400w Hps drip Hydro unknown indica


Active Member
I've been getting a bit of veg smell so I'm contemplating making a vent hole with a 4 inch exhaust hose feed into my light or intake of my flowering tent. soldering iron is already getting hot and ready to melt some plastic.. OK it's on! I'll get some pics when If I got time.


Active Member
here is my stelth veg dome with the 4" vent :clap:

Here is its vent hose going into my flower tent:leaf:

Tomato grow op 010.JPG

Here is what it looks like with the lights out. Very stealthy :leaf

Tomato grow op 011.JPG

Here is the insides showing vent hole:leaf:
Tomato grow op 009.JPG
here is the veg dome with the vent hose coming out the right side:leaf:
Tomato grow op 007.JPG

here is a peek inside to see some babies vegging :leaf:
Tomato grow op 008.JPG


Active Member
veg rez is at 1230ppm and 5.1-5.5ph still see fungus gnats so I installed a new fly tape and put more bti in the tank.


Active Member
----A brief run down of current situation---

Everything is starting to look up now. I only saw one fungus gnat and I killed it. That's after I sprayed the stalks and surrounding area with neem and the buds with water. Usually a torrent of pissed off gnats will attack me.

The budsites are looking great and have tons of more buds on the bottom and middle sides than I thought, although they are not very dense as I'd like them to be but still it's only the start of week 7 and I've got almost a whole month to go about 21-19 days till harvest. I think still with all the problems they're really looking better, and now that the Gnats are starting to die off and I got my water situation under control (even though I burned one cola with nutes but didn't murder it.) I feel like things are getting better and I'll have a better grow next go around. I may pull a dime bag or I may pull 4 ounces off this grow, the point was to get set up and growing. so as a test round I think I've done excellent compared to some people I know personally who grow.

...People who refuse to use any light other than T8 shop lights and a bucket of yard dirt in a cold ass basement. People who don't PH their water or care if their plants get nutes.. People who can't get the concept of scrog and instead put up a useless deer fence around the stalk INDOORS!. People who argue that topping lowers yield. People who scrap their grow because they blare their business all over town and think it's cool to tell everyone under the sun they are drug dealers and growing pot, and eventually have to scrap their medical grow because of their own big mouth.... Ya I think I've done much better.


Active Member
Oh there is no more veg smell coming from my veg... why does this strain smell in veg and not very much in flower WHY!


Active Member
So my buddy whom I got my sack from, that i'm growing seeds from, (ugg grammar) talked to his buddy and said that it was some Alien OG that his buddy grew from seed and fucked up and seeded. (GOOD FOR ME =D)

I almost knew it by looking at the buds and leaf shapes and comparing it on the internet for hours.

I don't know if anyones ever grown Alien OG but this strain seems really resilient. I've grown plain old Mexican bag seed in the past, and they were no where in comparison to the genetics of what i'm growing now.


Active Member
Ok well I saw like 2 gnats when I vacuumed out my flower this morning, but no real issues the plants are starting to perk up and look good. I'm really hoping they start to bulk up soon. I'll post some pictures at the end of this week.


Active Member
Ok I saw more burning on my veg tray so I took it out of the stealth grow box and dunked each clone in fresh ph'd water squeezed each a bit swashed them around and tried to get the nutes out of them a little or dilute it a bit.

The PH of the runoff after I flushed was 9.0 and the ppm was 1030-1050

I'm thinking about doing a daily flood and drain of fresh water for the next two days with my shop vac or something if I have the motivation. Possibly I will just wait and see if they burn any more

I did notice some of the roots were browning.. possibly from extended periods of sitting in water so I'm going to let it dry out a hair also It could be from the transparent container. WHO KNOWS?


Active Member
glaciation starting to clog my vents I don't know what to do... starting a thread on how to fix..

so far ppm is at 1130. Ph was 6.7 and I took it to 5.5 and added more superthrive 2 ml


Well-Known Member
you've had quite a few problems to deal with,but your doing your best to fix the problems and just getting on with it.its good to see.hopefully the final product will make up for the problems and relieve the stress.


Active Member
I think it's looking up now. I'm not worried about yield at this point I'm just trying to get it all squared away. The next cycle I'll worry about yield, but still I hope It yields decently. Thanks for checking it out. I have about 3 more weeks. I hope soon they will bulk up


Active Member
woke up and decided I should move those 3 plants into the cloner to get some seed buds going. Let's see if I have the motivation..


Active Member
OK put some little ones in my cloner/areo on 12/12 to make me some seeds I hope they make me some seeds before my vegging is done or else I'm going to have to scrap them or do something else.

I moved my room around I'll put up a video and more pictures soon.


Active Member
moved flowering plant from drip into my areo it wasn't getting any light anyways. I'm going to grow some seeds on it and the 2 other mothers I had pre-sexed that looked really green and funky

now there are only 5 plants in the flowering tent. The two that came from the DWC still look really lime green but are looking up.


Active Member
I'm Contemplating shaving off the lower portion of buds and leaves to get some really good lolly pop action going on. and leave just 3 feet of foliage


Well-Known Member
Hoping you get it all squared away. Those PPMs still seem high to me. I am new to DWC and hydro but everywhere I have read under 300 PPMs starting out for the first couple weeks. Then slowly go up from there depending how your plants react to the nutes. Different strains react differently. But most of the things I have read their PPMs were usually around 900-1200 at the end of the flowering stage. Not in the middle. It may be the reason for the burning. pH around 5-7 is prob ok but 5.8 is more ideal. Everything is looking good tho. I'm learning myself so I could be wrong but I am just trying to help ya out. Happy Growing!!