36% and wow....


Well-Known Member
Who cares? There is more to quality weed than just a high THC count.

And what methodology was used for the testing? Did they just test the top cola's? How big was the sample size? Was it from just one plant or many? etc... I am very skeptical about any testing that involves cannabis as I think it's not being done with the same standards as other industries.


Well-Known Member
I can't share a favorite of mine
In case you haven't noticed, this is a forum full of people who grow weed, so we all know how the THC percentages can be manipulated and that it's a pretty common practice in the commercial growing industry. THC% is honestly the LAST thing I care about. I'd take a nice, smooth, and flavorful terpene profile with 15% THC and would be happier with that than some commercially grown overrated flower that has been machine trimmed. Most flower is too potent nowadays, IMHO, because a lot of long time weed consumers actually like to be able to enjoy a joint, or vape throughout the day, without getting stoned out of their mind.