400w Querkle Grow


Well-Known Member
hi pyste....im 34 day flowering today all looking healthy nice and green all over and really bushy.i just feel like they could have haired up a bit more by now and the smell is not gettin much stronger.... i feel like im doin everythin some way right goin to change over to a bio bloom2.6.5 at weekend. i have a prob wit comp unloading pics will get some up during week 4 you to have a look at..... mine dont look as advanced as yours on your pics at 30 days and im a worryer by nature lol..................
keep up the posts enjoy following along


Active Member

How do you like that Querkle??
Sorry, I kind of mixed it up with some pics and info about my Blue Cheese. The Querkle are about to go to flower in the next few days so I've got a couple months before I get to see how they turn out. My wife chose the Querkle strain based on some we got from a dispensary. She liked it a lot because it worked very well for her chronic pain. It's a bit too Indica dom for me (I usually prefer 50/50 hybrids for a good mix of high and stoned) but is still good and not too couch-lock or sleepy.

hi pyste....im 34 day flowering today all looking healthy nice and green all over and really bushy.i just feel like they could have haired up a bit more by now and the smell is not gettin much stronger.... i feel like im doin everythin some way right goin to change over to a bio bloom2.6.5 at weekend. i have a prob wit comp unloading pics will get some up during week 4 you to have a look at..... mine dont look as advanced as yours on your pics at 30 days and im a worryer by nature lol..................
keep up the posts enjoy following along
I just checked, and the 2 I have in there now are at 37 days, so we're pretty much right at the exact same spot. I'll get some current pics of them as soon as I have a chance. As long as they're not yellowing or anything, a 2-6-5 sounds like a good ratio for bloom.

Regarding the smell, there's a member on here (his name is riddleme, check out some of his threads if you have time, great stuff) who has said that smell is a result of stress, so it may be a good thing they don't smell too much. The two I have now smell quite a bit less than my first one did at this stage, and they are much less stressed than that one was, so it seems possible.

I'm yours will turn out fine. I thought my first plant was crap, but I filled half of a 1 gallon jar with the buds for curing. I've never had this much weed in my life and going by the samples I took, it's some damn good shit too. Even before I started having problems with that plant I never thought I'd get that much.


Active Member

Here's some pics I just took of my blue cheese. Sorry they aren't so great. My camera doesn't work so well with the HPS light. The first one has the two plants at 37 days in the front; the one in the back is the remainder of the first plant that I'm letting ripen a bit further (I'll probably get another ounce or so dry out of that). The other 2 pics are the tops of the two plants that are at 37 days. You can see I fried the big fans a bit, but I'm really not worried about it. I'll figure out this Blue Cheese one day.


And here's some of what I've got out of that first plant so far:



Active Member
Back on the topic of Querkle (I get distracted easily) a lot has happened lately including a lot of pruning and taking clones today. In the next few days they'll be going to flower. Hopefully I'll have time to update with pics soon.


New Member
Back on the topic of Querkle (I get distracted easily) a lot has happened lately including a lot of pruning and taking clones today. In the next few days they'll be going to flower. Hopefully I'll have time to update with pics soon.
How does she VEG?

I am running Purple Urkle and it seem to be the slowest VEG in the world....


Active Member
How does she VEG?

I am running Purple Urkle and it seem to be the slowest VEG in the world....
Yep, Querkle seems to take after it's mom in that regard. Today is 52 days since they sprouted and they are only 16" tall (I did top early on for 4 colas, so untopped they would probably be taller).
That's pretty cool you got some Purple Urkle. Any pics? I'd like to see how they compare to Querkle.

What are the medical limits in AZ? Very low here in MI (2.5oz, 12 plant per patient). Just curious cause my wife and I have friends and family in AZ and have talked about moving there some day.


New Member
Yep, Querkle seems to take after it's mom in that regard. Today is 52 days since they sprouted and they are only 16" tall (I did top early on for 4 colas, so untopped they would probably be taller).
That's pretty cool you got some Purple Urkle. Any pics? I'd like to see how they compare to Querkle.

What are the medical limits in AZ? Very low here in MI (2.5oz, 12 plant per patient). Just curious cause my wife and I have friends and family in AZ and have talked about moving there some day.
Same Limits in AZ....

My grow


Dirt Bikin Buds

Well-Known Member
Hey psyte, been lurking on your thread for a while and thought I'd say NICE JOB!

Check out my 400w Pineapple Express grow if you get time. Its just gettin started, the link is in my sig.

I have 5 Querkle seeds that I'm saving for next round!


Active Member
Thank you. I will definitely check it out once I have a chance. Been really busy and with holidays coming up won't have much time to do RIU for the next week or so.
But I will get this updated and check out journals once I have some free time.


Active Member
My last update was 11/8/11, so this post is gonna be pretty long; a lot has happened since then.

