2nd Grow: Organic Bagseed CFL Coco Grow


Active Member
it looks like the got nute burned a little... wats the problem those leaves should be spread out like if u had ur hand wide open :)


Well-Known Member
Just one of the little ones got a little burned, all of the others are doing great. What do you mean open like a hand?:confused: You mean like in those pics, I took them 30 seconds ago just for you. Look pretty damn healthy to me, and they were even topped this afternoon, making a pretty good comeback don't you think?



Well-Known Member
Update: November 28, 2008

Alright I have some new pics for everyone. I just topped the first pair of plants a couple days ago, they are looking great, already showing prolific new growth. I took a close up of where I topped one of the plants, just above the fourth node. The seedlings are coming along nicely, the one that got slightly burned has recovered and new growth looks great. I took close ups of buds from each mature plant as well, both plants are running on empty, but there's still some nice nugs left. Also, I threw in a shot of a nice bud I took off the topped plant yesterday, can't wait to smoke it.



Well-Known Member
Update: December 1, 2008

Okay people here we go again. These plants are fucking out of control. I just started my feeding schedule last week, and I think I have a plant ready for flowering! These plants are growing roughly twice as fast as my last ones, I have never seen anything like it. I took pictures of all four plants, and I also took a couple close ups of where I topped each plant so you can see the amount of new growth. I threw in a shot of whats left of the other plants just for shits, its almost nothing now. My problem is that the plants that I've been feeding are receiving nowhere near a full strength dose of veg nutes, I just started feeding them for gods sake. I planned on working up to full strength, then feeding with a full strength mix of veg/flower nutes when they are sexing, then full strength flower after they sex. Now I barely started feeding and they're ready, I guess I'll have to revise the nutrient plan... Also, to make it easier to identify eash plant, I've named them MS1, MS2, MI1, and MI2. MS stands for mostly sativa and MS1 is the big bushy fucker thats about ready for flower. MI stands for mostly indica and MI1 is the other plant close to flower. MS2 and MI2 are the babies, I think you guys can differentiate between the two.



Well-Known Member
I just measured MS1 and she is sitting right at 6". That is the height that I planned on moving them into flower, so that's just what I did. A little over three weeks from seed and already in the flower chamber, I never thought I'd see the day. This is my plan from here on out:

-If MS1 is a female I plan to take a clone from her. That clone will be the mother plant for babies to come.
-If MI1 is a female I'll take a clone from her. I favor this plants growth characteristics slightly so this clone would replace MS1(Gen2) as the mother for babies to come.
-When the first female of the bunch is 5 weeks into flower, I will take a cutting from the mother.
-By the time the first female is finished flowering, I should have another plant ready to take her place.
-I will take a cutting any time a female is 5 weeks into flower so it will be replaced as soon as its chopped.
-With this plan I will perpetually harvest 2 ounces plus every 5 weeks (two plants should finish about the same time).
-I think I just got a boner.


Well-Known Member
Update: December 03, 2008

Took some pictures of the girls today when I checked on them. MS1 is looking good after moving her to the flower chamber, already showing pre-flowers. MI1 will join her in a couple more days, I just want her to grow about another inch. The two seedlings are starting to catch up, I'll probably be trans-planting them within a week. I took pictures above both plants I've topped so far to see the branching that takes place. Also I threw in a shot of some of the fattest popcorn left one of the mature plants. I think the other one may be starting to hermie from my partial harvests, so now she's living in my closet without any lights till she dies off.



Well-Known Member
Update: December 16, 2008

This is really great man, very insperational to start my cfl project.

+Rep homie
Thanks man I do my best. Some sad things happened lately, most notably both MS1 and MI1 were both males. Isn't that a sunnavabitch. Oh well, MS2 and MI2 are doing pretty well now, starting to take off after slight nutrient burn from the soil. In future grows, I don't think I'm going to start seedling in the RO, but its still a great soil, just a little bit too warm. Both of these plants have been really finicky and hard to dial in, but I just transplanted recently and they've been showing signs of improvement. Both have been topped recently as well. Thats actually the other sad thing, I topped MI2 but ONLY ONE fucking branch is growing out, the other is no where to be found. So basically I just stunted the plant for no reason, take a look at the pic. I started another seedling this week, I'm really excited about this one, it came from a bag of some of the best weed I've smoked for a while, the only seed in the bag. Take a look at the pics tell me what you think.



New Member
Sounds like you have some good genetics. Maybe if that danky bagseed turns out to be female you could make some fuckin BOMB ASS seeds!:weed:


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you have some good genetics. Maybe if that danky bagseed turns out to be female you could make some fuckin BOMB ASS seeds!:weed:
No, making seeds would involve me keeping a male around, which could potentially impregnate all of my future nugs. I don't like smoking seeds, so I think if the bagseed ends up being female I'll probably just take a cutting and make it the mother plant for future generations. I would like to do some breeding in the future though.


Well-Known Member
yea for sure. Hey do you think that four 26 watt cfls would be sufficient to for two small plants?
Are you talking veg or flower? You could definitely veg with them, obviously as I do myself. For flowering I would recommend more light. What I'm running on right now is basically the bare minimum if you want decent bud. Anything less and your bud will be very light and airy. I'm actually thinking of switching to a more powerful light source myself, a 150 watt hps. You can get a really nice little sun systems unit with internal ballast and a nice reflector for around 80 bucks. There is also the famous cheapo 20 dollar hps light from econo-light.com http://www.e-conolight.com/Product/EProductDetail.asp?ProductFamilyID=7&FGNumber=E-MT6H151G . If you are thinking of flowering with only 104 watts of cfl, put them on a 12/12 photo period after about 2 weeks of veg and lollipop them. Each plant will be one nice plump bud by the time you're through.

white boy smurf

New Member
Ok so now I have my set-up and im gonna be starting a grow journal soon:hump:. What is lollypop and how do I do it?

Lolipop is pretty much jsut cutting off the bottom 1/3 of the plant so that the only bud that forms is the top cola, good technique for small grow ops or for just mass production clone style perpetual grows.


New Member
Lolipop is pretty much jsut cutting off the bottom 1/3 of the plant so that the only bud that forms is the top cola, good technique for small grow ops or for just mass production clone style perpetual grows.

Hey man I would really love if you guys could check out my journal and give me some more advice about this loly pop thing. I still dont really get it:eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member
Lolipop is pretty much jsut cutting off the bottom 1/3 of the plant so that the only bud that forms is the top cola, good technique for small grow ops or for just mass production clone style perpetual grows.
What's not to get? This guy pretty much summed it up for you. Just cut off any branches in the bottom third and flower them short. You will get big huge lollipop colas on each plant.