3rd day flowering LED (pics requested...AND DELIVERED)


Well-Known Member
they are 13w leds, pretty cool stuff

they are quarter inch thick stems and big ass leaves

they are also bagseed.

There is 10-11 nodes within at max 9 inches tall. I cut away 7-9 clones from the 3 plants and pruned a bunch of fan leaves. They were much bushier, i pruned 1 week before flowering to allow for maximum penetration on the main stem and nodes


Well-Known Member
15 13watt leds =195w
1 26w cfl = 26w
4 13w t5 = 52w

total = 273w holding down 3 flowering and 4 rooting clones and 3 day old seedling

for a newbie setup which will progress


Well-Known Member
i have faith in my led grow, most leds are panels...this gets right up in that shit and penetrates..lol anyone getting hot hahaha


Well-Known Member
I have a question...how much do all those LEDs and cords and shit cost???
ok I will answer my own question. $50 each or a 5 pack for $189 at HTG. WOW:shock: I would love to actualy see a pic of your 3 plants and many clones under white light to see this node spacing. Also how do you water and feed when they are surounded by all that stuff. Dont mean to be critical but just wondering why you have gone this way instead of more traditional methods of growing.:?


Well-Known Member
sorry didnt see the q

i thought this would look cooler hehe

heat/elec savings. ill get pics after class of node spacing


Active Member
ok I will answer my own question. $50 each or a 5 pack for $189 at HTG. WOW:shock: I would love to actualy see a pic of your 3 plants and many clones under white light to see this node spacing. Also how do you water and feed when they are surounded by all that stuff. Dont mean to be critical but just wondering why you have gone this way instead of more traditional methods of growing.:?
the node spacing of the plants are ridiculous!

His plants were grown with about 20 watts each... I have never seen anything like it... its surreal. they are so small... but with the same amount of nodes as a plant twice its size. Plants usually stretch towards the light... but since these LED's were pretty much resting on the plants... they had nowhere to really grow to... so it just bushed out... lol. I was just standing there... like... wtf? is this real?

The price for LED is expensive... but what you get out of them is def worth the price...eliminating the heat issue was probably the best positive... the energy bill will also be pretty much meaningless. no way for cops to get a warrant when only 70 watts or so are on 24/7 and 200 watts on at 12/12 ... =)


Active Member
Bugscreen and wackymack, your input is rude, uninformed, and frankly you just sound like a couple of assholes. Led is a new tech and ccanine25 will of course be a pioneer, you on the other hand will be proven wrong, and then you will one day grow with led lights. (that is if someone doesn't shoot your asses first). Quote (Dont mean to be critical but just wondering why you have gone this way instead of more traditional methods of growing). Because we live in a progressive society with ever emerging technology and its fun. Expand your mind! Good luck Ccanine25, and btw, are those the 1 watt led's or are they the older 5mm? I think a mixture of 1 warm white, 1 blue, to 6 reds (3 of them 635nm and 3 of them 660 nm) will blow out an HPS at the same wattage. If you pull them back a little they will indeed stretch but if you leave them close like that they will be very dense and high resinous, much more resinous than any HPS or led.


Well-Known Member
thanks billy,

i welcome the criticism from the others, who knows, maybe they will prove to be right. I just need to figure out the right blue to red ratio. They are 1mm LEDs behind a peice of glass. They atually bleached a couple leaves when i opened one up and layed it against a branch for awhile. The soil stays damp for multiple days at a time and understanding how to add your nutes in appropriate dilutions was a bitch to figure out (i have some burn on some early leaves). But from reading RIU this is something everyone has to do.

and i went this way in order to support my economy lol...

Y'know, why not? For the experiene man, if someone else doesnt do it right, who is? Im never gonna be a weed expert. but I can contribute my .02c


Well-Known Member
wow Billybob great first post...anyway I wish CC the best of luck however, he is no pioneer with the leds. I have seen them before but have yet to see any amazing results. Just cause I ask questions or comment doesn't make me an asshole but, for you to call me one for doing so is pretty ignorant dude. Good luck on your second post.


Active Member
with leds do you not have to worry about the heat from the bulbs burning the plants. and how many light do you have runnin all together there?


Well-Known Member
Quality over quantity... =) no one is selling here... just trying to enjoy an evening toke.
now im confused...is this your grow asor:confused: or are you just an led saleman? And if its quality your after what strain are growin? Still waiting to see a real picture of this plant or plants in natural light. The post does say pictures requested and delivered?


Well-Known Member
sorry man, im in school 9 hours out of the day.

Ill get pics posted soon.

Regardless, asor knows the grow as good as i do

The flowering are not anything special, its my first and just want some practice. Itll get me the basics of working with leds andmake final ajustments for better strains (whcih i have in my possession)


Active Member
I just like LEDs.... it gets a lot of bad rep....all everyone talks about is the negatives of LED....

Most people are all "BUT THE PRICE".... yea well... new technology is never cheap....We have the capabilities to do whatever we want... use whatever lights we want... grow however we want... and have access to a REAL laboratory... ya dig? Our goal here is research.......that will most definitely benefit everyone in the RIU forums. We do it for the love... not for the weight.....

The seeds CC is growing are all bagseed at the moment except for 1. The 1 that he is growing (just sprouted 4 days ago?), I have been breeding it for the past 2 1/2 years... I call it P99. After too many failed attempts... I was finally able to find a Cinderella 99 male that I liked.... and then went on to crossing it and backcrossing it with an almost pure sativa for about 1 year....

so... please... if u have nothing productive to add...... then go post in the other couple hundred threads that pop up at RIU everyday...


Well-Known Member
I just like LEDs.... it gets a lot of bad rep....all everyone talks about is the negatives of LED....

Most people are all "BUT THE PRICE".... yea well... new technology is never cheap....We have the capabilities to do whatever we want... use whatever lights we want... grow however we want... and have access to a REAL laboratory... ya dig? Our goal here is research.......that will most definitely benefit everyone in the RIU forums. We do it for the love... not for the weight.....

The seeds CC is growing are all bagseed at the moment except for 1. The 1 that he is growing (just sprouted 4 days ago?), I have been breeding it for the past 2 1/2 years... I call it P99. After too many failed attempts... I was finally able to find a Cinderella 99 male that I liked.... and then went on to crossing it and backcrossing it with an almost pure sativa for about 1 year....

so... please... if u have nothing productive to add...... then go post in the other couple hundred threads that pop up at RIU everyday...
So let me get this right asor...instead of sceptical criticism from a post that claims it is blazing a trail with new technology (pictures included) you would rather I dont post in this thread, or if I do I should join in the LED lovefest that you and a couple of other first time posters are involved in?kiss-assyou sound like a scientist or some with access to all the gear a scientist would need to do an experiment. So please show us minions the light and do a conclusive experiment that answers the age old question of what light is the best for growing. Show me the Research!:shock:


Active Member
So please show us minions the light and do a conclusive experiment that answers the age old question of what light is the best for growing. Show me the Research!:shock:

Thats not what i am experimenting... lol. did u see me talk about HPS vs LED experiments? no? okay then...

We are focused on research of the plant... the LED was chosen for its stealth properties... All these comments about how much I like LED... is coming from a person that used to swear by HPS lights... But I CANT HAVE HPS lights.. this isnt a weight growth... If I was still trying to make money... hell yea... fuck LED... I would def buy (2) 1000 watt HPS and blast those girls.

get it??? no one is trying to convince u to buy LED! NO ONE! we are just 2 guys having some fun... kay?

and...i'm not a scientist... Ccanine is...