4oz dry off my 14inch "bagseed" plant 3 weeks ago. Thats way better than many get from their expensive beans, and I do it everytime regardless of the seed. Its all about knowing what you're doing.
She was lst btw.


Well-Known Member
You may have a slow sativa strain there... let it take it's time... some of those are VERY worth the wait! ;)


Well-Known Member
You may have a slow sativa strain there... let it take it's time... some of those are VERY worth the wait! ;)

Some of the most sativa looking plants i've seen in a long time. Might not yield great but I would definitely give it the 12+ weeks it might need. I bet you those tiny buds pack a punch by then.


Weed Modifier
most of bagseeds dont fare well in artificial lights ,but in this situation and judging by the apearence of the newest leaves u gota have some sort of light leek

I disagree 100%!!! some people just need to learn how a plant ticks...then you'll see bagseed is Truely amazing... may not know what your growing but it's half the fun! ;)
It's not what you have ,but more what you do with it! If Mj is given everything it NEEDS then all can potentially be Awesome, just has to be in the right hands...;)

jack ripa

Active Member
Your experience is very limited. Please refrain from making untrue general statements based on your limited experience.
The first plant I ever tried to grow was bagseed. It took 4 weeks before it showed and then it took 12 weeks to finish. Outdoor strains take a while to do what they need to do. Also the bud aint as good as you would hope for.


Well-Known Member
no you dont, or else you would understand how genetics work.
i can grow some of the prettiests buds youv never seen off of mexican schwag bagseed.


8 grows? i been doin it for decades son....


Well-Known Member
i would say its you thast need to get over yourself... lol.
this argument has been had so many times on this forum.. its no point to even take it any farther.

ever heard of OG kush?

did you know the line was started from a bagseed of unknown shwag picked up for 10$ @ a grateful dead concert?

funny stuff huh... the potential for greatness is in every seed... its up to you, the grower to bring it out.
i can take a bagseed and yeild 1oz cure off a plant grown in a 12z party cup... and not just me.. lots of people do it, every day!

expand your horizons....