3 plants almost 3 pounds!


Well-Known Member
So i finished mine about a month ago. I had 6 in total and i had to chop down due to a emergency. Only 3 were ready "superstar" and the others were some type of sativa that wasnt ready so i basically got nothing from them:( Any ways i got 400 grams off one and the other 2 were 3/4 of a pound. The little girls in cups are serious seeds ak47 clones. I got 4 that are more indica and stay short and fat heavy yeilder though and the other 14 are more of a sativa pheno they get tall!
yo man nice clean set up on your wall im an electrician so i like to see when people take pride in the wiring. not only that but its much safer to be clean with your work many houses burn down as a result of shitty workmanship. nice harvest 2 i can c u put the same efort into your ladies


Active Member
yo man nice clean set up on your wall im an electrician so i like to see when people take pride in the wiring. not only that but its much safer to be clean with your work many houses burn down as a result of shitty workmanship. nice harvest 2 i can c u put the same efort into your ladies
Thanks brother! yeah i did put a bit of work into them but they paid me good lol. Yeah the board is a nice one im just missing the thermostat W/ coils to shut off everything if it gets to hot. so heres the improvement from the last pics



Active Member
Hey whats up everyone been awhile since i have came on here as you will see i been very busy with the girls. They are in there 10th day into flowering. there are 5 1000s and a 600 for now running with 13 girls. These have been TOPPED again, as you will see. I switched up food and am liking the new one ALOT, though very expensive :). This grow has gone perfect other then minor electrical problems :). I got 700 dollar bill every month :) (power) ... well here you go i hope you guys have a great xmas and happy new years. maybe next year i will have a girl as a christmas tree :). enjoy the pics i also got some videos but dont know how to attach them


Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
weed monkey, beleive it or not the temps were actually high. It was around 83.0F-89.4F These plants are tough i guess it was my first time doing this. I also used co2 and that big nug in front of the face was no lie 10 inches from the bulb
in a sealed room using co2, those temps. aren't high. in order to fully utilize co2, you need higher than normal temps. the stomata won't open w/o higher temps. very nice set-up and end product. sure are a lot of jealous fuggers out there, lol!!


Well-Known Member
first off good shit man, those plants look great as well as the old harvest. i read in here that you dont like sea of green:( with the lights that you have, you really should consider vegging ur plants like a month longer and just grow outdoor type huge plants, or consider doing a sea of green. you have enough light to make those plants huge! realistically, sea of green would give you the best yield. imagine how 200+ main colas would look in that room. you could seriously expect about 1.5 ozs off each also, thatd be damn near 20pnds of dank! lol. just something to think about.


Active Member
first off good shit man, those plants look great as well as the old harvest. i read in here that you dont like sea of green:( with the lights that you have, you really should consider vegging ur plants like a month longer and just grow outdoor type huge plants, or consider doing a sea of green. you have enough light to make those plants huge! realistically, sea of green would give you the best yield. imagine how 200+ main colas would look in that room. you could seriously expect about 1.5 ozs off each also, thatd be damn near 20pnds of dank! lol. just something to think about.
I just dont like having so many plants with such little yield. i do want to do some big big ones but the roof is limited as of now. with 20 plants i can pull 20+ps. i just ordered some warlock from dna and lemon skunk also from dna.


Active Member
attitude is pain in the ass. i spend 40 bucks and get my shit in 4 days i spend 700 and it takes 2 months WTf and still hasnt gotten here. i sent them a email and they said they were being shipped "today" about 2 weeks ago now i get one saying there overseas now?


Active Member
my 60 clones have officially been transplanted i got 60 out of 60 100% success ratio :)


Well-Known Member
Nice brother! How many inches tall were they when you switched to 12/12 lighting? AND... How tall will they be at harvest time?


Active Member
wut a n expert lookin grow... how do u get them so bushy? still no one has given me the secret, and yes i keep the light at the right distance... doesnt seem to matter they grow however they wanna grow... i have about 10 different strains too so they all look different


Active Member
Im torn though brotha help me out...Im torn between 5-7-15 gallon pots...I keep hearing and seeing diffrent things....Can I get as much a yield in a 5 Gal as a 15 or is this just not possible ? ive seen guys grow in frikken 2-3 gallon pots with great results...Whats the deal...I've looked at a lot of threads but everyone goes back and forth and im left with more confusion that when I came in...Whats the real deal...