4 FT GANJA PLANT k2!!! Sick plant please help first grow

Safe my plants fucked. to sum it up its my first grow i kinda just went to it to i am currently growing in my closet with 2 30 watt 650k cfls since flowering i have added to smaller house lamps with normal spectrum bulbs to lighten it up a bit. My plant is about 6 months old im thinking this is pretty old for a plant i started flowering in about january not much has happened bud points have started and pollen is forming on the top of the plant not top bud has formed really. Quite alot of the fan leaves have died this began to happen since i flushed it a month or 2 ago. the plant is quite droopy even though i have watered it i even left it without watering for a week odd to see if it would perk up not much success. i have missed the times for flowering quite a lot and thinking maybe why flowering is taking so long i have been using organic nutrients that claim to increase root growth especially this does not seem to affect my plants leaf dying rate. it is in a large pot with plenty amount of space for roots to grow. please has anyone got any ideas???

**bongsmiliehOLD ON LET ME TAKE A CONEbongsmilie**

OKAY IM BACK so what im thinking is with a big plant at its age and possible root size i would like to try and get going again and looking pretty. and perhaps with right nutrients in a possible HIGH yield. please help all advise and help will = ++++Rep
more pictures are possible if needed camera aint great (phone)



Well-Known Member
...looks to be Phosphorus lockout, IMO. Overwatering your plant will cause that droop also.
Not enough light dude, They are flowering and needing HUGE amounts of light and thats just not cutting it. And remember its not about how bright it is, its about the spectrum and intensity of the par watts. Lumens and brightness is only for humans to see.

Go Go Ganja!

Well-Known Member
looks like you might have a ph problem. have u checked your ph? it should be around 6.2-6.8 for soil. also another guy said it already but its possibly been overwatered as well

trichlone fiend

New Member
how could i change my ph if it was a problem?

...let your soil dry all the way out.
...get a pH test kit, with some pH down and pH up. They sell them at petstore for fishtanks, and ofcourse you have many options at a hydro store or online for pH correction.
...check the pH of your water. You want to set your pH in the 6's. Add pH down if it's too high, pH up of too low. Typical tap water is high (7.0 - 8.0) on the ph scale to prevent acid from pipe corrosion....so, pH down will mostly be used.

...once your pH is correct, flush your plants using 3 gallons of water per gallon of soil. Water your flush in slowly making sure the water doesn't run down the sides of the pot.

...once done flushing you pH should be in tune. You maybe want to lightly fertilize at the end of your flush....then let your soil dry out all the way before you water again....always let your soil dry out.
Thank you i will do so as soon as possible +++REP to u trichlone fiend also how many whats do you think i would need if lack of light is also a problem (question aimed at anyone


Active Member
u should buy a 400 watt mh/hps switchable that way ull have something for veg and flo and u will only need one ballast but ur gunna need to sperate bulbs one for hps and other for mh! good luck man!!


Well-Known Member
If you want actual weight on your buds. Go to htgsupply.com. They have really cheap, reliable stuff.

O, and lay off of the water man. you don't have enough heat in your grow area to evaporate water as fast as you think. If you got a 400w hps then, you can water more often, with less worry.
im uk i need advise on type of light to use i have a good supplier notto far away i just need the best option to keep 1 maybe 2 plants healthy with lowish budget


Well-Known Member
yea dude the bigger your plant is getting the more lighting you need and if your flowering get something with over 6000k


Well-Known Member
Bro, go and buy a 400w HPS light with reflector and ballast. All in should be around £70, If you don't then you wont get hardly and bud at all if any. With this light you will have quite a good yield and it will pay for the light possibly many times over. Do the right thing and buy the light, Beg steel or borrow the money if you have to. But do it soon as you can. Your girl's are crying out for more light.



Well-Known Member
u also need to mix in a few lower kelvin (K) bulbs. like 2700k stay with the 30 W unless u find larger