Well-Known Member
That's just it...I didn't do it yet...the lone male i'm going to use is on the other side of the house...in a tent, in the bathroom with the door closed all day....maybe a lil pollen got on me when I was watering/handling it and went in flowering area later that day...but I washed my hands and at 1 point changed my clothes..IDK?? it's all gravy though..jus gonna pollenate those<ironically the suspected ones are the ones in front on plant stands..was gonna pollenate 2 of those anyway....

did you do your pollenation in the same room as your other girls? I heard that rinsing the females off with plain (ph'd for safety) water after you pollenate you minimize running the risk of accidental pollenation. Although I can say that I do not know from experience... Just a thought.