400 Watt pineapple chunk grow

Serious Weeds

Well-Known Member
Hello again everyone posting this time with a small problem. (at least I hope)
Here it is
The First two pictures Show the same leaf and it is sort of forming a bowl there is no burning but the texture of the leaf around the edge where the dramatic binding starts the edge seems to have changed to a different tint of green looks as if it is a different texture100_0373.jpg100_0374.jpgThis pic #3 it is the leaf on the same node on the opposite side of plant not as bad but do not want it to turn for the worst100_0375.jpg And the finale two pictures are of the other two plants the edges of the top leafs are starting to curl I have a fan on them all day no real idea.100_0376.jpg100_0377.jpg

I am going to try and not water for three days maybe four thinking they might need a little less water and see if it gets any better. They appear healthy just not right. Will take more closeups of leafs tomorrow if anyone thinks they might know.(lights off now and did not think about it:dunce:)

Serious Weeds

Well-Known Member
Thanks for heads up will do next time. I think it was overwatered cause it seems to be getting better now will update shortly.

Serious Weeds

Well-Known Member
Hello! everyone it's day 22 and I'm back to update. The problems I have been having with the leafs curling seem to be getting better so I will wait at least two more days before I water again. the first few pictures are from last night show where I have bent the first plant over with a couple hooks. and then the pictures from today when she has had time to turn around. I'm kinda wondering if I should do it to the others, or just let them take there course and see the difference it makes if any at all. I am just about to start making some sort of clone room to take a clone from each plant think they are just about ready to start The flowering stage and would like to get it done with so I know the clones will live, before I switch the light and timer. here's the pics

Happy toking.bongsmilie



Active Member
They coming along nicely man
personally i would tie em all down and train em now keep em low so they dont get to high for your area
but thats just me lol


Well-Known Member
yeah they are coming along very nicely man!
i love lst now, you cant go wrong, expose more bud sites and dont have to butcher your lady lol

Serious Weeds

Well-Known Member
They coming along nicely man
personally i would tie em all down and train em now keep em low so they dont get to high for your area
but thats just me lol
kether noir. looks good. nice lst in the pics.
Yeah I went ahead and bent one more over I am going to grow one out regular style just for comparison reasons. Just to see how much of a difference there is.
Newly Bent100_0392.jpg
Number 1 With another Bend100_0391.jpg
Top Shot100_0393.jpg


Active Member
looking good man if ya dont want to tie of to ya pots man get some fishing sinkers or the likes and tie to them

Serious Weeds

Well-Known Member
I think I am just going to start taping the strings to the sides of the pots from now on that way I am still able to rotate the pants around a bit.

Serious Weeds

Well-Known Member
Well I just got done constructing a make do clone / mother room. Used a old file cabinet and removed everything,I am using three 26 watt cfl's to attempt this also lined with mylar.
Took two cuttings from each plant and dipped in Rootone rooting hormone and covered with a plastic bag to help with humidity I will wait a bit and if clones work ill start flowering cycle.:hump:


Active Member
lol im doing a similar thing with a decent size bar fridge and now im thinking i should have used the old 2 drawer file cabinet i got sitting outside lol bit more room

Serious Weeds

Well-Known Member
lol I'm doing a similar thing with a decent size bar fridge and now I'm thinking i should have used the old 2 drawer file cabinet i got sitting outside lol bit more room
Yeah it was just good timing my mother called me and asked if I needed a file cabinet and I was just brain storming on how I should put a clone room together.

Serious Weeds

Well-Known Member
awesome little clone room! :D
are you using root riot cubes to clone?
I do not know what they are called they came in the dirty dozen starter kit from High tech garden supply. They are like little foam things I hope they work for cloning. ok looked it up they are called super starter plugs and they say they are great for cloning, We will see though.


Well-Known Member
Picture 045.jpgPicture 047.jpghey serious weeds hope you dont mind me going & snooping in your thread i clone in an old paper shredding cabinet & use a single 23w. cfl = 100w. i use one of those bake pans most grocery stores have them i also have a store bought heat mat & humidity dome but for the most part i use my ghetto set-up unless its winter then i use the heat mat one as my cabinet is outside i dont know how much of my thread you read but be warned this p/c is gonna get huge i mist my clones every morning for first week & remove dome after first roots appear usualy takes me 10-14 days or so:peace: