3 strikes and yer out!!!


Well-Known Member
A federal judge Wednesday night shut down Michigan’s presidential recount, ruling that Green Party candidate Jill Stein has no constitutional right to demand a recount.

Photo source: The Daily Caller

Stein has sought a recount of the presidential vote in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, three of the closest states which collectively give Donald Trump his margin of victory in the Electoral College. But her recount effort in Pennsylvania has already been shut down, while the recount in Wisconsin has yielded almost no change to the results, leaving Michigan as the lone place where Stein has a plausible hope of altering the result.

But in a ruling issued Wednesday night, federal district court judge Mark Goldsmith, a Barack Obama appointee, said a recount in Michigan was not warranted, upholding a prior ruling by a state court.

Goldsmith had previously ordered Michigan to begin recounting its votes Monday while he reviewed the decision of a Michigan state court, which found Stein was not an “aggrieved candidate” under Michigan law because she had no chance of winning, and therefore had no right to request a recount. Stein received just one percent of the vote in Michigan, but has argued she has a right to demand a recount for the sake of exposing alleged flaws in the state’s electoral system.

Goldsmith sustained the Michigan court’s ruling, saying Stein had offered only “speculative fear” of voter fraud rather than any actual evidence. The lack of any serious evidence, he said, meant a recount simply couldn’t be justified with Stein otherwise incapable of winning the election.

Stein will be able to appeal Goldsmith’s decision to the federal Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, but for the time being, the recount will be halted.


Well-Known Member
So, you (at least I) wonder how a person garnering a whopping 1% of the vote was able to amass $3.5M total (some sites quote a $4.5M) throughout her ENTIRE CAMPAIGN, yet in this "recount" effort was able to drum up $7,297,843.91 in less than a month.

Don't you think those donating to Ms. Stine should have maybe donated earlier to help her get more than 1% of the vote?
It's amazing that their pockets became so much deeper AFTER the election. ;)


Well-Known Member
Jill Stein harshed on big pharma, while owning big pharma stock. Derp dee durr.

She's a fading wanna be hippi spoiled 60 something year old rich girl who is nearly as economically clueless as the imbecile Bernie Sanders.

Good bye Jill Stein.

Oh she'll be back in 4 years. Bernie wont run again,and someone has to ride the free shit unicorn.

Recount padded her pockets well, so she's got a good start.