400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy


Active Member
dont know it is only holding itself up no weight added never bothered me because all the light is getting threw, it is sturdy just a little bowed i guess


Active Member
yes the top peice is a little bowed, there is alot of stuff above the cabnet, i asure all the people concerend about the boweing boards that it is secure. No more weight will be added anyway.


Well-Known Member
Even the one that the plants are sitting on looks a little bowed...
What the hell is that thing made of and how much did you spend on it?
Apparently it is cheap shit or something because I have never seen that many bent pieces of wood on a pre-made cabinet in my life
Was it on the clearance rack or somethin?


Well-Known Member
it is 4 feet wide with supports on the sides it is alot of weight but it seems to be holding
See that little bit of uncertainty? That is what leads to lights falling on your plants and shit
That should be sturdy enough for you to sit on top of the box without any problems
Well if you weight 900 pounds that isn't really a true statement lol


Well-Known Member
Just pick up some 1x2's and use them to carry the load from the top to the bottem and you should be fine. Might cost 10 bucks for the wood.


hi all i no u all dont like me but i ve got a qustion ya iam 7 days 12/12 right and i have some whight hairs but only in some spots is this normale will more come or is threre somthin wrong thy all


Well-Known Member
no one said that. yes this is normal. you won't start getting bud for a good bit now. hit up the grow faqs and follow a journal you really need to if your gonna grow bud mane, you'll end up taking advice from newbs and harvest a premature plant with total white hairs and they will arguee its cause they want a "head" high. You need to do your research. We need to be able to tell you something and you know what to do with that. We all did it you have to aswell.



Well-Known Member
hi all i no u all dont like me but i ve got a qustion ya iam 7 days 12/12 right and i have some whight hairs but only in some spots is this normale will more come or is threre somthin wrong thy all
I don't think thats true china,

if you got white hairs you got fems, they will gradually appear at the various nodes on your plant. Start a thread geez, ask questions in the correct threads. Anyone who hates on here ain't worth it...so chill. This is a thread for showing off yer stuff. I would also suggest, throwing a pic up, asking people what they think, any advice?? etc.etc.


I don't think thats true china,

if you got white hairs you got fems, they will gradually appear at the various nodes on your plant. Start a thread geez, ask questions in the correct threads. Anyone who hates on here ain't worth it...so chill. This is a thread for showing off yer stuff. I would also suggest, throwing a pic up, asking people what they think, any advice?? etc.etc.
thy m8 ya i have sevrale pics in this thread ya thy u 4 answr so ill get more poping up then thats gd here are somepics yea ive have to come up away to find a biggr space think lol



Well-Known Member
looking good, nice and healthy looking leaves, no need to stress about these. keep em on the 12/12 and those pistils will start sprouting up all over the place....Got any close ups?


ill grab some close up for u tomoz there sleepin now u think this grow room ok size or will i need biggr u think bit worrid on the size so ty ill get some gd pics tomoz


Well-Known Member
ill grab some close up for u tomoz there sleepin now u think this grow room ok size or will i need biggr u think bit worrid on the size so ty ill get some gd pics tomoz
It's hard to tell with your pics if you need a bigger space (you want to use every inch that you got ideally). take a pic of the whole grow area, looking at it you got 3 big plants, and then 2 little ones that you have put inside one of the bigger pots (have you also got those 2 small plants on 12/12?)

How are you looking for height?
There are other things to consider:
Ventilation - what do you use? (i don't see any)
Feed/nutes? Have you got nutes for the flowering? (heavier in P and K (phosphous/potassium)
Air circulation?

Good luck


Active Member
Hello peeps,
Day 5 of the drying process now and the hanging buds on branches smell great!:mrgreen: there have dryed very well and im cutting them off the branchs very soon and placing them on the carboard, for i dunno, maybe a 2days or so before putting dem in jars.
The loose buds are dry now from what i can tell, i mean its each to their own i guess on what you like, my brother likes to pick where as i prefer to grind. So he aint too bothered when its a bit damp but i get real pissed!:cuss:
but then again i am picky when i comes down to green... i dont like it grinding to dust either...:-? but if anyone thinks it may be too early still, then you know what to do:eyesmoke:
so anyway..ive ground up a few loose buds (the ones on the carboard) that have been jared for probly 2ish days maybe, (the smallish ones) and it ground up just how i like it, not wet, not dusty and just a little bit sticky still in the middle...lovely..:blsmoke:
so i think im just gonna roll with it, i mean i can always change things if im not happy, but with the results im gettin off tha smoke then tings are real good.:mrgreen:
some pics for tha peeps...will take more but my memory full:roll: i mite of put 1 or 2 pics in there from yesterday..ive got so many its hard to tell....





Well-Known Member
hi all i no u all dont like me but i ve got a qustion ya iam 7 days 12/12 right and i have some whight hairs but only in some spots is this normale will more come or is threre somthin wrong thy all
Its fine, But why be so down on your self? What makes you think people dont like you?


Active Member
Hello peeps,
Day 5 of the drying process now and the hanging buds on branches smell great!:mrgreen: there have dryed very well and im cutting them off the branchs very soon and placing them on the carboard, for i dunno, maybe a 2days or so before putting dem in jars.
The loose buds are dry now from what i can tell, i mean its each to their own i guess on what you like, my brother likes to pick where as i prefer to grind. So he aint too bothered when its a bit damp but i get real pissed!:cuss:
but then again i am picky when i comes down to green... i dont like it grinding to dust either...:-? but if anyone thinks it may be too early still, then you know what to do:eyesmoke:
so anyway..ive ground up a few loose buds (the ones on the carboard) that have been jared for probly 2ish days maybe, (the smallish ones) and it ground up just how i like it, not wet, not dusty and just a little bit sticky still in the middle...lovely..:blsmoke:
so i think im just gonna roll with it, i mean i can always change things if im not happy, but with the results im gettin off tha smoke then tings are real good.:mrgreen:
some pics for tha peeps...will take more but my memory full:roll: i mite of put 1 or 2 pics in there from yesterday..ive got so many its hard to tell....


Joe I guess I have missed a lot....buds look GREAT. I am excited for you! How big is the harvest or your best guess at it?? Wondering you G/W ratio