3 out of seven killed in drive by scissor cutting.


Well-Known Member
Today I took 5 more clones.
2 were big and 3 were kinda small.

I put the clone mother into flower room (closet).

I now have 1 plant ready to harvest in the next week or so. (Indica/Sativa)
1 plant that will be a few behind that (dominant sativa).

1 plant that the main branch broke about a week after putting into flower.
The bottom buds are maturing faster than the top cola's.
The top cola has large white hairs.
This plants leaves are 2-3 shades darker green than any of my other plants.

1 mother plant that has been lst'd whilst producing clones (13).
This plant was put into the flower closet today 06-18-07.
It has so many potential bud sites.
Not to mention how long it has been in veg.

I have 4 clones in 6" pots with 45w fluro purple gro lights.
I have 4 clones in Tylenol and advil bottles with soil.
I have 5 clones just cut today before putting mother into flower.

I plan to continue the flower schedule and run the mom and her clones through it.
The clones are spaced out in maturity to get more of a sog flow going.

I go for an interview in the morning.
It is for telemarketing.
I despise telemarketing.
I figure I can get it since the last TM company that I worked for did not do a drug test.
Heres hoping no dt at all.
I also have some clean piss in the fridge just in case.

I figure I should just take any job, since it is easier to get a job once you already have one.
It will be year next month that I have been out of work.
I got layed of from a customer svc job for a phone co.
Over seas bastards.

I got a severance package and then unemployment, also tax return.
My unemployment ran out last week.

I am starting to trip a lil.
My parents can help me if I need them to.
I just do not like asking for things.

All is well though. Have no doubts.

I have a prob getting a good job anyway.
I am a convicted felon.
Gun law violation.

It will be seven years next month since I got that charge.
Usually co's only go back 7 yrs for checks.
I also applied for a pardon that they told me should be finalized in 8-9 mo's.

This is the reason I have been growing.
My roommate owe's me some fundage.
I figure that he will paying me in bud for awhile.(10-12 mo's)

I figure If I can get my growing in check and use it to supplement his herbal dividends I should be ok and not have to buy herb for awhile.

Got to go get my clothes ready.,
I hate freaking business attire.

Good luck to you and you should will it to me if you please.


Well-Known Member
got out of my interview.
I am hoping that this co will do like the last TM co that I worked for.
No drug test and leniant on background.
I just need a job so I can find a better cs job.
I had much rather be taking calls then making calls.

Oh well sigh
Time to hit the bong....
1 mississippi
2 mississippi
3 mississippi
4 mississippi
5 mississippi


No changes on plants since last night of course.


Well-Known Member
I chopped plant # 1 yesterday afternoon it will have been hanging for 12 hrs here in a few minutes.

I have it hanging in a totally dark closet by itself.

I dried a couple of the lower buds in a cardboard box setting on a heating pad on low.
The heating pad gets up to 100 deg F on low.
I dried those buds gradually at 10 minute intervals throughout the day and let them sit overnight
They are still moist.
I dried them a lil further with a hairdryer on cool at about
10" away from buds.

I smoked 1 this morning.
It was still a lil damp.
I am very impressed by the lower less mature bud.
This gives me great expectations for the more mature buds at the top.

I want to dry the main buds on the plant for as long as necessary.

For some reason I feel like the 2-4 week drying pertains to larger plants.
This one is 18" tall from Cola to end of cut stalk.
I was thinking maybe a week or two drying and then a week or two curing.
We shall see though.

If anyone asks this first tree's buds are going to be called Eleanor.
The second will be Rigby.
The Beatle's song just came on my media player as I was typing this.

Look at all the lonely people.
Where do they all come from?
Where do they all belong?


Well-Known Member
I still have no cam.
I still have 3 other plants that are coming down in the next few weeks though.

My next 1 will come down at the earliest 1 week from today.
My next will be about 2 weeks behind that.
The 4th will be probally atleast 6 weeks from now.

I will be getting ready to send in the clones here in another week or two.

I agree I want to take pics bad too.
I want to share my babies with the world.
They deserve it.


Well-Known Member
I topped the first set of 4 clones at thier fith nodes.

The second set will be going into thier 6" pots with soil in a few days.

The 3rd set is still working on getting them roots.

The mom I put into flower is going crazy.
She is still growing.
I would say 10 new growth spurts have popped up since I put her in flower 2 days ago.

I plan to make 1 of these clones a new mom.

I also hope to be able to get some high%thc seeds to start growing here in the next 2-3 weeks.

My cousin just called and asked me about Warlock.
Might be smoking some of that soon.


Well-Known Member
I chopped the second plant day before yesterday.

I would have like to have waited longer but, I am not going to able to dry as long as I would have liked.

My 1st set of clones were toped on the 22nd.
I put them into flower yesterday on the 26th.

The mom is getting so bushy.
She looks to have potential for more bud than the 1st 2 combined.

My fourth plant is slow as hell.
This is the one that the main stalk broke right below the cola ( I mended it with black tape) I fixed it and let it veg another week before it went into flower.
This plant will going on 10 weeks of flower and 21 ds of veg on Monday the 2nd.

Still no pics sorry.
Trust me it sucks.
Still looking for a job.


Well-Known Member
Ok 9 clones and a mom in flower.
2 plants curing.
1 smoked.

I feel I should either start some more from seed or pull one of these clones in flower for a new mom.

These clones went into flower about 4 weeks after cutting them.
I would say a week to a week and a half for rooting in water and then the rest in soil.

They range from 5-7" tall.
I feel I have done alot better on the node spacing on this grow.
Some of the nodes are so close.
My smallest is 5" and I know it has atleast 10 nodes.

I am going for smaller plants this time around.
All 8 have been topped twice already.
The 9th clone just went into flower today.

