4 Diff. AUTOS in a "VERTICLE" Perpetual/Stagger crop A.K.A. AUTOBOTS, TRANSFORM!!


Well-Known Member
Okay, it's update time again....and for what it's worth, I think I definetly "stunted" them!!!:cuss: they are 28 days old and look small...I think they should at least be MORE BUSHY! They def. prob. got stunted first when my PH was off in the beginning<<5.3:evil: Then I took to damm long to transplant<day 22! So I dnt know if I should be pissed or if it's just NOOB phobia.....:roll: gonna pollenate LR2 & Ak#1 next week..
Last set of pics is the 2 super runts, 1 runt,<all ak's, Thai SS & bag seed plants and my only AK male..
anywayz, pics....Oh, WD#5 is 22 dayz old and looking like how they all shouldv'e looked @ day 22...I transplanted that one @ day 15, go figure....



Well-Known Member
whats up man. next time try transplanting at week 2 from seed. anytime longer and your chance of stress is way higher with autos IMO. that "NO SHOCK" should help some hopefully..


Well-Known Member
Yeah man thanks....that's what I plan on doing when I start my next crop. I'm also gonna start them in bigger pots...will be using "tree pots"..<same diameter as 18oz cups, just deeper...<9.5"...:leaf:
Also gonna use FF light warrior instead of MG seed starter...hope that will help too!

whats up man. next time try transplanting at week 2 from seed. anytime longer and your chance of stress is way higher with autos IMO. that "NO SHOCK" should help some hopefully..


Well-Known Member
found out yesterday that the biggest runt is a girl! @ 23 dayz....so that makes 13 out of 18...not too bADD, huh? gave her a good feeding..will show pics of her in 3 days


Active Member
pretty sure he said he was doing some selective pollination.

if you could show us how you keep your males, I would be greatly appreciative.


Well-Known Member
That's right! gonna pollenate all 3 strains I have going...Ak girl, LR2 girl & White dwarf girl... gonna do the "whole plant" on the Ak & "half/lower" on Lr2< can you say HUNDREDS of Ak & "Easy Ryder" seeds!!!! and jus do some lower branches of the white dwarf<damm White Dwarf x AK47 = :weed:

I keep the lone Ak male in a smaller tent on opposite side of house...<but jus before posting this I went to collect some pollen, (because there was a shitload all over the leaves!) and when I went to turn him upside dwn to catch it in a baggie there was WATER in the bottom of catch cup and water went in the bag with the pollen!!!! OMG! I jus sat there lookin :o:shock::o!! I got a instant headache! So all that pollen is no good and threw it away!:cry: So I watered him and hope it will drop more by this wed<, (5wks old) when I intend to breed my girls....Oh well....Back to the NBA playoffs...CHI 26 CLE 40 2nd qt. 7:58

pretty sure he said he was doing some selective pollination.

if you could show us how you keep your males, I would be greatly appreciative.



New Member
Just read through your whole thread, NICE F'ING GEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good luck with the breeding.
I'm anxious to see how the Ak x blueberry turns out.
Good luck and +rep


Well-Known Member
Thanks man!!! i'm almost @ the halfway point...5wks... <<gonna try for a 10wk grow! Imma try to get the MOST out of these bicthes!!! Hell If I go that long i may try and see if I can get some "male bannas" to get some "female pollen" on @ least 1 of the non-pollenated Ak's..say 11-12wks??? That way, my next crop can/will get pollenated with this pollen!!!!!!!! HMMMMM, can you say hundreds of "FEMALE SEEDS"!!! Grow Hard! Peace!


Active Member
Good thread man, got given a fem Auto AK47 already sprouted today so gonna see how good I can get her! Im going for 20/4 light cycle but I read a member on here swears by 16/8 for the auto's?!


Active Member
I would personally go with 20/4 but that's only based on personal opinion. Do what works for you. And definitely don't ever do something just because "another member swears by it"


Well-Known Member
SOOOOO Effin true!^^^^ Personally I would go with 24/0 or 20/4 for the short veg<2wks, then 18/6...darkness is not alwayz badd...one love!

BTW, I think I may have accidently pollenated 2 Ak's & 1 WD...{guess I got an early start!! LOL} I see 1 pod @ the nodes on most branches with the hair turning orange/brown at the tips..I examined them all for about 30min jus to make sure they aren't herms..and it def. looks like seed pods...Is that where seeds start? because all the other hairs are still white..I tried to take sum pics, but this old ass 5mp camera doesn't do close-up shots well...<I gotta go buy me a new camera THIS WEEK! @ least a 12mp with micro setting for those tric's pics....


Active Member
did you do your pollenation in the same room as your other girls? I heard that rinsing the females off with plain (ph'd for safety) water after you pollenate you minimize running the risk of accidental pollenation. Although I can say that I do not know from experience... Just a thought.