Ok, here is what everybody been waiting for....it's UPDATE TIME!!

So I finally got finished transplanting last night....<this shit is hard work! well in my case I had to mix soil dwn stairs<30% perlite added...then water, wait for run-off and then bring 1 3gal bag at a time upstairs.....

Anywayz, I gave them 1 gal of water ea. last night and I used "NO SHOCK" & "REVIVE+" by Advance Nutrients...The No Shock is great for transplanting..an assoc. of mine sugg. this to me..told me it great for Autos....Anywayz, still have a lil yellowing on the bottom leaves on 3-4 plants, we'll see how they do by next feeding,{3/10}
As you will see, I put clay pebbles in the bottom of the bags<for great drainage & on top of soil<to prevent soil disturbance, compacting, keeps top layer of soil moist, which in turn will make roots grow to the most un-used part of soil...THE TOP!
anywayz, PICS!
#15,16 & 17 are Ak's, 1 runt & 2 "super runts"<they all are 16 dayz old!! WTF!
#18,19 & 20 are my 2 Thai Super Skunk & 2 unknown bag seed..when should I trans plant those??
#21 are the males!!! the biggest one started dropping pollen today!! IF YOU LOOK CLOSELY ON THE LEAVES, THOSE LIL YELLOW SPOTS ARE POLLEN!