3000 watt Hps Super Grow Gets Another 400w mh. Just for Fun


Active Member
It's really hard to say without actually standing in your grow room... So I'll just say I predict a yield of lots and lots.
haha, good enough estimate for me. I honestly don't know how much we'll harvest, but originally I thought I would be able to do it in a closet space, but I am doubting it now.

You shouldn't need much space to dry it, use something like this . It's a vertical storage rack made of wood and chicken wire, I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to put together yourself. If not, you can buy hanging nets for drying. Hope this helps
That's awesome, I could probably throw something like that together in a day. I might have an area for something like that too.

sudynim can i be ur friend lol awesome job
Absolutely haha.

Great budz man,
This 1 rocks,
That might be my favorite picture to date.

Anyway, I will try to get one more update before we leave for a weekend fishing trip. We have one of our friend tending to the girls this weekend, and we are trying very hard to make sure this goes as seamlessly as possible.


Active Member
Day 36 of Flowering
Here's a little close up of a cheese.

An Ak

Another AK

Is bud growth a phenom thing? Because they are cut from "the same mother" and this one is growing super round and thick.

Here's somewhat of a size reference, and from a different point of view than we normally do.


And a final AK



Active Member
thanks for the props guys! things are chugging right along here and the girls are getting so dense, i spent about 45 mins in there last night tying up branches that were getting to heavy. I wish u guys could smell the room though, the aromas are amazing. The lemon drops have such a sweet/sour citrus smell that i hope carries through the smoke. I snapped a few pics this morn b4 the lights went off so i hope u guys enjoy. the side by side of the SD and Lemon Drop is the same pic u guys saw about a week ago. BWT if pics r ur thing then check out lordjins thread, i take mine with my phone and hes a photographer....enough said

SD and Lemon drop....bff's

Check our how dense these SD's r getting, theyre like baseballs



Well-Known Member
Oh, sick, sick nugs. They're starting to look very dense and gnarly. Especially the baseball nugs in the bottom picture.

Excellent work.


Active Member
Day 42 of Flowering
Geeze....I can't believe we're into the day 40's. I have a new camera, so I took a bunch of pictures tonight. I hope you guys enjoy. Here are a bunch of big pics, and if you want to look at the others, click on the thumbnails.

Since the end is in sight, I'm going to have a bunch of questions soon, and I am going to need the RIU patrons wisdom.




Active Member
DANGEROUS! Those plants are looking REALLY NICE! Its funny because we're at about the same stage in growth, also new growers, and stupidly I'm comparing mine to yours. I must say, hands down, you guys are winning :) There looking really stunning! Good job and happy growing!



Active Member
DANGEROUS! Those plants are looking REALLY NICE! Its funny because we're at about the same stage in growth, also new growers, and stupidly I'm comparing mine to yours. I must say, hands down, you guys are winning :) There looking really stunning! Good job and happy growing!

lol, I've checked out your grow and you have good looking ladies as well. It would have been pretty cool if we were growing the same strains since our cycles are so closely aligned. It would be an awesome way to see how the same plants react to different nutrients. How much longer do you think you have before harvest?


Active Member
Everything is humming along nicely. Thursday was the start of week seven for flowering. The nutrient line suggests seven weeks of nutrients, then watering for week eight. Anybody have any suggestions on finishing. I remember reading somewhere (probably on this forum) that people often times don't value finishing enough and lose out on yield. If that's true, then please fill me in.

Anyway, I don't have any new plant pictures, but here is security dog two (the lazy one)



Active Member
HAHA, ain't he/she a beaut! This is starting to get wierd, we've both got useless bulldogs as our security as well! It looks like a pure bred English if not mistaken? You gotta love those faces! Were also facing the same issues with harvesting, but yours are looking further along than our- we'll probably start the chopping next sunday/monday (week 8). I hope you guys had a good weekend. Happy growing!



Active Member
Hope you don't mind, but I thought you might enjoy this one :leaf:
LOL....great picture. And yes, he is a pure bred English Bulldog named Hamlet. How big is yours? Hamlet only weighs about 40lbs, but my parents have Dahlia (about 70lbs) and Winston (about 65ish). Hamlet was the runt.


Active Member
Day 48 of Flowering
Summer school has started and the plants are almost done. Not the best combination I could have asked for, but it is what it is.

Anyway, here is a picture of one of our biggest buds. I'm not really sure where it ranks, but it's at least top 5.



Well-Known Member
Summer school has started and the plants are almost done. Not the best combination I could have asked for, but it is what it is.

Anyway, here is a picture of one of our biggest buds. I'm not really sure where it ranks, but it's at least top 5.

That's what I'm talkin' about. What is that strain again, please? I wouldn't mind growing that. Check out how it doesn't look that different from mine.


Active Member
That's what I'm talkin' about. What is that strain again, please? I wouldn't mind growing that. Check out how it doesn't look that different from mine.
That is a cheese. Are you taking your pictures under hps lights? I have been trying to figure out how to rid my pictures of the yellow tint. It seems pretty hit or miss when I snap the picture.
Nice looking bud.. Hey what kind of camera do you use? It takes great pics.
Not sure if that question is directed at me or jin, but I use a Cannon Rebel XT.


Well-Known Member
That is a cheese. Are you taking your pictures under hps lights? I have been trying to figure out how to rid my pictures of the yellow tint. It seems pretty hit or miss when I snap the picture.

Not sure if that question is directed at me or jin, but I use a Cannon Rebel XT.
Yeah, I took photos under HPS for most of my journal. dsmoke1 suggested shielding the hps with cardboard for more realistic photos. It works great, but you have multiple lights, so I don't know if it will be as effective for you.

Cheese, huh? I'm thinking that Cheese of yours and this Diablo I grew might be distant cousins based on the similarity of the bud structure. It's crazy to think of all the genetics swimming around in today's dank. Even a Cheese and an OG might look similar. Interesting.


Active Member
Day 49 of Flowering
We're coming down to the very end of this grow. Today we mixed the last batch of nutrients and fed the ladies for the last time. From here on out they will get nothing but water. Now comes the part where I am having the most trouble finding good information.

Does anybody have tips on how to finish? I have heard that some people will shut their lights off for 24 hours before cutting their plants down. I have also heard some people cut off their top buds first and leave their bottom ones to finish. I don't know if I should be trying this as well. Seriously any information will help here. Also, today I had someone tell me that we need twice the size of the grow room to dry, but I have never heard this before. We were thinking of doing it in an 8x5 bathroom with the old string and nails method. Any thoughts?

That's about it....Anyway, instead of taking pictures with the HPS lights on, I took a bunch with only the MH and the pictures came out without the yellow/red tint. This is much more what one of our Lemon Drop's looks like without being skewed.



Well-Known Member
Day 49 of Flowering
We're coming down to the very end of this grow. Today we mixed the last batch of nutrients and fed the ladies for the last time. From here on out they will get nothing but water. Now comes the part where I am having the most trouble finding good information.

Does anybody have tips on how to finish? I have heard that some people will shut their lights off for 24 hours before cutting their plants down. I have also heard some people cut off their top buds first and leave their bottom ones to finish. I don't know if I should be trying this as well. Seriously any information will help here. Also, today I had someone tell me that we need twice the size of the grow room to dry, but I have never heard this before. We were thinking of doing it in an 8x5 bathroom with the old string and nails method. Any thoughts?

That's about it....Anyway, instead of taking pictures with the HPS lights on, I took a bunch with only the MH and the pictures came out without the yellow/red tint. This is much more what one of our Lemon Drop's looks like without being skewed.
Simply amazing...