3x3 and 4x4 grow tent. HELP!!!!


Active Member
Hi to all growers,
To be honest i normally just use this site to look things up to help me with my grow, but now i am stuck on setting up my tents and REALLY need your help and opinions....! So...befour i start i would just like to say a BIG thank you for all your input!

So this is what i have:

-3x3 darkroom grow tent
-4x4 darkroom grow tent
-two 400w hps
-250w hps
-125mm extractor (340 m³/h)
-three inline fans (298 m³/h)
-three various sized circulation fans

So....my plan is to grow enough bud to last me till the next harvest and to help out a few friends.

How would you guys grow if you had this grow equitment without spending a BOOM on electric?
My plan was at first to have the 250w hps in the 3x3 for veg and two 400w hps in the 4x4 for flower but i was thinking that two 400w hps lights would use alot of electric.

so my question is: what could be the best setup? bongsmilie

P.s Please dont reply if your gunna write shit and abuse, i just wanna grow some quality bud! :lol:
so you admit only taking from this site and not giving and now the tables have turned and you need the help of the RIU community and expect someone to give up valuable knowledge for free to an outsider?
j/k ;-)

both lights are a good thing!! you are always going to spend a ton on electricity, just a fact of growing


Well-Known Member
i would say use a 400 in each tent .. forget about the 250 .. use cool tubes for your lights and duct them together and vent them seperately from your carbon filter ...

happy growin


Well-Known Member
sounds about right for cost ... wish i could get hydro for 14c lol i pay 19c to 23c depending on the time of day lol

happy grwoin


Well-Known Member
Ide go with the 400 + the 250 in the 4x4 and the other 400 in the 3x3. Just 400w in a 4x4 is a bit of a waste of space imo.

Are you doing one run and stopping or are you doing this continuous? If one run and stopping you might as well use both tents for veg an then both for flower, if continuous then you'll want the 4x4 for flower and 3x3 for veg ofc.

800w in a 4x4 still isn't a bad idea though... 250w can def veg enough plants for the next round...


Well-Known Member
Looking at your lights, your options are really to hang a 400w in each tent. As far as getting the most product, your limitation here will be your light wattage. I think you will want to look at LST or screen of green to capitalize on your 400w providing more coverage vs. penetration. Aside from that, maybe go hydro to help compensate a bit for the light. Hope this puts you in the right direction,



Active Member
Hi and Thank you all for posting!

-sounds about right for cost ... wish i could get hydro for 14c lol i pay 19c to 23c depending on the time of day lol
>19c-23c Damn thats expensive and im worrying about mine, sorry dude!

-Ide go with the 400 + the 250 in the 4x4 and the other 400 in the 3x3. Just 400w in a 4x4 is a bit of a waste of space imo.

Are you doing one run and stopping or are you doing this continuous? If one run and stopping you might as well use both tents for veg an then both for flower, if continuous then you'll want the 4x4 for flower and 3x3 for veg ofc.

800w in a 4x4 still isn't a bad idea though... 250w can def veg enough plants for the next round...
>i was thinking of doing that 400w + 250w hps in 4x4 will it be enough as a 250w cant wont have very good penetration. is this correct?
also it wil be a continous grow!

OR would it be any better putting a 400w hps in the 3x3 tent for flower and veg in the 4x4 with T5 shop lights as i have 16 18w tubes? or are the wattage to low?
I just thought waste of space of a 4x4 tent!

i have 2-3 weeks until this harvest is finshed! so after that time i will start moving things around. (the grow thats growing now is 10 cheese under 400w hps and they are pritty small buds) :(


Well-Known Member
You have flouros as well?

Personally this is what I would do. Clones/seedlings under flouros in the 3x3. Teens under the 250w in the 3x3. The 4x4 would have both 400s and be the flower tent.

I would do a perpetual harvest with 12 plants in flower at a time. You could have 4 teens under the 250 at a time and 8 clones/seedlings under the flouros at a time which means you would be pulling around 4 plants every 3 weeks. Should be able to pretty easily pull 1.2-1.8 oz per plant which averages you two ounces a week.


