303 seeds final drop tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
303 seeds making its final global drop tonight guys i have been waiting and waiting and though chances are very slim i will even be one of the ones who gets the order button pressed fast enough one can wish.........23:59 uk time seed depot see ya there


Well-Known Member
shits going so slow... ogevil if you got any kind of seed stash id hang out and wait til the dust settles....

im gonna sit it out just for the simple fact i got 3 303 strains running at the moment so i figured share the wealth. i went over to the site to see how its going just to check whats left and i couldn't get a pack into my cart to save my life lol! still a few gems available for sure tho if you wanna go give it a shot


Well-Known Member
There will be an open pollination if they don't plan on dropping anymore at all ever globally for those of us not living in Colorado/near Colorado and it's any good. Looking at the cross, I expect every plant to be dramatically different, but if they actually worked it - who knows? I guess I will soon enough.

Bad Karma

Well-Known Member
I hope everybody gets what they want from 303's last global drop.
If I had the funding, I'd be picking up Ambulance, Meltdown, and maybe some Bio-Diesel.


Well-Known Member
I hope everybody gets what they want from 303's last global drop.
If I had the funding, I'd be picking up Ambulance, Meltdown, and maybe some Bio-Diesel.
Well, it may take a few extra bucks to get there, but you can probably still pick some up later in CO.


Well-Known Member
i got a feeling ambulance and meltdown will be in stock for a minute.

i got a weird theory on this too. 303 is a boutique breeder or whatever you wanna call it. i never even heard of them until i had spent some years truly digging into breeders and the seed game. now at this point i had a pretty bad taste in my mouth about fems, lets call it the reverse of when i was a nub. when your a nub you want GHS fems and then you hate fems cause you feel burned.... sooo to make a long story short i think a lot of 303 fans come to 303 at a time in their life when they dont want fems so those get overlooked by a big portion of their audience.

il vouch tho... their fems rock. they aren't S-1's but more like an F-1 (according to bud patch this morning on TSD) they found a receptive bunch of ladies to passing on CBD and hit them all with femmed pollen from a winner Z7. i found some good variation in my pack of meltdown but not so much that it was annoying. all of them were truly the same plant. you could put them in a row and see the resemblance big time. all the flavors and aromas were close as well but like i said they all had their variation. idk if their indiana bubblegum x blueberry has been worked but i would assume so, this terp profile was very present in all children and very similar.


Well-Known Member
There is but the Bio Diesel is a goner. I think Ambulance was up there last night, it's gone now too. Maybe I'm wrong there. Biochem gone.

I will be doing that open pollination (assuming the plants don't totally suck ass, which I'm gonna assume they won't based on folks word).


Well-Known Member
both flurry and apex are left. i cant believe it but wow ya they are. i figured flurry woulda got scooped up for sure.