368 watt CFL veg cab/600 watt HPS flower cab perpetual journal

Looks great! I admittedly have no experience with hydro but your air pump on top of your hood kind of scares me. Cooler water holds significantly more gasses and promotes much healthier roots. I'm slightly worried your hood will heat your air pump (which already produces a bit of heat itself) and that heat it going to get transferred into your hydro.
ok so just took care of THAT lil blunder...lol. what an IDIOT!!! thanks again gas...so i put it on the floor in front of the intake fan...MUCH better. so my defense IS: i had it on top of the flouros which is a custom rig that is NOT warm, and ALSO having it above the waterline of the res means no backwash, and theres no check valve, so i was trying to avoid a potential disaster, however it shouldnt matter so long as the pump doesnt go out, which is MUCH less likely now that it is on the floor in front of a fan. the water would have to do some sorta weird trick to all the sudden go UP the hose, but i digress...

fucking cloner. lol. its fine it just leaks. i mean i suppose that should be SOMEWHAT expected given the DIY nature of it. it comes down to how the rings (top of net pots with the basket cut off) are attached to the lid. mine are wedged in with electrical tape rings...guna glue em in so that any leaks would be from the neoprene plugs, if at all...its not like the thing doesnt work, just annoying. no roots yet btw. the bucket smells like plastic inside, and there is no nutes. leaves are starting to yellow ever so slightly. im thinking flush with clean water, possibly add nutes? idk...anyone on that? i didnt do anything to the cuttings either btw, i mean i snipped at an angle and then lightly scraped the stem, and then put them in the plugs.

the ladies in the flower tent are doing great! its only been...4 days, and i pushed the light schedule back by 3 hours after the first night...these are ALSO starting to lighten ever so slightly, and tbh i havent ever even phd or tested the res in any way. lol. they live! they will need some more nutes soon, but the res needs to be rinsed out soon anyway...
Looking great man!! sorry been a while! i got a bit of stuff going on in life... but nothing i can't handle!

Love the tent man, just a thought... The air pump on the lighthood, maybe move it outside the tent, that will be a little heater for your res.... no good especially when it gets hotter weather. Other than that shweeet as mate!!! keep it happening and have fun!


SHIT: edit : sorry just seen top of page :p excuse me! good eye Gas

Keep the pump off the floor though, as if your power goes out.... it may siphon out your res. Thats why alot of them come with little air breather line to stop that from happening.
lol flowa i had like 8 likes and i was like WTF!!! lol...thanks for droppin by! glad u could make it!

the pump is on the floor. im bankin on the power not going out. lol. should be fiiiiiinnnnee...







wooowwww...no comments or concerns?

your cloner is awesome, i think i may do something similar because im haveing leaking issues, will have to build another PvC thing, would you take some pics of what you built?

looking great man cant wait to see the results of your hydro setup, what are you using for nutes (dont feel like looking back)
lol there we go!!! i just wanted a lil input...i guess i was just being whiny yesterday. hahaha...cry-y. anyway...

matt it does actually leak a tiny bit but...its a very slow leak so i just dump what gathers on the lid in once a day. i will take some pics of it soon, i ended up using a 2 inch drill bit and the nets were JUST too small to fit right in the hole, so my wife cut electrical tape all fancy and we taped em in. they ended up getting pushed through, so i just pushed the net pot (which i cut the bottom off of so it was basically a ring) into the taped hole, and that pretty much does it. the res feels nice and cool even with the 400 gph pump and about 3 gallons of nutes. no air stone as of yet, but i may put that in tonight...

im using fox farm hydro grow big at...somewhere between 5 and 10 mL per gallon. straight tap water. i made the cloner ligher fed and the ladies in the flower tent a lil heavier. i will need to switch the nutes in a couple weeks in the flower tent. been in 2 weeks. pretty stoked for the clones to root so i can start veggin. i got another 18 watt air pump and have another huge ass 8.5" diameter airstone, and a 10" net pot full of hydroton, and plenty of rubbermaid tote lids, so im guna do a single plant as this strain seems to get huge. im guna mainline her and get either 8 or 16 heads. thats the plan anyway...

thanks for comin by guys! i just realized that i havent been down to check on em yet tonight! what with the squash clinic i just went to...played a few points with david palmer, multi time squash WORLD champion. i got 2 points on em, no big deal...lol. no seriously though, not that that is THAT impressive (compared to using as many "that"s in as many words? lol) but i really did get a couple points! wooooo! lol youtube a video of david palmer squash. but i digress...im goin downstairs!!
you shouldnt need a airstone in the cloner, the water spraying then dripping back in should oxegynate the water enough to get some clones rooted. my 2¢

just put a few pics of my grow up in my thread...nothing amazing right now
yippeeeee roots. everything looks great i like the design you did with your PvC in the cloner, i just went with a basic cross design. not sure if you have been by my thread and checked it out but stop in and leave a comment.

might be starting another journal as the one i have roght now kinda starts off shitty with my crappy outdoor grow and i dont think its grabbing much attention...
them clones are a wreck, but at least you got some roots. that is why i just went to bubble cloning, make take awhile but shit stays green and everything will always root with enough time........ that last word is the most important cause that shit takes for ever for real, my rockwool setup is faster just not 100%

i miss cloning with aero, but i dont miss that look lol.

besides that evertything looks great that main cola(pic 13) looks like it got potential keep at it man
meh my aero cloner keeps shit nice and green but i have had a couple plants that came out with some dead or dying leaves. the appearance of the plant when it comes out of the cloner really dosent matter as long as there is still viable green on it you looking for new growth anyways and whatever is on that clone right now is not going to be anything but shit on the bottom of the plant once it matures.

my 2¢
agreed matt. i have now cleared the clones of their dying leaves, they look much better. i did transplant one into the new veg res, its a single 6 inch net pot with hydroton. guna try mainlining it once it starts to take off, kinda snapped the roots when i was carefully trying to place the clone in the net pot and fill it with hydroton. she should bounce back soon. then she will explode in growth.

poly i feel its the same with these aerocloners, they will all root eventually as long as theres a way for the cutting to take up nutrients and water. i will have to take another round of pics soon so i can show you guys, looks MUCH better all pruned up.

flowers are looking real good, starting to bud up nicely. not too much in the way of trichome prod though, i hope they do soon. im smoking frigging trim cause i ran out and am not allowed to buy anymore. lol. i just sprinkle a lil keif from my grinder on every bowl and tbh cant really tell a diff. i guess the taste is worse but, eh it works. excited for a harvest soon! well...around christmastime methinks.

thanks for stopping by!
made a few changes, will be putting in a privacy wall here soon...

so i pruned the shit outta this one beginning mainlining this lady, bout a day ago made the cuts. hoping it will take off in 2 shoots

heres mother, guna need to put her in a bigger pot here next weekend

the clones, took 2 out that hadnt rooted yet. redistributed so theyre evenly placed. dono what im guna do wit dem...4 rooted like crazy

ok getting impressive, surprised my first go at hydro is doing so well! :-)



some of the fan leaves are starting to get a lil crispy, hope that this res change will really charge these ladies up! also pretty stoked to see the new lady in veg take off. loving the idea of having a clean, symmetrical 8 or 16 headed lady to flower at the end of winter. i REALLY gotta get some new genetics. i have 4 well rooted to trade...even if i start another veg res, which i am contemplating, i will still have leftovers. that would be another 65 bucks in parts though and the old lady will have my balls! lol...gimme the love guys, how we lookin?
hey man im starting to feel a little out my league now reading through your journal lol.u seem to have much more experience and knowledge than me m8 im just going nice and simple n seems to be doing the trick lol