46 days 12/12 and no visable bud to speek of


hi i put 3 randoms into flower on the 20th of august, after 1 week i had to remove one due to the fact it was male, bot my ladies then took off sprouting hairs like a bear, but scince then i have noticed little or no change, there does not seem to be any bud forming, very very few crystals. here are some pics, if anybody has an idea of what is going on, i am growing in soil, 3 parts soil to 2 parts perlite, am using canna coco A and B, aswell as canna pk13/14, under a 400w light.11102010041.jpg11102010042.jpg11102010046.jpg11102010040.jpg11102010032.jpg11102010031.jpg11102010036.jpg11102010033.jpg11102010043.jpg11102010044.jpg11102010034.jpg11102010045.jpg11102010038.jpg11102010039.jpg



Well-Known Member
You forgot the pictures. I take it you have no idea of the strain? Is it a bag seed grow?

PH problems blocking Phosphorous?

When did you flush last?

If that's not it, crappy genetics and you should chop and quit letting it take up room.


You forgot the pictures. I take it you have no idea of the strain? Is it a bag seed grow?

PH problems blocking Phosphorous?

When did you flush last?

If that's not it, crappy genetics and you should chop and quit letting it take up room.
na my computer was being gay, they are there now, my ph is about 6, yes it is a bag seed grow, although one of them should be barneys farm lsd, scince i baught that seed feminised, the other two were just bag seeds yes, i wasn't aware i had to flush them other than the week before i took the down?


Active Member
most of bagseeds dont fare well in artificial lights ,but in this situation and judging by the apearence of the newest leaves u gota have some sort of light leek



thanks for lookin bonjo78.
so what is that doing to them then? will i be able to fix them? and still harvest them?


Active Member
try to find if theres an actual light leak , eliminate it and keep on flowering , if light leak is not the issue , well , when they finish ( that may take up to 4 months or even more ) uwill have something to smoke but theres not quarantee they will make u high , u should consider the electric bill also , consider the time needed for the preflower to be ready as rougly the half way


ok cheers i will try that, so if i elimante the light leak will it be as if starting flower again? or have the plants just been set back?


Active Member
well they besically go from scratch , if the flowers ( callyxes ) are there for much time ( since we dont know the actual flowring period of the specidic plant we cant say ) they will eventually die , if theres much time left for them they will get maturing along with the new flowers , u seem u are on the turning point , time will show , u can actually cut the old ones so to smoke them but watch out not to cut the stem that holds them but 1st be sure that its the light leak issue
What do you have with regard to ventilation? If they arent getting enough Co2 this could be the problem.

Or it could be that your plants are 100% sativa which makes for a much longer flowering time, possibly 12 weeks. If this is the case your buds will be long and thin as opposed to the common short fat ones from indicas which most people grow. Maybe your plant is meant to have thin buds but is a little behind because of lack of air flow??

Edit: Here's an example of an equatorial sativa called "Dr. Grinspoon" which is a strain bred out of "Quaze" (amazing smoke)


What do you have with regard to ventilation? If they arent getting enough Co2 this could be the problem.

Or it could be that your plants are 100% sativa which makes for a much longer flowering time, possibly 12 weeks. If this is the case your buds will be long and thin as opposed to the common short fat ones from indicas which most people grow. Maybe your plant is meant to have thin buds but is a little behind because of lack of air flow??

Edit: Here's an example of an equatorial sativa called "Dr. Grinspoon" which is a strain bred out of "Quaze" (amazing smoke)
the doors to my cupboard are open all day with a 12" desk fan on medium setting, due to the fact that i cant find my drill bit with 4" cutter(i know i have one somewhere, but just cant remember where) to fit my extractor fan
the doors to my cupboard are open all day with a 12" desk fan on medium setting, due to the fact that i cant find my drill bit with 4" cutter(i know i have one somewhere, but just cant remember where) to fit my extractor fan
Does the room with the cupboard in it have good air?? Maybe leave a window open in this room all the time if you're using it for air.


maybe light leak mate, even maybe a led light on ur extention lead could be doing it?
all my extensions are outside of my cupborad, light sealed the sides of the doors with duct tape, the tops and middle of the doors with foam tape, and the pc extractor has been removed and the hole covered as it did not move anywhere near enough air, cant find my 4" cutter to fit a proper one, so doors are open with 12" desk fan on medium during lights on.


Well-Known Member
I struggled to save money and DIY everything for a while too bro!!! Spend a few bucks and get a tent and environmental problem solved bro.


I struggled to save money and DIY everything for a while too bro!!! Spend a few bucks and get a tent and environmental problem solved bro.
yeah, i have been thinking the same thing to be honest its just getting money together without spending it on weed lol :)