400 Watt pineapple chunk grow

Serious Weeds

Well-Known Member
As soon as I get off before my lights go out. I'll post some with the green light in a bit. but they don't do her justice under that light.

Serious Weeds

Well-Known Member
Some pictures inside the box with green light. Plant's branches leaning every where has anyone had problems with branches breaking or anything going to tie them tomorrow somehow.


Well-Known Member
looks to me like you will harvest some serious weight. Great start for some killer cola's. I got chunks still in solo cups right now, one will get the chance for a 2 gallon pot tomorrow, the other which is a bit behind due to some stress i put it through will get a bigger container mid next week when some more floor space opens.

Serious Weeds

Well-Known Member
Hello everyone still haven't been able to post any pics from out of the box and might not be able to, Had to tie plant tops to the roof of box they were falling over every where and didn't want one to break have 3 more weeks to go according to the 55 day flowering time but will not harvest according to date will harvest when ready. Here are some pics of the clones doing great. And the little sprout there is Sharks breath(DNA) will grow it out for a mother plant.

Serious Weeds

Well-Known Member
oh ok I was really wishing they were closer to the 55 - 60 day as they claim. To bad and I am only like 2 and a half hours away from that date. everyone's seem to be taking longer.


Well-Known Member
grumpy it's from when you switch to 12/12, my last grow i started counting from when i first saw the hairs and not 12/12
it really got confusing because the hairs showed 2 weeks after switching to 12/12, my buds looked ready in 6 weeks when they were really 8 weeks
the guys over at the aussie thread had a laugh when i told them when i started counting, there like no man count from 12/12!!! :p

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
I hoped it was the case ... then again I count differently than most anyway - the age of my plant is counted from the day I opened the seed packet and took out a seed :-)


Well-Known Member
Many times seed banks will give the earliest possible harvest date and not necessarily the optimal harvest date because they know most people want to harvest as early as possible. Use the flowering time as a guideline but harvest according to the trichomes or when the buds look finished. Many times though the buds will look done and then pack on some more weight and ripen further if you let them go a bit more. Best way to decide is definitely by the trichomes.


Well-Known Member
its been my experience the pineapple chunk is way slower than they claim it took mine 3 weeks after turning 12/12 to even show little bud hairs my super lemon haze is much faster by comparison

Serious Weeds

Well-Known Member
Mine are starting to get a little sugary looking. And the smell when the lights go off is crazy they probably need a bit longer then the 55 day claim but wont know till then. just can't wait to see how they get, there drinking alot of water right now and this is week 7 of flower starting today and I was thinking of starting to use only water and no more nutes. Last two feedings I loaded them up and they did not flinch giving them the heavy feeding according to the back of the bottles of Tiger bloom and big bloom along with 3 table spoons of molasses to each gallon and 2 tsp of Overdrive to each gallon. only wondering if I should flush now or wait? I'll look into it.


Well-Known Member
In my own experience it is best to let them flower as long as possible. If this is a first harvest, or you are experimenting you can always clip more developed buds early, and allow the rest to mature. This usually means clipping top buds, and allowing light to flow through to lower branches. One thing i know, it is tough to allow a strain to "flower to long". I would suggest AT LEAST another week or two of nutes, followed by a 10 day to 21 day flush, clipping buds as they mature. In my experience, this is the prefered method and will allow you to make your own opinion about proper flowering time of any given strand by sampling one plant early and later. Good luck