4 plants total outdoor:2 barneys farm lsd, and 2 barneys farm g13 haze.


Active Member
hey guys, just transplanted into the ground with 50/50 happy frog and ocean forest, and some lime. while pulling out one of the plants from its pot, ants throughout the entire rootball, carrying eggs and such... is this a bad thing?? like will the ants do any damage to the root system, and do you think they will go away since I transplanted them into the ground? any experience??


Well-Known Member
hey guys, just transplanted into the ground with 50/50 happy frog and ocean forest, and some lime. while pulling out one of the plants from its pot, ants throughout the entire rootball, carrying eggs and such... is this a bad thing?? like will the ants do any damage to the root system, and do you think they will go away since I transplanted them into the ground? any experience??
I always get ants in my pots.. I was just observing some yesterday. They dont do any real harm, especially because they arent interested in eating any parts of the plant. They are more of an aesthetic pest, I hate seeing all those little ants scurry about.


Active Member
yea I was just hoping they weren't eating the roots, cuz it looked like they had a pretty big colony going on cuz I saw a lot of eggs and such


Well-Known Member
yea I was just hoping they weren't eating the roots, cuz it looked like they had a pretty big colony going on cuz I saw a lot of eggs and such
Nah they arent eating the roots.. just using em as highways to traverse their little city. If you flush your pots really good you will collapse their tunnels.


Active Member
its kind of hard to see but there is big yellow spots on a couple of the leaves of lsd.. its only on top of the leaves and there is no bugs from what I could have seen does anybody know what this might be?


Well-Known Member
You may want to test the ph of your water source. Could be causing your problems. Also, 2x2' holes are fine in decent soil and you can always go bigger, but the more well amended potting soil you have the bigger your plants will be.

Good luck this season :weed:

C Cat

Well-Known Member
Try brining your Ph down to 5.7,Plants look healthy! Keep up the good work Cs!


Active Member
5.7? im in soil.. I didn't ask for advice on my ph I was just wondering if anyone had ever seen anything like that with little tiny dots? idk if its bugs or some deficiency.... MY PH IS PERFECT

C Cat

Well-Known Member
Well sorrrrrry,Do you think they are getting burnt?Or Did you happen to spray them with any bugoff type things?


Active Member
sorry its just that everyone on this website refers to ph for every problem, and i recently stated my ph is stabilized and no i didn't spray anything and they're in about 9 hours direct sunlight so they shouldn't be getting burnt


Active Member
hey guys should I be doing full strength nutes with the new soil the plants are in? my plants are just about 6 weeks old, and would prefer not to burn them.. I'm using fox farm and have been giving half strength nutes for the past 2 weeks

C Cat

Well-Known Member
Try giving them a weeks worth of full dose and see how that goes,If your worried about burn ease them into full strength,
Just keep adding more each watering till your at full.

~C That Cat?


Active Member
gonna take more pics of them today, didn't check on them yet..but it got down to 45 degrees today and been raining all day, hopefully the girls can withstand the weather


Active Member
hey today its being really rainy and cloudy and down to 45 degrees here they are:


As you can see those stupid deer or whatever keep eating my undergrowth, but otherwise looking good. maybe a little bit of a nitrogen def... next water I'm going to be doing full strength fox farm grow big

C Cat

Well-Known Member
I love the leafs on the LSD,Georgous;-)!Damn deer they are getting around that wire?
Also,What where you where doing 3ml per gal?

~C That Cat?:dunce:


Active Member
i was doing a teaspoon per gallon, about half of the full strength and I know how many milliliters that is. and i know i love thick indica leaves:bigjoint:

C Cat

Well-Known Member
I just bought fox farm and did 3teaspoons a gal,And my plant is about half the size of your beautys!

~C That Cat?:dunce:


Active Member
yea I've been trying to take it easy on them since my last grow I had some bad note burn... different strains different intake of nutes