2nd Grow: Organic Bagseed CFL Coco Grow

white boy smurf

New Member
so your going to top a lolliepop plant ?
I think what he is trying to say is that he wants to LST his plants so that there is more than just one cola. If you got the room go for it, the reasoning behind lolipop'n is for small spaces and quik harvests. So if you have the room LST is better bang for your buck


Well-Known Member
what if you where to lst and lollie the same plant would that work lol i never heard any 1 trying this but think it would work


Well-Known Member
There is no way LST and the lollipop can be done to the same plant. Its only possible to do one or the other, if you train a plant on its side (LST) then how would you lollipop it? Answer is... you can't, its already been LST'd. The purpose of the lollipop is to have one fat cola, whereas the LST is for many bud sites, they are polar opposites.

Also, I don't mean to be rude, but none of this has anything to do with my grow journal. Have you guys ever heard anyone talk about "hijacking" a thread? It's kind of whats happening to me here. If you have a specific question you should start your own thread, you'll have better results with getting your questions answered anyway. Once again, I don't mean to be rude or off-putting, its just kind of bush league to steal someone's thread for your own questions and conversations...:-?

white boy smurf

New Member
There is no way LST and the lollipop can be done to the same plant. Its only possible to do one or the other, if you train a plant on its side (LST) then how would you lollipop it? Answer is... you can't, its already been LST'd. The purpose of the lollipop is to have one fat cola, whereas the LST is for many bud sites, they are polar opposites.

Also, I don't mean to be rude, but none of this has anything to do with my grow journal. Have you guys ever heard anyone talk about "hijacking" a thread? It's kind of whats happening to me here. If you have a specific question you should start your own thread, you'll have better results with getting your questions answered anyway. Once again, I don't mean to be rude or off-putting, its just kind of bush league to steal someone's thread for your own questions and conversations...:-?
Dude no one hijacked you, you were asking what lolipopping was and i told you then you were asking about lst. We are trying to help you... Good Luck?


Well-Known Member
Dude no one hijacked you, you were asking what lolipopping was and i told you then you were asking about lst. We are trying to help you... Good Luck?
I never asked one question about lollipopping. I am fully aware of what it is, and how to do it. I think perhaps you are referring to Dr. Green Nutz? Take a look a page back where he says he still doesn't understand after your explanation. I ask him "what's not to get?" and explain in short. Once again, still not trying to be off-putting, please don't hijack my thread.


Well-Known Member
Yea sorry about that man I was just thinking the same thing. My bad. So how are your babiez doin?
They're doing great, thanks for asking. Dude, no harm done, I was just making sure this wouldn't turn into a lollipop thread. I think that guy took it the wrong way... I'll probably do a pic update tomorrow, I got the day off and I'm going to be doing a LOT of sitting on my ass around the house, its fucking freezing outside haha.


Well-Known Member
couldn't you top early in the veg stage and then lollipop when goin in to flower?
Haha its okay Dr. Green Nutz. This one actually pertains to my journal, whether this guy knows it or not. Yes, you could top then lollipop, it wouldn't be a true lollipop with two prominent shoots, but I see what you mean. To be honest that's basically what I'm planning. I've been topping my plants above the fourth node, and when I move them into flower I'll trim off all branches and fans on the bottom of the plant, leaving four growth shoots for four strong fat buds. I find the more bud sites on the plant, the smaller the buds are, and small buds make me sad...:-(


Well-Known Member
Update: December 20, 2008

Here are some up to date pictures of the plants I have in veg right now. The two that are a few weeks old are both from the same bagseed. The seedling is from different, danker bud. The more I grow, the more I'm starting to notice the subtle details about phenotypes. For example, I had four plants all from the same bagseed. Both of the ones that I put into flower first were bushier plants with good branching activity. They were both males. Now out of the two I have going right now, one of the plants clearly falls into the bushier, good branching category. The other is taller, and seems to be a vertical grower as opposed to a bush. I can almost guarantee this is the female phenotype. From what I've notice the fathers traits will come out in the males, and the moms traits come out in the females. This is very good information for breeding purposes, as the mom would in theory have more of an impact on how the bud will turn out. Hmmmm...bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
Update: December 23, 2008

Here's some new pics. MS2 was right at six inches yesterday, hence she's in the flower chamber today. I really hope this new pheno translates to a female, I want to get the ball rolling here. MI2 is really kind of a special ed plant. Remember how I said only one branch grew after I topped? Well there is still only one branch at that node, and its pretty much growing sideways. It may actually benefit me, shouldn't have any problems with this one reaching tall on me. I took a close up of that node, notice the giant protruding sideways branch haha. The seedling is doing okay, the nute burn I was expecting from the warm soil is starting to set in, once again the RO is proving to be too hot for seedlings. I have a theory though, that if I re-use the soil for future plants some of the nutes will be used up, so it should work well for seedlings in future grows.



Well-Known Member
What a strange plant:dunce:
Yeah I've never heard of this before. I mean its not *that* weird, but I thought if you topped a plant you get two new shoots, no matter what. I'm pretty sure I know why though, this plant was slow to develop its side shoots, so it was topped when there was no side growth yet at that node. Guess I should have waited for the branching activity to start before I topped, oops.


Well-Known Member
Yo Dankness, excellent stuff here looks like you really know what you're doing, or atleast you play if off well haha. Anyways Im impressed with what you have going so far.
Any luck on finding a HPS light? And are you going to use one on your next grow?
I started my 1st grow with CFLs 3 weeks ago and I wish I had seen this journal cause I learned a few things already. I could def. pick your brains for a little bit on growing.