The mom looks fabulous.
She has like 50 bud sites and she is about 2 ft tall.

I feel like the 9th clone will be pulled for the mom since it will have the least reveg time.

I do not need any clones until these are harvested.

I figure atleast 2 mo's before next harvest.

So I will want to start taking clones in about 5 weeks.

I hope to get a cam for this time around.

Just ate some cannabuter on a piece of toast.
I feel like 2 bong this and the cannabutter will do me nicely.
Oh yeah it is Saturday.
I quess I could drink some beer.

Off to stare at my plants.


Well-Known Member
I tell you what. LOL
Starting with clones is the shit.

I have 9 clones that have been in flower for what seems like between 1 and 2 weeks. (Not sure) ( ok just checked last post it must be closer to 2 wks)
I also have the mom the clones came from in the same closet flowering as well.

The mom is looking magnificent.
She is very healthy.
I would say she has between 35-50 bud sites.

The 9 clones are doing marvelous as well.
I have topped all of them 3x's now.
I am going for short and stocky.
They just started budsites a couple of days ago.
They have had the pistils ever since I cut the clones but now they are blooming.
I would say the 2nd set of clones is 7" tall and the first is about 9" tall.
Some of them look like they are going to have up to 6 main colas.

The 9th clone is in a contious veg state.
I move it between the flowering closet and the bathroom to keep contious light going.
I want to make another mom out of it.
I would like to get atleast 1 more grow after this one in before I start with seed again.

If just amazes me how the clones are taking off and how they are so damn healthy.


Well-Known Member
Cut 3 more clones and put them in water for rooting.
These were lower branches on the mom in flower that were not getting light.
I have one clone that is already in soil that is in veg to become a new mom.

I currently have 8 clones in flower. They are all about 9-12"'s tall .
I have topped the clones 3x's each.
Looks like they are going to have a minimum of 4 colas apiece. A couple look like they could have 6 or 7.

The clones are starting to slow growth and have started budding.

The mom that is in flower looks really nice.
I expect to get 2-3 oz's off of her.
I figure I will get atleast an oz off of each of the flowering clones.

I will flower these out for atleast 6-8 more weeks.

Just got finished feeding them and re arranging them.

Time to imbibe herb and wine.


Well-Known Member
Damn dude, you have a kick-ass little operation going there! I'm planning on 2 clones at a time when I reach that point in a couple weeks.

Mid, remember to let your buds cure all the way. I can vouch for the H U G E difference it makes in potency and taste to let them cure at least 4 weeks. The difference was amazing to me - from weak, short high with a harsh taste in the back of your throat to mind numbing potency that was smooth and lasted 1.5-2 hrs. They get better with age and proper curing. Enjoy it, man!


Well-Known Member
Thanks Hearmenow.
I know the last plants I harvested did not cure nearly long enough.
I was still getting higher than the weed the seeds came from.
I just know I can do much much much better.

This is the reason that I am trying to amp it up a little.
I just want good properly cured smoke to last me for 1-2 grow cycles while the newly harvested drys and cures.

I figure I smoke 10-12 ounces in 3mo's (my roomie and I)

Unless I have any serious probs within 6 mo's I will be set.

Do not intend to sell any I just would like to not have to worry about buying weed.


Well-Known Member
Ive been reading, and reading these thread. Sounds like a tight op. You got to get a camera bro. Your words arent doing these girls justice.


Well-Known Member
1 Mom in flower 8 clones in flower.
All are flowering.
The mom started flowering almost 5 days before the clones.

I have one clone in veg to become a new mom.

I have 6 clones rooting in water.

I plan to buy a cam and equip for a dwc tommorow.
When I get the cam look out.
There will deffinately be some photo ops.

Tokes and cheers


Well-Known Member
Sweet deal. I think we are shooting for the same thing. The Mrs and I smoke about 1/2-3/4 oz a month. My goal is to have roughly 6 months worth on hand, so I can take a break for 3-4 months from growing. It is really time consuming and I have to plan my vacation and business trips around the plants.

Looking forward to seeing your updated pics...

Thanks Hearmenow.
I know the last plants I harvested did not cure nearly long enough.
I was still getting higher than the weed the seeds came from.
I just know I can do much much much better.

This is the reason that I am trying to amp it up a little.
I just want good properly cured smoke to last me for 1-2 grow cycles while the newly harvested drys and cures.

I figure I smoke 10-12 ounces in 3mo's (my roomie and I)

Unless I have any serious probs within 6 mo's I will be set.

Do not intend to sell any I just would like to not have to worry about buying weed.


Well-Known Member
Still no pics.
Been to damn lazy to buy a cam.

I have 9 plants flowering right now.
I have 1 plant vegging to become a mom.
I have 4 clones that I just took that are in soil and veg now.

I have an interview today with my roommates boss.
No drug test no background check.
Sounds really good for me at this point.

Hopefully, I will start back working in the next few days.
It has been a long year out of work.

Once I get a job I will be able to really do some growing.
Not that what I have pieced together does'nt work I just want to go bigger and better.

I think this is week 3 of flowering.
I have decided not to keep up with the timeframes this time.
I want to let the plants tell me when they are ready.
So I figure atleast 6 more weeks before harvest for the clones and maybe 4-5 on the big mama.

Bud sites are everywhere.
I believe that I have truly optimized my grow space this time.
I literally have a canopy of green from one side of the closet to the other.


Well-Known Member
Nice. Glad to hear about the interview. Good luck with that. Dude, you need to either borrow a cam or take some cell phone pics. I'd really like to see how the girls are coming along. I read where you are planning to flower for 9 weeks? Make sure you get yourself a 'scope to check those trichs way before then. You never know, you could have a girl whose ready in 6 weeks. Continue the good work!