I'm just to come out and say it.
I had no intention of "plagiarizing" anything. Just needed to fix all of the terrible, inaccurate, advice so that one new grower wouldn't be misled by another new grower.
The irony here is that this thread is the blind leading the blind. Noobs leading noobs. I have a wealth of knowledge and experience, I shared it, and you girls got all fucking huffy about it. "It's mine, my thread, I own it, I made it, I will do what I want in it." Fine... Mislead people. Unintentionally place poor information.
There's a reason there isn't a harvest chapter yet. I think the most likely reason is that the owner of this thread has never had a successful harvest... Much less an entire grow from seed to smoke. One grow wouldn't even cover it when new growers have access to people who have dozens of harvests and years of experience.
It's like doing something one time, like snowboarding, and then thinking you'd be the best person to teach someone else how to snowboard. Then when the Ski instructor comes by and says "That's not entirely true, you should really be doing 'this'" How dare that educated snowboarding instructor with years of experience try to correct a new boarder trying to teach someone else.
Seriously though. I'm -sub'd. You can have this thread. For anyone looking for accurate advice based on years of research AND practice then you can send me a PM. Otherwise have fun sifting through stories about visiting car dealerships.

Maybe once you've accomplished a grow or two and have some experience under your belt you can climb back up on that high horse. Until then maybe you shouldn't shoot down someone just trying to assist you and the people who are victim to your theories.