2nd Grow: Organic Bagseed CFL Coco Grow


Well-Known Member
Update: January 10, 2009

Some new things are going to be happening coming up that are going to drastically change this grow. My girlfriend and I are planning on moving in the spring, her sister is moving with her husband and they want us to live in their house until they find a buyer. I don't even really want to, but there are some advantages that will out-weigh the costs. The biggest advantage being that they are only going to charge us the same amount of money that we pay now for rent, and right now we live in an apartment. Basically we will be living in a 3 bedroom house for 650 a month. The downside will be the effect it will have on my grow. I no longer have the time to finish these plants before we move. My idea? Go outdoor.

For now I plan to use the flowering chamber in my cab to veg the plants I have now. I have 6 young plants. When they are all around 6 inches or more, I'll flip the lights to 12/12 to sex them. When I figure out which are females, I'll take as many cuttings I can without ravaging them and switch back to 24 hours of light. This way, when April rolls around, I should have a bunch of females to transplant into various outdoor plots that still need to be established. I'm thinking 2-4 plants in 2-3 different plots. I'll either plant them in 5 gallon buckets buried in the ground, or I'll treat the soil that's already there. My biggest concern is pests, but hey its going to have to work, I don't really have another option.

Anyway here's some pics of what I have going right now. SS1 seems to be really finicky, it hasn't really been growing at all vertically, kind of pissing me off. GI1 is still looking rather droopy, but I just transplanted her today into a larger pot and I'm hoping she'll like the extra room. GS1 is doing great and looking really healthy. Last but not least, GS2 is starting to get bigger and its working on its second leaf set. I planted a couple more germed seeds yesterday, those haven't shown yet. The pics of the individual plants are of GI1, GS1, SS1, and GS2, respectively.


magikal chronik

Well-Known Member
Dam sounds like some good, but bad news. lol. Ya gotta to what you gotta do man, wouldn't you rather have more room, and make ya girl happy. :hump: outside is a good idea. i'll be postedfor that sounds interesting.:weed:


Well-Known Member
Update: January 20, 2009

So I found out some good news, this indoor grow is still on people! I found out that we wouldn't be moving into the house until mid-may, and that leaves me plenty of time to flower this cycle of plants. Sweet I know, but I was getting exited for a huge outdoor grow this summer. I think I might take a couple cuttings off the fem's in this bunch and see what I can't do outdoors, but for now that one is to be continued...

On to what we have going on right now. So now I have seven plants, yup count em, seven plants in veg. Granted one just popped its head up this morning, but it still counts. That pesky little palm tree of mine(SS1) is fiiiinnnaally starting to show signs of recovery. Definitely won't be starting seedlings in this soil until its been used at least once, SS1 was the last one I made that mistake with. GS1 is doing reeeaaallyyy well, this is the one I'd like to clone if its a fem, really a vigorous grower. GI1 is looking droopy as fuck, sorry I mis-read her needs this afternoon and over-watered her a little, oops. Normally she looks much happier I promise. GS2 is coming on strong after suffering humidity shock. GS3 and GS4 look great, I took the domes off earlier this time and they look fucking great. The last plant, the one that surfaced today, I hereby dub DM1(dank mystery), mostly because the bud was just pungent dank herb. I think I'll give that one a better name when it grows up a little.

The first pic is a shot of the lights I've been using lately. One 65 watt 4100k, two 27 watt 6500k's, and one 42 watt 2700k. A good mixed spectrum, they seem to love it. The second is a group shot. The individuals are of GS1, GI1, SS1, GS2, GS3, GS4, and DM1, respectively. Enjoy.


magikal chronik

Well-Known Member
Nice ! you get to stay and finish the grow. I wanted too see the outcome, and well now i can. lol :lol:

They look real good man. GS1 is shooting up real quick..:-P


Well-Known Member
Nice ! you get to stay and finish the grow. I wanted too see the outcome, and well now i can. lol :lol:

They look real good man. GS1 is shooting up real quick..:-P
Yeah GS1 is kicking all the other plants asses, its probably the male haha. I am seeing some serious variation plant to plant though, makes me want to buy seeds my next go around, I'm finding out that bagseeds are really inconsistent. I treat them exactly the same and one plant is growing like an inch a day and the others look like they ride the short bus. I guess there's retarded marijuana plants just like there's retarded people. SS1 is a retard.:dunce:


Well-Known Member
I thought I would take a couple shots for you guys today because some of the plants were drooping in those other pics. Here's a group shot, followed by an individual of SS1, who is finally doing better and looks healthy again. Last is a shot of GI1, the one that had its fans damn near touching the main stem of the plant. Looks better now huh?



Well-Known Member
Update: January 25, 2009

So GS1 was a male. Goddamnit. I am so sick of these fucking males!!!:fire:

I don't even want to talk about it. Here are the plants I have in veg now, down to six. All of them are looking happy and healthy, especially the younger ones. I'll just let the pics speak for themselves, here you go!


Hello, feel like im taking the piss but im very new to all this, and love your setup, it seems the easiest i have seen so far but still with great results! so wondering if you could when ever you get a chance send me all the information required and shopping list of whats needed! to imitate your personal grow room i already have a cupboard about same height and depth but twice width, look forward to hearing from yourself, any information would be greatly appreciated.