Also, I started using a new naming convention for the plants after I took more clones. I needed a better way to keep track of them and which plant they came from.
The plants grown from seed are labeled like this: G0-A. This means Generation 0, Pheno A.
It's first clone would be G1-A1; Generation 1, Pheno A, Clone 1.
If I took two clones from that clone, they would be G2-A1 and G2-A2.
When talking about a series of clones it would look like: G1-A2~5; Generation 1, Pheno A, Clones 2 through 5.
Probably too much info there, but it makes it easier for me to keep track.

ORIGINAL FEMALES (from Seed; G0-A & G0-B)

Measured them a couple days after they were repotted on 11/8 and G0-A was 13", G0-B was 14". Both are very bushy.
Watered them with plain tap the first couple times after repotting.

Here they are at 46 days of veg on 11/11/11:

On 11/17 I decided to take clones and do some trimming in preparation to put these to flower. I removed the entire two bottom nodes (otherwise these would be too wide after the initial flower stretch) and used the tips of each for clones. I also trimmed off the bottom 2 nodes of the remaining 2 main branches. I took the best of these from each plant as the 3rd clone. These two clones were much smaller with thinner branches.
The base of the plant is now much more open and will allow better air flow and make the plants much easier to water.
I'll have a section below with more info on the clones.

Before taking clones and trimming:

After taking clones and trimming:

6 New clones (plus two blue cheese cuttings; top two in pic)

On 11/21 (56 days veg) I switched these two females to 12/12.
G0-A was 17" tall and G0-B was 18.5" tall.
Started them on 1tsp/gal 20-20-20 a few days into flower, which they will receive for the first 4-5 weeks of flower as long as they are looking good.
At only one week of flower, on 11/28, they had already grown quite a bit: G0-A was 24.5" and G0-B was 25.5". I checked today and G0-B was 29.5". I thought someone had said their's didn't stretch much in flower, but that's not what I'm experiencing so far. At this point I'm getting worried they may get too big for the tent and have destroyed the two blue cheese I was vegging since there won't be room in the flower tent for them now. Some of the growth may also be due to repotting a couple weeks ago and pruning off the bottom branches a few days before 12/12.

Pics taken at 1 week of 12/12. First 2 pics are Go-A, second two are G0-B:

And some pics taken today. First three show the Querkle flower response at 11 days of 12/12. The next two are the entire flower tent. The two small plants up front struggling through their last weeks are blue cheese.

MALE PLANT (from seed, G0-C)

There were actually two male plants, but a couple days after my last update I destroyed the one I was experimenting on, G0-D. I just don't have the time or room for it right now.

The male in flower, G0-C, has been doing good and has been very low maintenance. I've been feeding it 1tsp/gal 20-20-20. It's stretched quite a bit because of low light conditions and has grow to 2.4x bigger during the first 4 weeks of 12/12:

10" when put to flower (11/4)
15" at one week
18" at two weeks
22" at three weeks
24" at four weeks (today)

As far as flowering, I started seeing a response at 11 days:

The plant put out more and more pods since then (first two pics). Then a few days ago on 11/28, day 24 of flower, the pods started to open (third pic). Fourth pic shows the amount of pollen collected from only a dozen or so pods on the first day.

Since then, they've been opening much more rapidly and I'm getting quite a bit of pollen. One plant will easily give more than I could ever use. I'm glad I put this plant in the basement because the pollen gets all over the place. I can't move the plant any more or it dumps pollen everywhere. I have to change clothes and take a shower every time I collect pollen so I don't risk contaminating the females. I'm sure they will get some seeds just from being in the same house.
I never planned on keeping a male so it has been a bit of a challenge, but when seeds are $10 a pop, it's more than worth the effort. Also, the timing has worked out perfect as I will now be able to pollinate a few flowers on each of the two females in flower.


Of the remaining 3 of the original 4 clones, the third (G1-B1) finally showed roots on 11/10 at 26 days. Really small clones plus a poor method (complex FFOF/Perlite mix) made these take forever to root.

I destroyed G1-C1, the remaining male clone, because I am not going to need another male plant since G0-C is doing great.

I have been watering these with .5tsp/gal 20-20-20 and they are doing fine. I am not sure what I'm going to do with these since they would get too big if allowed to veg until the ones in flower finish. I may destroy them once I am certain my next round of clones is well rooted and vegging.

Since they took so long to root, it's hard to believe these were taken when the plants in flower weren't even three weeks old. Both at 41 days since taking cuttings:

I previously mentioned the second round of clones taken from the two female plants on 11/17. I am using my new aero cloner for this. The cuttings were all about 5" total. The fan leaves on the 2-3" above the neoprene were trimmed back. Below, I left a couple inches of stem with one trimmed off node.


At only 8 days, clones G1-A4 and G1-B4 had enough roots and root buds to plant. Put both in 16oz cups of FFOF mixed with 1tbsp/gal lime. Watered thoroughly with tap. Within a day roots could already be seen in the holes at the bottom of the cups.


