3 wks drooping leaves (informative)


Indoors (PC case)
OG Kush (from seed)
3 weeks old (on Sunday)
Soil (FF OF w/ 40% perlite)
4 - 26w cfl 6500K bulbs
73-80 deg F during the day, 62-68 deg during the night
.5" to 4" depending on temperature
16-50% humidity
Solo (party) cup
Watering every other day to every two days (whenever its bone dry)
I haven't been pH'ing the water...
First feeding last watering (yesterday)
General Organics - quarter strength nutrients using suggesting chart
No bugs
-im in the southeast so there has been a lot of pine pollen coming into my window and probably blowing through the fans onto the plant (I can see yellow all over the white perlite) rogue pollen bad??
-soil drying out to bone dry always within two days; I probably have too many drainage holes in the bottom and sides of the cup
-its been cooler the past week so temps havent been too bad as long as I get home and open the case up, but in the first 2 weeks the temps got up to 90 at one point in the case until I got home and did some shit to get it down to 80
-I plan on vegging in the case for another few weeks to get it as big as I can, take cuttings and transplant outdoors

The first week and a half the plant looked very healthy and green. So for a little more than a week things have been getting worse. The leaves first started twisting and then drooping. They green up a lot after watering, but soon go back to a darker green. The way the leaves look it does seem they might be over-watered, but the soil is really dry and I can tell it needs it, but it only looks nice a for several hours after watering.


Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
soil drying out to bone dry always within two days. I probably have too many drainage holes in the bottom and sides of the cup. I plan on vegging in the case for another few weeks to get it as big as I can, take cuttings and transplant outdoors. The way the leaves look it does seem they might be over-watered, but the soil is really dry and I can tell it needs it, but it only looks nice a for several hours after watering.
the reason for the quick drying of the medium is because the plant is drinking it up quickly, because the container is too small. no need to veg any longer, they won't get any larger since you're inhibiting root growth by keeping them in small containers. in fact, you may have stunted the growth beyond repair already, even if x-planted into larger containers.



It was definitely root bound! The plant was so small I didn't expect it to happen so quickly. I saw a few pictures of people who had much bigger and healthier looking plants in solo cups. I've transplanted it into a slightly bigger container. It isn't much deeper (about 3/4" more), but it is much wider so hopefully the roots will grow out to the side. I'm going to veg this as big as possible (whether its too much for the container or the PC case) and then transplant it outdoors. I plan to take cuttings before the final transplant, veg those indoors to gain strength and then plant those outside as well.

I also gave it a drink, not a flush with pH balanced water.