4 plants total outdoor:2 barneys farm lsd, and 2 barneys farm g13 haze.

I think going to school at Boulder would be amazing. The people are very laid back there. I was on Boulder campus during the 4/20 smoke out, and it was an awesome time. Its a very beautiful place, and equally as expensive. I wouldn't plan on making any money growing weed there, because everyone is already. Jobs were also sparse this time last years.

Also, why have Denver as your location if you are not there?
cuz of my states legal position on marijuana....
hey guys sorry i haven't posted in a while, but ive been pretty busy, my lsds are almost rdy for harvest. I'' upload pics later tonight.
all of the pictures below are my 2 lsd plants. they are pretty much done flowering. this sunday im going to harvest one bcuz the trichomes are about 20% amber, and i am waiting for 50% which will hopefully be by this sunday. the other one(with the purple leaves) has a sativa characteristic about it, the buds are a little fluffier and is taking a little longer to mature(mostly cloudy trichomes) so i am hoping it will be done the following sunday after the upcoming one. These buds smell so sweet and they have so much frost i cant wait to smoke them!


These 2 pictures are my g13 haze, and im guessing they are about 3-4 weeks flowering but i have no clue bcuz theyre my first sativas i grew outdoors. I was just hoping they are going to make it through the end of the season bcuz i am guessing they have about 6 more weeks, and that would be a harvest on november 7th. My first frost is october 24th, but we have already had a frost last week, but since then the weather has been beatiful, only getting to 48 at nights every day of the week. My question is do you think that the g13s will be able to 2 weeks after the first frost? any help from someone with experience with sativas in this sort of climate would be helpful. ill post more pics in the next coming days. the third pic is of the top of my tallest g13, shes about 8 feet tall, hoping to get a pound off her if she can pull through till november first.

Sorry for not posting too many pictures the last month, veg stage is really boring to me:sleep:
yea it was a gorilla. i kinda gave up on this thread since i wasted my time posting pictures when nobody cared to reply hahaha.. just finishing up on the lsd now. g13 took FOREVER to flower. i had to pull it in november, but i made some good butter with the leaves. The LSD is some POTENT shit. All my friends start sleeping after a joint of it!!
Hell yeah props for pullin off a guerilla grow I was going to try next year but it is a lot of work for not a gaurenteed harvest so I'm going to invest my time and money to indoor maby I can find enough time to put some out I scouted 2 good spots were Yours veryyyyyyyyy secluded my patches r only like a half mile to a mile from main roads and houses but hard to get too thick brush so I wouldn't want to invest too much but hey might as well try ha, did u haul all your water in?