3 plants almost 3 pounds!


Well-Known Member
lol, the reason you got such good yeilds, good job, was the high temps with the co2! You have to have high temps for c02 to work. So unless you ditch the co2 keep the temps the same.
i thought co2 allowed plants to tolerate heat better, but I didn't know that heat+co2 makes em stronger... i did not know that


Well-Known Member
Just Curious......
How many people are you growing for with 16-1000 watt light set up? This can't all be for yourself. Must have a lot of happy or pissed off neighbors.

Good luck


Active Member
so if i wanted "purple" buds the temps ONLY at night would drop around 70-73 F ? So co2 with a high temp is better ?? I thought you were supposed to keep temps around 78 for overall better bud?!?


Well-Known Member
fucking bunch of haters only wish they could pull serious weight. sick of reading jealous posts.. power to u ref

High Time 420

Well-Known Member
Wats goin on b, sic grow marn, i'm down wid dat 4real init!

See, us white people can talk black too, its not too hard though, just type as if your dumb.

Iz youz down wid dat


Active Member
why you guys have to start talking shit about white or blacks on my shit thanks to all of you thanking me. For real though stop arguing and talking shit online. And the next op might be a journal but im lazy cause of weed so talk shit about me feel free to hate on me :)


Well-Known Member
high time 420 u r an embarrassment to all people. Keep your racist comments on the racists forums you frequent. It's not needed or wanted here. REF good job. keep doing what u do.

High Time 420

Well-Known Member
high time 420 u r an embarrassment to all people. Keep your racist comments on the racists forums you frequent. It's not needed or wanted here. REF good job. keep doing what u do.


Becuase i'm using words that black people use i'm racist?
Well if thats your understanding of the word RACIST then you need to read a dictionary.

The usual, playing the race card, will it ever stop?


Active Member
no it wont dont get me wrong we all use them here and there but why are you on a cultivation site talking about racism homie? for that you go to a cotton picking forum (lol) had to throw that in am stoned :) but yo i wanna log on and help YOU and everyone i possibly can just like i was helped and it was a great success. Alot of people helped on here and 1 other person thats been in the business for 16 years. After last night, i think im going to get a temp controller to shut off lights if it gets to hot. Right now i got 3 1000s running with those 18 ak47s and last night my a/c froze up and when i got home it was 103 F in there lol it felt like a desert. Any ways pics coming soon remember what those clones looked like you will see them in there new pots maybe tomorrow :) Also Great tip : Use diamond nectar from General hydropoinics every sunday by spraying them well on there underside of the leaves. Amazing product! also use it in your food every other feeding! start out with one cap per gallon then move it to 2 caps per gallon. This has humic acid read up on that!

High Time 420

Well-Known Member
no it wont dont get me wrong we all use them here and there but why are you on a cultivation site talking about racism homie? for that you go to a cotton picking forum (lol) had to throw that in am stoned :) but yo i wanna log on and help YOU and everyone i possibly can just like i was helped and it was a great success. Alot of people helped on here and 1 other person thats been in the business for 16 years. After last night, i think im going to get a temp controller to shut off lights if it gets to hot. Right now i got 3 1000s running with those 18 ak47s and last night my a/c froze up and when i got home it was 103 F in there lol it felt like a desert. Any ways pics coming soon remember what those clones looked like you will see them in there new pots maybe tomorrow :) Also Great tip : Use diamond nectar from General hydropoinics every sunday by spraying them well on there underside of the leaves. Amazing product! also use it in your food every other feeding! start out with one cap per gallon then move it to 2 caps per gallon. This has humic acid read up on that!
Have a +rep for a great thread and advise!



Active Member
thanks. You know what really sucks... How overwhelmed i am trying to choose a strain i just picked up a hightime mag and the cover was space bomb from subcool and god damn that bitch is sexy! o yeah and having 1200 bucks worth of insulation on your walls and roof lol