400w HPS Fruity Chronic Juice & Critical Kush SCRog Grow


Well-Known Member
So just a little update, I decided that I'll be flipping them plants on saturday, don't know how will that effect my scrog grow but I'll know better for next time lol
CK is right at the screen and on saturday it will put the plant few days over 4 weeks of veg. time as for the FCJ she'll be a bit over 5 weeks when I flipped her.

I hope for some stretch from the CK plant over next two-three weeks so at least she can fill the screen a bit.


Well-Known Member
Oo and guys quick question, I got my light at 17" from the screen the temps are 76-78F right at the screen my question is am I loosing a lot of light from that the light being 17" from the tops of the plants?


Well-Known Member
Oo and guys quick question, I got my light at 17" from the screen the temps are 76-78F right at the screen my question is am I loosing a lot of light from that the light being 17" from the tops of the plants?

yes and no, the further down you put the light the more light your gonna have but the less footprint, by raising it you increase the footprint but decrease the intensity....


Well-Known Member
did you see what i just did to all my plants?

you need to LST im telling you......by saturday i will have you convinced
Sure did ;) and I got tell ya shit looks awesome! But I also have another dilemma actually I got two of them, one is that I need quick turn around this time, I run out of smoke and like I said before, I ain't paying so much money for so little smoke, the other day I got a bag of some smoke for $20 and the wasn't even a .g it was like .7 or some shit like that I was like fuck that shit lol..and the other one is that I might be leaving with my fem. for two weeks so the time frame is all whacked out lol
If it would be alone leaving for two weeks sure my wife would take care of the plants but this time around we all are going.


Well-Known Member
yes and no, the further down you put the light the more light your gonna have but the less footprint, by raising it you increase the footprint but decrease the intensity....
Yeah I can see the foot print of my light, but also by bending the hood you getting a different foot print from the light with out lowering or rising it.

Got to find a chart of how much light 400w hps is putting out at 17". But I also like the my temps right now ;) I know if I lower the light I'll higher temps lol


Well-Known Member
sound slike you need a drip system....verry simple to setup man..

you will need a rezz, a timer, a pump and some PVC

total retail value....30 bucks

buy a digital timer that you can set the days and shot and hook it up to run the pump once every 2 days for 15 min. make the holes in the PVC so small that they couldnt possibly flood out the room and test drive it....

and another diagram....YAY!!!!


like i said just test drive the system a few times so you can dial it in and you will never even need to water again if you set it up right. just mix nutes in rezz and let the timer and pump do all the work. wost case you have to put some trays under the containers to catch runoff but the plants will wick that back up in a day or so. they start to drink really heavily once they are 4+ weeks into flower.


Well-Known Member
Matt!! Awesome!!! You know that I was thinking about the same thing, but wasn't sure if it would work... got the pump from my fish tank, all I need is a timer, pvc and some kind of a res.. something don't know how to spell that particular word lol


Well-Known Member
i dont get into all of that foot candles shit....i dont think its important. if you have quality lights in your given grow area you shouldnt care about the difference 1-2" makes...just make sure everything is getting light.
I think that 400w is perfect for my box :) it was one of the best buys for my box lol


Well-Known Member
like isaid im a KISS grower man, i really just dont fucking care about all the techinical dan bullshit people spew out on these boards. i keep it simple with a simple soil mix, simple lighting and simple nutrients....i dont have a schedule i dont follow any books i just fucking grow my shit...

now i may have a better gorw if i did but then it would transform from something i enjoy to something i despise and imnot looking for that. i enjoy growing. im getting back into smoking slowly but i definatly grow more than i can smoke even if i only harvested a Oz every 4 moths.

you have done well grasshopper but i feel it is time you make the transition from lil greenthumb to big greenthumb, take your own road and follow it wisely...seek wisdom in the earth, sky and heavens and grow the shit out them plants :)


Well-Known Member
like isaid im a KISS grower man, i really just dont fucking care about all the techinical dan bullshit people spew out on these boards. i keep it simple with a simple soil mix, simple lighting and simple nutrients....i dont have a schedule i dont follow any books i just fucking grow my shit...

now i may have a better gorw if i did but then it would transform from something i enjoy to something i despise and imnot looking for that. i enjoy growing. im getting back into smoking slowly but i definatly grow more than i can smoke even if i only harvested a Oz every 4 moths.

you have done well grasshopper but i feel it is time you make the transition from lil greenthumb to big greenthumb, take your own road and follow it wisely...seek wisdom in the earth, sky and heavens and grow the shit out them plants :)
Well said brother well said!! it's like a poetry in my ears ;) "tear" lol j/k

You know I'll be still asking you some questions from time to time.
Yeah everyone has their own techniques for growing this lovely beasts :fire: what works for some is not working for all. So far everything you thought me was working well for me haha


Well-Known Member
So did some bending on the FCJ here are two pictures, one of the branches snipped but I left it alone so will see what will happen but the other thing is that I topped my plant by accident LoL I was banding the main stem under the screen and the very top of the plant just came off ain't that something lol so will see what will happen to that top.

CK she's just cruzing along lol moved all the big fan leaves away and exposed every bud site on that plant IMAG0676.jpgIMAG0677.jpg


Well-Known Member
Thank you Ms. Flame, I was sure of that it would heal on it self but needed some reassurance ;) it didn't break off all the way so it will be fine lol you can see little "fibers" holding the branch if all goes well I should see more of those little "fibers" coming back to close the "gash" lol.


Well-Known Member
a little tape will ensure it heals up well. can take the tape off after a few days.

everything is looking greta, shame your flowering so early as it would have been nice to do a side by side with you but i will be able to see a couple weeks ahead for my CK so that will be nice too :)


Well-Known Member
Matt no worries next grow I'll def. veg for longer, I ain't going no where ;)

I think I fucked up a bit, while I was bending and moving the plant last night I decide to cut of some fan leaves that were over shadowing bud sites, after doing that I started to read more in depth on this matter, and what I found? that is a very bad idea to cut off your fan leaves lol so shit I don't know, the very top of the plant got topped by accident, I cut some fan leaves off, about 10 to be exact and I did cut two or three of the big ones off, I feel so bad now lol

I hope she wont go into to much of a stress and fuck me over in the end that wouldn't be not cool at all lol...