ok so i go to the gym 3-4 times a week and there is a particular gym i like to hit up on my motorcycle thats farther away but a great ride on the bike...so yesterday i had a great workout, drank the pre workout boxed, jogged, dips,pullups, legs,even took a spiining class...2.5 hours, straigh exhausted...so before i left i hit up the sauna, right??.,...so as i walk in there is this guy mike who is always there and this really really cute nose pierced, lip pierced, arm sleeved, blonde girl talkin with him about "splitting lanes",keep in mind im all sweaty and pumped up and fully tattooed as i walk in myself...so it takes me a second to realize but they are talking about motorcycles and riding on the freeway i presume...and when i say cute im not talking "oh id hit it", like this girls was fuckin sexy, the whole deal, she had it goin on, bangin body too. so i kinda butt in and i say, "oh you ride motorcycles?"...shes like yea i have a suzuki streetbike, (which i must say is pretty fuckin hot)...she asks me if i do and i say yea, my blue kawasaki is parked out in the parking lot....anyways, make a long story short, we chop it up for a few, just small talk, she takes off and so do me an mike and i shower really quick and just think, man she was a cutie... anyways, i take off and i as i go out to the parking lot, theres a note on my seat,
"hit me up, lets ride, kate 714-###-####"....at this point im like damn, we all know if a girl gives you her number its not to just ride motorcycles, shes obviously interested as well...heres my problem tho, i have a gf but damn this bitch was fuckin fine..and i didnt wanna be rude so i had to throw out a text last night and tell her, "hey thanks for the note yo!..

yea im def down to ride, let me know but we should probably invite the rest of the squad since my GF wouldnt be too thrilled about the solo motorcycle ride with the hot tattooed girl from the gym,LOL"...and she replies with "oh bummer about you havin a girl, oh well, riding is still super fun,im still down to go this saturday if ur not busy. it was really nice to meet you" ..what to do team??????...no fuckin assface stoner answers either, im serious, LOL,