2x4 grow: greenlit by wife, ready to spend some money!

Gorilla tents will blow that Mars Hydro tent out of the water.
How is it different if they both perform the same basic essential duty? House plants, keep light out

I did already mention the build quality is better, although I feel it's not necessary to be.

I think this would be the exact kind of info that the OP would love to hear, why one tent is better than another.

Will Gorilla tents increase yield, potency, health of the plants inside?

Teach us!
I have a 3x3 ACI tent and a 4" ACI exhaust fan. I have had the tent a couple of years now. On retrospect these are the things I would do different.
I would not do a 3x3 again, the cheap light options are better for a 2x4. As others have noted it needs to be at least 6 ft high. I would definitely go with the ACI brand for the tent and exhaust fan. The tent fabric, cost and the control plate make it a winner over Gorilla. I like the Viparspectra lights as having good bang for the buck, two Xs1500 would be ideal for a 4x2 but there are many good options out there. Definitely shop around for the carbon filter there are cheaper options than ACI. For a circulating fan do not be seduced by the hype over the ACI fan, it has the same plastic gears as the rest of the cheap oscillating fans. I wouldn't buy a kit, not worth the extra money for the convenience plus you are limited to one brand for all the components. If I did buy a kit I would go with ACI. If you go with soil be careful you don't have gnats! Pro-mix is where it's at for soil grows, you can get a compressed brick at walmart for 13 bucks. I tried miracle grow, miracle grow organic, black gold and ocean forest, all had gnats, only the pro-mix was gnat free.
I have a 3x3 ACI tent and a 4" ACI exhaust fan. I have had the tent a couple of years now. On retrospect these are the things I would do different.
I would not do a 3x3 again, the cheap light options are better for a 2x4. As others have noted it needs to be at least 6 ft high. I would definitely go with the ACI brand for the tent and exhaust fan. The tent fabric, cost and the control plate make it a winner over Gorilla. I like the Viparspectra lights as having good bang for the buck, two Xs1500 would be ideal for a 4x2 but there are many good options out there. Definitely shop around for the carbon filter there are cheaper options than ACI. For a circulating fan do not be seduced by the hype over the ACI fan, it has the same plastic gears as the rest of the cheap oscillating fans. I wouldn't buy a kit, not worth the extra money for the convenience plus you are limited to one brand for all the components. If I did buy a kit I would go with ACI. If you go with soil be careful you don't have gnats! Pro-mix is where it's at for soil grows, you can get a compressed brick at walmart for 13 bucks. I tried miracle grow, miracle grow organic, black gold and ocean forest, all had gnats, only the pro-mix was gnat free.
YES, you can go the cheaper option & couldn't be happier, I bought these fancy soils, etc. it's only a preference, most I talked to use the basics, THAT'S ALL!
How is it different if they both perform the same basic essential duty? House plants, keep light out

I did already mention the build quality is better, although I feel it's not necessary to be.

I think this would be the exact kind of info that the OP would love to hear, why one tent is better than another.

Will Gorilla tents increase yield, potency, health of the plants inside?

Teach us!
What a terrible question. How is a Lamborghini different than a Toyota Tercel? They both do the same essential thing and drive you from point A to point B?

But you already said why it’s better. Better build quality and a lot stronger frame.

My 5x5 light weighs 46 lbs. alone so I opted for something I knew would handle all my hanging equipment securely and with ease.

The zipper quality is better than any others I’ve seen and the main door has a flap that goes over the zippers preventing any light leaks if any ever did
Always good to get the green [light] from the wifey good choice hope it turns out good. lights are the key to great plants
How is it different if they both perform the same basic essential duty? House plants, keep light out

I did already mention the build quality is better, although I feel it's not necessary to be.

I think this would be the exact kind of info that the OP would love to hear, why one tent is better than another.

Will Gorilla tents increase yield, potency, health of the plants inside?

Teach us!
Since a Gorilla Tent can extend higher than most other tents, then yes it could increase yield. It could also increase potency, because you can give your lights a bit more distance from the plant, which will also result in better health and additional yield due to better light spread.
What a terrible question. How is a Lamborghini different than a Toyota Tercel? They both do the same essential thing and drive you from point A to point B?

But you already said why it’s better. Better build quality and a lot stronger frame.

My 5x5 light weighs 46 lbs. alone so I opted for something I knew would handle all my hanging equipment securely and with ease.

