400w MH/HPS multi-strain ScROG First grow!


Well-Known Member
Just had an accident and unintentionally topped two of the main colas as I was not gentle enough pulling back under. Damn chicken wire. :(
Will try cloning both though.


Well-Known Member
Also running out of room to tuck.
Have switched to 12/12 and will begin feeding as per flowering schedule on the back of the canna coco bottle.
A handful of leaves grew into the glass cover through the day and have been bleached or burnt a little.
Can't wait for the buds to start appearing and this mad stretch I've been reading all about!!!


Well-Known Member
No problems. Can post a pic if you'd like. Just put in the intake fan. Hopefully be able to leave it closed now.


Well-Known Member
Stretch is coming along nicely, screen is fairly full and then growth is quite even.
Also taken 12 cuttings, 4 each from the strongest plants.
Clearef out a bit of undergrowth, pictures to come later.


Well-Known Member
A few leaves grew a bit too close to the glass and got bleached. :(
It's a sad day.
At least I know the cooling is up to scratch haha.


Well-Known Member
So today marks day 7 from the flip.. or so I hope, seems one of my cats ran past the timer and it's possible they had up to 24 hours of straight light yesterday.
Watering every two days with 8-10 litres between 4 of them. Seems to be working, I may try and making a 10 litre batch and feeding it over two days to see how they go.
A question...
If a strain takes 8 weeks to finish is that 8 weeks from flip, or 8 from flip plus some for preflowering and hormone changes etc???

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
When Seed banks say that stuff they usually don't know what they're talking about. SOME! Know, but very little the ones that do know grew the plant in the best environment possible.

It depends how it's grown, if they get shocked or miss a meal, and most go off of once they see hairs, you could go since flip. Up to you dude.


Well-Known Member
Cheers again fenian.
I've got a 30x and 60-100x loupe so I'll be checking trichs after 8 or so weeks.
Also starting to have temp and humidity issues... I think.
It's climbing to 80% rh at lights off and dropping to 18 degrees from about 25 during lights on. I'm having to keep the window closed and blast central heating to get some heat in there. This is with the spees controller all the way down and circulation fan running.
It could also be the fact I have my little thermometer sitting just in the canopy...how do others monitor their rh and temp? I mean thermometer type and location...

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
Anywhere That is the same distance from the lights to the canopy. You have it where it needs to go, the quickest way possible would be to get a dehumidifier and get that RH down. And if you have any water or you spray feed/water them try not to get that anywhere in/near the tent.

As for the Temps seems like you're only off my about 5 degrees with lights off(Dark Period) so if there is ANY heat around there, try and put it in with the plants... I really wouldn't worry too much on the temp though... 5 degrees ain't nothin. And colder dark periods could give you Purple/Blue/Dark Purple/Black hues in the Bud....

How mother Nature works is, if they are too cold at night, they will blanket themselves with chrystals, to get warm. Resulting in frostier Buds... Good stuff my man :cool:


Well-Known Member
Mmmm hues.
What would you suggest for humidity? Cheapest machine I can find is like $50 or you can get rechargeable onesnfor about $10 from ebay.. or a couple of bucks for a cheap hangingnone or sachets...
Will try to get near a computer soon. The canopy is a good 4 inch above the screen now and I have cleared out most of what's below it, just left a couple of shoots and cleared fan leaves blocking bud sites.

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
Look into DampRid


It's very Cheap, and Very Effective. You can get it at Home Depot or maybe a Pet Store?

Also, If You Could Find A Way To Get Warmth In there. Temps go up, RH goes down... Temps go down RH goes Up. Just sayin if you don't want to spend the Extra$


Well-Known Member
So today marks day 7 from the flip.. or so I hope, seems one of my cats ran past the timer and it's possible they had up to 24 hours of straight light yesterday.
Watering every two days with 8-10 litres between 4 of them. Seems to be working, I may try and making a 10 litre batch and feeding it over two days to see how they go.
A question...
If a strain takes 8 weeks to finish is that 8 weeks from flip, or 8 from flip plus some for pre-flowering and hormone changes etc???
When it comes to light during flowering, it is not the amount of light that is distributive, its any light interruption in the 12 hours of darkness.

You could put them on a 24/12 cycle or 18/12, 12 hours of light is not max that can receive, 12 hours of darkness must be maintained and that darkness does not have to be 12 hours apart. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I work in a department store that sells almost all of damprids range... I'll look into it.
The tent also sits on tiles which I'm sure doesn't help. Might keep the window closed and put the heating on evert so often, the house does hold heat.
Cheers for the info bro. :)

What's the best way to check clones are working in jiffy pellets? Just a light tug or wait till they're coming ouy the bottom?
The main colas I broke on three plants and put into a glass of water under 18/6 and a 23w globe seem to have slimy stalks and stems... I take it these will not root now?


Well-Known Member
I can also understand and appreciate a stadium/U style scrog now the stretch is underway, everything directly under the light is a good inch above the outer edges in a sphere kinda shape.
This is so fun to do lol


Well-Known Member
I work in a department store that sells almost all of damprids range... I'll look into it.
The tent also sits on tiles which I'm sure doesn't help. Might keep the window closed and put the heating on evert so often, the house does hold heat.
Cheers for the info bro. :)

What's the best way to check clones are working in jiffy pellets? Just a light tug or wait till they're coming ouy the bottom?
The main colas I broke on three plants and put into a glass of water under 18/6 and a 23w globe seem to have slimy stalks and stems... I take it these will not root now?
Wait for the roots, thanks for the Cheers, you could also give me some +Rep if you wish as well.

:blsmoke:Best wishes on your grow, hope to see it bud out well for you.

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
Perhaps a Rug or a Blanket/Towel under the Tent on the tiles, I'm sure that would help some...

Shit I would even throw a blanket on the tent during lights off... But I can also see alot of opinions not doing so :D