Active Member
so your saying have flouros and the 250w in the 3x3 with 12 plants total (8clones + 4 veg) where should i keep a mother plant :/
also will 4x 18w flouros be good lighting for 8 clones? or do you think more flouros?

And a perpetual harvest with 12 plants sounds good so how long should i be looking to veg for?

cheers :)


Well-Known Member
Great looking bud. Clones don't nee much light and can be placed pretty close to each other. A 4 bulb 18' t5 would be plenty - I've rooted 50 clones under 46w of CFL before with no problems.

Rooting + veg time would be 3 weeks ~ 1.5weeks for each. You don't want them to get very large before flower or your tent will be overcrowded. You could either have a mother to take cuttings from or you could take the cutting from the teens right before they go into flower - with four teens that's just 1 cutting per teen and you would be able to maintain 4 different strains without 4 mothers.


Well-Known Member
I really like the idea for vegging in the 3x3 with the 250 and putting both 400s in the 4x4 flower tent. Watts equal grams so sounds like the best deal. Maybe you can build a 3x3 floor/platform about 18" off the floor and put your t5s under there, you have room for humidity trays and a little storage. Then, up above hang the 250w and you should have room to keep a well trained mother and 12 rooted clones. Veg for 1-2 weeks (8-10") and move all 12 to flower. Every 8 weeks you could pull 400-800gs, just remeber to start your next batch 4 weeks early for your next round. if you wanna do more math, you could do 6 every 4 weeks or 3 every 2 weeks, but thats alot of time rotating and you never really get anytime to clean. Just a thought, hope it helps.


Active Member
Thanks Gastanker i got about half oz of each of them plants! there was 8! so 4oz of a 400w hps!! thats why i think i need to change my setup and try and get the most out of my setup next round! and i also read a while ago that clones dont need that much light to grow roots! and thanks for your advise!

Hey Jaibyrd7, Thanks for your idea thats sounds like what i might do after this crop has been harvested! So i will build a 3x3 table put that in the 3x3 tent with the clones underneth with the 4 bulb lighting with the 250w MH on top for veg and mother plant!
and with the 2x 400w hps in 4x4 tent with 12 plants :)

Thanks for your advise, its what i needed to make my final mind up!! :)

+ THANK YOU to EVERYONE that stopped by, took a look, and wrote your thoughts to help me out :D (when tents have been setup i may try and do a grow journal on here and let you guys know how it all goes!)


Well-Known Member
Definitely do the 2x400w in flowering, 250w can be used to veg. T5s or cfl might even be better for that, money (and heat!) wise.
I am gonna set up a similar grow system when i get back from holidays, i have a 1.2mx1.2m tent and a 0.9x0.6m tent, and another little short tent for clones with t8s in there. the mother and veging will go in the medium sized tent. I like your idea about the table dividing the tent into top and bottom sections! Will solve my problem of trying to run both a mother and 3-12 teen plants side by side, this way i can top and lst my mother into a fat little lady and put it under the table :). I'll probably use my 130w cfls, one for mother and one for the teens, I have holes for fans at top and bottom as well, so air circ will be easy. I'll have my 2x600w in the flowering tent.
Good luck my man!


Active Member
Hey bboybojo, How you doing? 1200w in 4x4 tent damn i bet your getting excited for that harvest, what yield are you expecting off that grow?
and sorry but that table idea wernt mine it was jaibyrd7 !! good idea tho ey!
And i have tried a cfl grow once and it went sh*t it just didnt work so i thought just keep to MH and HPS grow lights! but dont mind using cfl/flouros for cloning as they dont need that much light!
What kind of growing technic are you aiming for? sog, scrog..ect

Good luck on your grow aswel bro! p.s-what lights are you going to veg under?


Active Member
Hey, How you all doing? just would like a little of your time to say THANK YOU for all your advice and help and show you a few of the girls under two 400w hps.....this is week 3....Enjoy :) (max temp at the moment is 77.1F/25.1C not bad but it is winter)
