2nd grow cant get more than 1/2 oz per plant


Well-Known Member
yeah ph meter in soil reads 7 i know promix is 7 ph. so my tap water is 7 ph. would it make that much of a difference?

Yes it makes a huge difference, the plant can't eat its food if the PH is too high, you need to drop it by about 1/2 a point for the best results.


nodrama, you say drop it to 6.5 ? im using promix its 7 its soil less as well. acts and fells like dirt though. dont hydro users go 5.3-5.7?


thanks proheto, so i have to buy a ph water meter like the hydro guys. seems like it would be hard to do just useing my soil ph meter


my bad. I'm mistaken about what the ph should be. ill def lower it but i i thought 7 was good. hey man i think i know a lot more stuff than most noobs! there isnt that much much talk in non hydro.


Active Member
lonelysmoka, good news about the plants not stealing light!!. but i have my 600w 16 to 18" above at all times. i have a 20" box fan blowing on the light! should i top at the 2nd node to get 4 colas, and just clip the other side branches to focus on the for main. and keep the sog! ill try the ph thing. i dont have a water meter. but soil meter. i just dip it and it reads 7.

I would say no, but thats a personal preference. Seems like you are more worried about the yield than the quality???
When ever you top plants you will get more colas but the quality of the weed will go down too.

If I were you I would do some research on your potting soil and find out everything about it. I know George uses it on his video but you cant count on just a video. I am on my first grow myself so I am pretty new to the whole grow part. I have done so much research on everything! There is just so much more to research. I have a problem with wanting everything perfect thats why I do so much research. I know for sure you are going to want to get that pH down so you dont run into any nute lock outs. I would just use some lemon juice with your regular water over the next week or two. Really until you get the soil pH down, remember to lower pH slowly maybe a.01-.02 at a time. Big jumps in ph could be detrimental to your garden.


yeah i wast every thing perfect! no nute lock or burn, my plants are sooo green till 2 weeks before harvest , when they drop leaves. and natrually turn yellow. guess ill try bigger plants.


Active Member
If there's really no frosty sugarleafs and no red hairs then maybe its actually the sativa phenotype and you're just picking it too early. That's what I'm hoping cuz I'm a noob using a similar setup with 400 watts and less plants and I really don't wanna get less than that. Are you sure you're not chopping early?


Well-Known Member
If your plants look healthy then chances are they are healthy. I would bet that if you dropped the ph they would do a lilttle bit better, but not that better.

Pro Mix is buffered so it is really stable, plants do well in promix in a wide ph range. Ive fed from 5.5 all the way to 6.5, and i cant tell what range they like better.

The only reason i stick with the lower ph of around 5.7 is because that is what arjan from greenhouse seeds told me to do at the THC expo in l.a. this past june.

And Yes... i would buy a PH meter if i were you. It really takes alot of the guesswork out of the Ph thing.

Make sure to get the calibration solution. And store with some of the 7.0 buffer solution on the electrode.


Well tomorrow will be a full 8 weeks! I think i might top harvest the few that have about 40% red hairs and let the bottoms fill out a bit more. looks like all 18 of my cheese x diesel have broken top of soil today. hope the clones make it. leaves are all yellow (day 10)!


Well-Known Member
If your strain is a 10 wk strain and you chop it at 8....you are missing out on the chunk up the last 2 weeks gives your buds.....it is really quite amazing how much more weight the buds put on in the last stages of the growth cycle..... :^)


jats it says its an 8 week strain. my cheese x diesel on my first grow exploded in weeks 7-9. it looks like my ppp just did the same thing. the bottom buds dont look like they will amount to anything. so i'm not counting them. i was going to regenerate them. leave as much foliage on the lower 1/4 of the plant. and throw them in a veg tent i'll get after harvest. along with my cxd. use as mothers and just flower after 50 days or so. I just checked my ph. WTF its at 8! I checked my ph my whole 1st grow and the first 2 weeks of my second. It was always 7. how could it change so much? it's my fault for not checking between my 4 mo first grow and this one i didn't think it would change. now i know the problem. dont know how loong it's been like this, but way to long. it's a little late to correct it. I'm broke just lost my job 3 weeks ago, so i cant afford to go out and buy anything right now. they look healthy though. Shouldnt they have shown signs with ph that high?

tea tree

Well-Known Member
ph for hydro is 5.8 and the ph for soil is 6.5. Some people run promix like a soiless because it has no minerals and shit in there. They also use hydro nutes to make sure it gets the full line. I fortify my pro-mix with blood, bone, and kelp and composts and worm castings and some other goodies. It is like a super soil. Anyway, I am having the same yeild probs as you. I dont think that the ph is the prob. It might be the strains. IDK, I also in a tent with a 600 watt lumatek, except tring to grow trees. I will try the lower ph anyway as I have had that prob in the past. Only it was very noticable in the leaves. One water fixed it in a few days with lower ph. Serious rebound as the plant began to use N again in veg. I have the bud prob. lol. ARRRRR.