The zipper quality is better than any others I’ve seen and the main door has a flap that goes over the zippers preventing any light leaks if any ever did

Hi @twentyeight.threefive we see you! Here is your daily attention! lol, now be a good bot and go play while the adults talk.

lmao.. So what you mean to say is per usual you talk out your _ _ _ and cannot actually answer the question adequately but like to be heard so hear you are. Your comment was; "Gorilla tents will blow that Mars Hydro tent out of the water. "

If you cannot explain yourself maybe keep your zipper zipped? otherwise you are not adding to the conversation, just being your trolly self -- I mean you said it yourself here; "But you already said why it’s better. Better build quality and a lot stronger frame." - so your .02 was not needed ;-)

FYI my newest mars also has the flap covering the zipper although we both know that doesn't matter as those insignificant leaks will never lead to a herm, also my 4x4 has a rating of over 150lb weight capacity..
Since a Gorilla Tent can extend higher than most other tents, then yes it could increase yield. It could also increase potency, because you can give your lights a bit more distance from the plant, which will also result in better health and additional yield due to better light spread.

Excellent!! See @twentyeight.threefive you could have said this but you missed your opportunity!

This is the info people want!
Always good to get the green [light] from the wifey good choice hope it turns out good. lights are the key to great plants

A few years ago I would have simply bought bought bought - and dealt with any pushback once the items were in my possession (I built a sizable paintball collection that way...), so perhaps I'm mellowing a bit in my older age.
The Covert 2x4 at Hydrobuilder is looking good - half the price, and the only difference - other than fabric thickness - seems to be that it has plastic corners, whereas the Gorilla has metal.
The Covert 2x4 at Hydrobuilder is looking good - half the price, and the only difference - other than fabric thickness - seems to be that it has plastic corners, whereas the Gorilla has metal.
Gorilla has extensions though. I've heard they're cool with warranties too and that if you have an issue sometime with the outer shell, they'll send you a new one. Don't know if they do that with all their customers or just the big ones. Hydrobuilder hasn't disappointed either.
Oh darn. Sorry I missed the chance lmao. You would have made some lame comeback if I had even mentioned that.

Who’s sleeper sock are you?
You’re really going to lie and act like you even thought of that, lmao.. trying to act
Don’t be upset, you’ll get your chance some day to be useful and not just a troll, you’ll probably watch it fly by bcs that seems to be your nature, all you do is make useless, snarky comments you find idk witty maybe? And derail conversations. You are what comes to everyone’s mind when people complain about riu, this place would be far better without your “contributions”. It’s sad really, I feel bad for you. This clearly shows how you were treated for years.. either that or you're just an a-hole by nature ‍♂️
Also, I see you can’t keep me off your mind.. I’m taken, please take a hint and find yourself someone else
You’re really going to lie and act like you even thought of that, lmao.. trying to act
Don’t be upset, you’ll get your chance some day to be useful and not just a troll, you’ll probably watch it fly by bcs that seems to be your nature, all you do is make useless, snarky comments you find idk witty maybe? And derail conversations. You are what comes to everyone’s mind when people complain about riu, this place would be far better without your “contributions”. It’s sad really, I feel bad for you. This clearly shows how you were treated for years.. either that or you're just an a-hole by nature ‍♂
Also, I see you can’t keep me off your mind.. I’m taken, please take a hint and find yourself someone else
Can't keep you off my mind? Narcissistic much? You literally replied to me in the thread. Get over yourself.

I help people all the time, at least the ones that aren't arrogant assholes.
I have a 3x3 ACI tent and a 4" ACI exhaust fan. I have had the tent a couple of years now. On retrospect these are the things I would do different.
I would not do a 3x3 again, the cheap light options are better for a 2x4. As others have noted it needs to be at least 6 ft high. I would definitely go with the ACI brand for the tent and exhaust fan. The tent fabric, cost and the control plate make it a winner over Gorilla. I like the Viparspectra lights as having good bang for the buck, two Xs1500 would be ideal for a 4x2 but there are many good options out there. Definitely shop around for the carbon filter there are cheaper options than ACI. For a circulating fan do not be seduced by the hype over the ACI fan, it has the same plastic gears as the rest of the cheap oscillating fans. I wouldn't buy a kit, not worth the extra money for the convenience plus you are limited to one brand for all the components. If I did buy a kit I would go with ACI. If you go with soil be careful you don't have gnats! Pro-mix is where it's at for soil grows, you can get a compressed brick at walmart for 13 bucks. I tried miracle grow, miracle grow organic, black gold and ocean forest, all had gnats, only the pro-mix was gnat free.
What promix may i ask? I am looking for a gnat free soil
A few years ago I would have simply bought bought bought - and dealt with any pushback once the items were in my possession (I built a sizable paintball collection that way...), so perhaps I'm mellowing a bit in my older age.
they call that getting wiser my friend haha
I have the Gorilla 4 x 2 and 2 6 inch ac infinity fans ( one outside one inside with ac infinity carbon filter) and I could not be happier. My light is a sun system 315 watt LEC.
What are your setting of fans for this set up ? I found that i need level 6 with only exhaust+passive intake to bring temperature to 80 when outside its about 71