A3 was replanted on 11/29 at 12 days, and A2 on 11/30 at 13 days. Here's a pic taken today of all the clones that are rooted and in soil:

Unfortunately, I fucked up B2 and B3. They were just about ready for replant (probably today), but I needed to change the aero bucket water because everything was a bit slimy. I used tap last time which clearly promotes faster algae growth than distilled. I normally put a couple drops of bleach, but put a few drops more this time. Well that turned out to be a real bad idea at this stage of root growth. I should have just stuck with plain tap for the day or two they needed to be ready. This morning the roots were brownish and fell off soon after. The clones still looked just fine and there's a good amount of stem so I recut them above the dead tip to see what will happen. I still have two good B clones well rooted so no big deal either way.

Overall, the roots grew much more slowly on the larger cuttings. Some larger ones had root buds 5 days before there were enough roots to plant.

I really do love the aero cloner. After using it for a few weeks, I think I just need to use distilled and change once a week or use tap and change twice a week and I'll be fine. Either way, it's still less expense and maintenance than any other method I've tried. And it looks like with smaller cuttings it's by far the fastest method I've used (and larger cuttings root in the time smaller cuttings used to take me).
Lots of great info here guys! I've got some Querkle seeds coming soon! What is your overall impression of this strain? How about a smoke report? Thanks for sharing. Sub'd for sure.


Active Member
Sorry I haven't been keeping up on the journal. I've found another site I prefer so I haven't been spending any time here really.
I will try to add some pics in the next week or so if I can find time. I honestly am not going to have time to be as detailed as I have been so far, but I will try to answer any questions.
I'm in the 5th week of flower now and they look amazing. I'm going to spend all day today reorganizing my grow room so I can have more room in flower. These things have taken over my tent completely and need more room. They're starting to frost up really nicely and I can tell they're going to have some great looking buds. So far they have been really easy to grow. I've had Querkle from a dispensary, but I'll hold off on a smoke report until these are harvested and cured.


Active Member
Ok, I'm 5 weeks into 12/12 on the two females grown from seed, so I'm going to try to get this up to date with pics from every week of flower. Like I said, don't have time to give the detailed info like I did before, but I'm still interested in any questions, comments, and suggestions.

Here's some pics taken 2 weeks into 12/12 (Dec 5):


Next up, pics from week 3...


Active Member
3 weeks into 12/12 (Dec 12) and they're already starting to frost up very nicely:


This is when I first noticed some slight signs of deficiency (fan leaf stems started turning red and leaf tips slightly yellow, indicating the plant was drawing nutes from fan leaves). Both are in 3 gal containers, so I flushed both with 9 gal tap each in case of lockout, although not likely due to recent repot. The next two feedings were big hits of Jack's and Cal-Mag. In the upcoming week 4 pics you can see more yellowing as the new nutes were just starting to become available. But then in the week 5 pics you can see them greened right back up.

This is also the week I started pollinating some lower bud sites. I plan on pollinating weekly from week 3 to week 7. This is a pretty big window, but I'm not sure of the harvest time on this strain yet, so I'm playing it safe.


Active Member
Pics taken today, Dec 19th. 5 weeks into 12/12.
Nice and green again. Buds starting to put on some weight. First signs of red hairs. And oh so very frosty. These things are just covered in resin glands. The large sugar leaves are frostier than any of the buds harvested from my blue cheese plants.


It's safe to say the stretch has been pretty much over for a couple weeks now, so for anyone growing Querkle and interested in how much these things stretch, this has been my experience with plants topped for 2 colas:

Plant A
Plant B
Days of 12/12HeightGrowth HeightGrowth
017.0"n/a 18.5"n/a
724.5"(+7.5") 25.5"(+7.0")
1431.0"(+6.5") 33.5"(+8.0")
2135.5"(+4.5") 36.5"(+3.0")
2836.0"(+0.5") 36.5" 0
3536.5"(+0.5") 36.5" 0


Active Member
A couple other updates...

As you can tell these plants are way too big for a 3'x3' tent. I redid my entire room including the ventilation (I'm now set up to recycle the heat into the house during the winter). The veg area is now in an open corner of the room and the flower area is in the 4'x4' tent. They have much more room now and temps 12" below the HPS have dropped from ~93F to ~83F, a very big improvement. Here's a before and after of the flower area:


I also chose the clone I want to flower next. I chose to flower only 1 large bush after the two in flower right now are done. The clone was repotted from a 20oz cup to 5gal bucket on 12/18 and topped from 9" to 5.5" on 12/19.
Here it is 4 weeks after the cut was originally taken from Plant B:

I'm loving the pictures Pyste. I will be reviewing this log from time to time as mine progress. If I have any specific questions, I will be sure to post.