400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy


Well-Known Member
vegged for 6 weeks,,flowering just over 2 weeks,,,it's a 430 watt Son Agro,,but it must count,,whats 30 watts:mrgreen:,,,oh yeah,,that's only 2 plants:hump:

Keep on Growin

Hey Everyone,,,guess I'm back in the 400 watt club,,,ya,,an ole schooler from Page 6 of this thread,,hahaha,,will show pics soon but it's in the closet and veggin,,I'll give more details when I get some pics,,,Woo-Hoo 400 watters


Well-Known Member
so is everyone looking at about 8oz per grow? under a 400w that is? im about 1month 1 week in and wondering what i can expect for final weight, its 8 plants now but once i start flowering it should be 6. thanks a lot for the input everyone.


Here's my 400w HPS in my balcony closet. I only finished getting the flowering area set up yesterday. I was running out of space in the vegetating area so I saved one clone of each plant and put all the other clones and the big plants all up top. It's kind of hot (around 90) but I've got a few ideas to make it better.

second pic is for context. it's a 2x4 foot closet so we had to split it up vertically.

e: no pic of the actual light though, since it's on and kind of bright.



Well-Known Member
back in the 400 watt club,,,so here are my 2 clones of Chronic Mass that were given to me as a housewarming gift that caused me to fire up my Homemade Cool Tube cabinet,, https://www.rollitup.org/do-yourself/49801-homemade-cool-tube-cab.html ,,,,,they came to me from outside light only at 6 weeks old,,they are now 9 weeks old,,and doing much better under the 400,,,they were freshly transplanted yesterday to there final grow pots and look like they didn't even notice,,updates to come as they grow



Active Member
This thread has convinced me to get a 400 watt HPS. Currently growing popcorn shit under CFs. I know there are a lot of variables, but what is a minimum/ maximum yield per plant with this light? Is 2 oz. per plant asking too much? Ho long do most of you veg for?


Well-Known Member
there are a few factors in your reults...the first is your experience....the others are strain...genetics..medium...nutes...experience...2 oz isnt asking to much ...but then it boils down to your experience..and the rest....400 watts is enough to get you plenty of personal smoke with the previous mentioned start...gl with your grow though..peace


Well-Known Member
with the right strain and some experience its easy but i would aim for 1 oz a plant with a 400 watter and a normal strain


Well-Known Member
Here is my 400 harvest. WhiteBerry. A good benchmark to strive for is 1 gram per watt. Some strains get there easy, some never make it. It is fun finding out which is which.



Well-Known Member
it's not how many it's the size of plant and pot/medium..light mover is a 100% plus

ex: 1 single cola (lollipop) in a 64 oz cup can get up to (ime) @ ....28 dry grams...in a 3 gal pot i average 1 oz dry...in soil ...


Well-Known Member
doogleef...looks like you have plenty of smoke ...till your next harvest ...if your doing a perpetual grow ? that looks like @ 3-4 weeks worth of smoke ..after dry and cure


Well-Known Member
There were 3 plants in that run. The colas are superchunk so i'm thinking I have close to 1/2 lb.

You can grow a single plant or up to 20 or so. The end result you want is a full canopy going to flower. It does not really matter how you get it. More, smaller plants is faster.


Well-Known Member
*note: THESE ARE NOT tkufoS's words....Originally Posted by whulkamania ... if forced to give up a name or go to jail, I may sound like an asshole but I would give up someone just to protect myself.....:spew:
Damn...good to know. People like that should quit smoking...or respiring.



Well-Known Member
Three plants... one White widow, one Juicy fruit, and and one Caly orange. All very Sativa dominant. Veg room 2x2x8 with a 400 MH, and the flower room was 3x2x8 with a 400 HPS. Ended up in flower for a full 15 very long weeks. Harvest weight after dry was just under 13 OZ. Just missed the gram per watt club.

