45 days of vegging and still no roots?

Hempy evangelists swear they do not rot roots, but that method does keep roots saturated without adding oxygenation, which is a recipe for root rot.

This was my exact concern when reading about this method. I didn't understand how having a reservoir without an airstone would be okay.

If you want a system that requires no pump and long intervals between maintenance, a wick system is a better choice.

Well, I don't have any real plans for my next grow yet, but other than the hempy bucket, I was figuring on sticking with drip/DWC or an ebb/flow op. Will the ebb/flow be noticeably smaller in yield than a DWC?

It doesn't look good... but you can try. Does it have any roots at all?

As they are able to make some roots, the new growth will sort out, but old damaged leaves probably won't recover. As long as the new growth comes good, you're laughing.

As far as I can see, none of the plants have any roots emerging from the RW cube yet. It's looking real bad for my smallest. It hasn't had any new growth in a week. It just gets dryer and dryer.

You'll want to cover that container with some panda film to stop light feeding algae spores which have landed in your yummy nutrient sauce.

Duct tape and paint, even if black, can still allow an appreciable amount of light to get to the solution. 240 micron pandafilm blocks >99% of light, even from a 1000HPS.

Would aluminum tape work or is pandafilm my only real option?
If he did what I said his plants would be good to go... Look buddy, here is a picture from a previous grow where I had exactly what you have. You can see it all in the picture and the see who the shit talker is okay...

Just because someone likes to type a lot doesn't make them always right... There are tons of different ways of doing things, not just this guys method.


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That was my first grow... Got a couple more under my belt since then. I may not be the grow god, but I'm no dumb ass either. I have learned to go without rockwool since then. Ummmm... at that time this is what the top looked like. I think they were about a month old, maybe a little bit older.


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This was my exact concern when reading about this method. I didn't understand how having a reservoir without an airstone would be okay.

Your suspicion is justified. The plant needs certain conditions and there's various ways to provide those. Once you have your head around what general conditions the plant needs, you can make assessments of whether a certain system is even plausible. You don't have to jump off a cliff to prove you can't fly. I'm frankly amazed that anyone gets a Hempy to work without a mass of root rot.

Will the ebb/flow be noticeably smaller in yield than a DWC?

Depends on the medium. If you use rockwool, which doesn't permit the very best root oxygenation, you can expect somewhat lower yields (10-20%) than by means that can more frequently flow a quantity of dissolved O2 through the rootmasses, such as pellets in a flood or fiddlier means like DWC. Frequently flooded pellets yield similarly to medialess means; the difference isn't worth arguing about.
As far as I can see, none of the plants have any roots emerging from the RW cube yet. It's looking real bad for my smallest. It hasn't had any new growth in a week. It just gets dryer and dryer.

The little one may be toast. Sorry about that.

Would aluminum tape work or is pandafilm my only real option?

A metalised tape might just do the job. I'd expect that to be pretty opaque both in visible & IR spectra.
If he did what I said his plants would be good to go...

...in the compost.

Just because someone likes to type a lot doesn't make them always right... There are tons of different ways of doing things, not just this guys method.
You're right; a volume of keystrokes doesn't make me right. Knowing what the plant needs and MANY ways of how to make those conditions happen DOES make me right. I've done DWC, NFT, aero, and several types of media in floods. In the last 8 years alone, I've grown more than 5000 plants. The Get A Harvest Every 2 Weeks thread has had nearly 120,000 reads- and a large number of folks are now running a duplicate of that system. They're making it work, not because I'm so fucking charismatic, not because I can turn a phrase, but because I've devised a system that will work- for anyone who can follow instructions. Somewhere along the line, I might have worked it out.

Your reaction is the usual for a w33d b4R0n caught out spreading bad information- attack the messenger! 'Oh, you want everyone to do things just like you' is SO high school.

Grow the fuck up.
Speak for yourself... Seems like you have enough trouble doing that. You can talk when you have actually completed a grow and first grade.

I'm not the one who is highly surprissed that a hempy bucket works. Shows how much Al b fuct in the ass only knows his system. I would not follow this guys grow techniques or shitty advice on cloning...
No, Stoney's never completed a grow, nor first grade, but all that means is you have someone to look up to. :lol:

Say whatever you like about me. The more time you spend attacking me, the less time you have to lead others astray with PURE GENIUS like this:

If the rockwool is touching the water it will suck up water as it needs to keep your plant watered, so you wont have to worry about hand watering. There really shouldn't be any difference between your hand watering and the DWC, at least while your roots are still in the cube.
I don't believe you were overwatering, as the rockwool prevents that. The rockwool cube should allow proper O2 for your roots.
I'm not sure what is taking your roots so long, but run with adding the Dyna-Gro to your nutes and hope for the best. You may want to get another additive like Diamond Nectar.
I use Dyna-Gro for the silicon and Diamond Nectar for some other mineral elements on top of my gereral 3 part nutes.

yeah, add a magic sauce to an overwatered grow, that'll help. Good going, Dr w33d b4R0n. :lol:
You don't think people can grow in hempy buckets...
I showed pictures of exactly what you just quoted as bad advice, working wonderfully. Prove that different...

You are the one that attacked me off the bat. I have only defended myself.
You're getting picked on because you spread bad info, no more, no less. But go ahead- squirm around like you've been caught and take your frustrations out on me. The more time you spend on that, the less garbage you can spread around.
This is forkin hilarious LOL
Al b. this reminds me of your 'harvest every two weeks thread'. When videoman tried to convince everyone that CFLs produced better bud than the 1000w hps.
No i'm wrong, that was someone else arguing with you over the CFLs.
I had to have a laugh again and read over that thread again, Page 5 Videoman40...
Quote' You can see from this how 2 400's or 600's would be better than a 1000 watt light'
Yeah, you're right, the CFL evangelist was someone else. Videowhoozis was saying one couldn't possibly grow a plant unless you have a minimum 50W/sf of HPS. There's always some w33d b4R0n out there with 3 crops under their belt who think they've got it mastered and start proffering advice... :roll:

I take it all in stride. I don't necessarily care how wrong someone gets it UNLESS they're feeding bad info to someone who is already struggling, as happened in this thread.

There's some instances where all I can do is stand back and marvel at the stoopid.

For example, w33d b4R0n "A" has bought an Aerogarbage, fully believes they're gonna get poundage, wonders how much molasses to put in the nutes... and w33d b4R0n "B" gleefully volunteers how much mole asses (and salt) to put in and then recommends driving a rusty nail through the stem of every plant to bump up the potency. I shit you not, this happens every day in the noob forum. I don't even touch threads that are just brimming over with wrongability.
I read that thread about the nail. It wasn't all that long ago. I think they were on about stressing the plant to get it more potent. I dont now how a rusty nail would work, but fair play to them if it worked LOL.
From How Not To Grow Dope:

9. Dug out Uncle Bob's marijuana grow book from 1972, marveled at nail-thru-stem technique for improving potency
10. 9 out of 147 sprout, fuckin ace!
11. Put a pound of nails in salty water to get em good and rusty
12. All 9 get stretchy, fall over and die

The notion of plant abuse to improve potency dates AT LEAST to 1972, almost certainly earlier.