Yeah, you're right, the CFL evangelist was someone else. Videowhoozis was saying one couldn't
possibly grow a plant unless you have a minimum 50W/sf of HPS. There's always some w33d b4R0n out there with 3 crops under their belt who think they've got it mastered and start proffering advice...
I take it all in stride. I don't necessarily care how wrong someone gets it UNLESS they're feeding bad info to someone who is already struggling, as happened in this thread.
There's some instances where all I can do is stand back and marvel at the
For example, w33d b4R0n "A" has bought an Aerogarbage,
fully believes they're gonna get poundage, wonders how much molasses to put in the nutes... and w33d b4R0n "B" gleefully volunteers how much mole asses (and salt) to put in and then recommends driving a rusty nail through the stem of every plant to bump up the potency. I shit you not, this happens every day in the noob forum. I don't even touch threads that are just
brimming over with wrongability.