30 amp dryer outlet, electrian help needed


Well-Known Member
so were still on the same page as far as a sub panel. is there a way to run a sub panel @220 and 30 amp so i can run 4 1ks of that circut? then i would have 2 10amp 110 circuts for the rest of my gear.

now you say a light cant run on a 30amp circut, what about that light controller i mentioned earlier its 30amp @220 with 4 outlets and says ita four light controller, but it doesn't contain any other breakers just relay and a timer.


Active Member
so were still on the same page as far as a sub panel. is there a way to run a sub panel @220 and 30 amp so i can run 4 1ks of that circut? then i would have 2 10amp 110 circuts for the rest of my gear.

now you say a light cant run on a 30amp circut, what about that light controller i mentioned earlier its 30amp @220 with 4 outlets and says ita four light controller, but it doesn't contain any other breakers just relay and a timer.
Well it can but you shouldn't, the reason is that a 30 amp breaker is able to withstand much more heat then a 20 amp breaker; so if your line is somehow overloaded or overheated, the 30amp breaker may not trip, risking a fire...


Active Member
If it's rated at 30 you could use that conrol box, but it may need a neutral, does it have the same amount of prongs as your current dryer outlet needs? because if you have a 10-2 wire, your outlet is most likely 3 prong were as updated dryer outlets are ran with 10-3, and use a 4 prong cord for the dryer... find out if that conroler would plug into your outlet, if you want to use it..


Well-Known Member
you say the line over heated/loaded wouldn't that be the origanal 30amp dryer line? since the controller just plugs into it.
on another note @ 220 wont 4 1000w lights @ roughly 5 amp each, only pulling around 20amps