2nd grow cant get more than 1/2 oz per plant


Active Member
hmm this has my mind boggled. A pH of 7 is to high, add a couple of drops of lemon into your tap water to lower the pH a little. And for the question about plants stealing light doesnt happen. What does happen though is that the lower leaves dont get the light. The canopy will start to get thick and block the light from reaching lower foliage. How high is the light from the top of the canopy? It could be possible that the micros' in your soil are not working properly...not sure though some pics would be great though......

do you have a pH tester for water and soil??


Well-Known Member
It kinda sounds to me like your giving it too much food, just the soil by itself can feed for months, also you CAN do 16 plants, but your gonna want to flower at about 6 inches so they don't get so big that they steal all the light from the smaller plants, you would also want to cut off most of the branches so your just growing single main colas ( kind of like doing a SOG grow). Try to simplify your grow, When I first started I also went nuts on all the stuff you could get to add to your fertilizers that touted all sorts of crazy shit. In the end a basic 2 part fert, some PH up and down, superthrive once in awhile made things grow like mad. These plants are weeds and do not need to be smothered with care and special meals all the time. Its cheaper to use less too.


Well-Known Member
molasses is garbage...

with this plant, nutes less is more, try going lower levels on the nutes next round. Start at 1/4 strength and see how they react. Lower your pH as well.

PPP is a plant I have heard many complaints on flowering time. I have had a plant (not PPP) flower for 13 weeks and still want to keep flowering. Highly sativa strain obviously.

Go easy on the plant, give it patience. You will reap what you sow.



lonelysmoka, good news about the plants not stealing light!!. but i have my 600w 16 to 18" above at all times. i have a 20" box fan blowing on the light! should i top at the 2nd node to get 4 colas, and just clip the other side branches to focus on the for main. and keep the sog! ill try the ph thing. i dont have a water meter. but soil meter. i just dip it and it reads 7.


Well-Known Member
are you using grow big is vegg and if you are, are you giving it to them from the start?


nodrama, im using promix (soilless medium) dont know the exact makeup though! george c from hightimes uses it its neutral. any other suggestions


nike617 germ seed paper towel method. put in solo cup. put in 3 gal grow bag. third set of leaves start !/4 grow big. i follow the directions so wtf! hey i also use the nute reg every 3 days. should i do a straight water in between? or give nutes every week or so? I thought it was every wattering. As far as molasses goes for soil i think it does improve the flowing process all through flowering.


no suppercropping on this grow! i am familiar with what it is, i went with topping and lst last time. im going to suppercrop this time. suppercropping might work if my alternating clones ever root! im going to regenerate my ppp as well!


Well-Known Member
dont give it grow big unless you vegging it for over 3 weeks, the soil and the beans have enough nutes in them for about 3-4 weeks. try getting a giff strain. also put a whole at the bottom of the solo cup. wait till the routes are coming out of the whole and there about 2-3 inches long them put into your reg growing pots. turn the pots everyday a qauter turn to get light to the diffrent parts of the plant I would do less plants so you can suppercrop to have more colas. try other strains. too and get that ph lower around 6.0-6.8 6.5 is perfect. :)


for the amount of ff soil i would need it would cost me a fortune! no hydro store but live iive in the tri city area of ny. albany sch'dy troy. plus promix is 100% reuseable. just replace what came off the root ball.


Well-Known Member
that is a bit high don't you think......I'd try getting it down to 6.5 or lower


yeah ph meter in soil reads 7 i know promix is 7 ph. so my tap water is 7 ph. would it make that much of a difference?


Well-Known Member
that sucks your tap is so close to what it needs to be. to be honest I would to less plants so you can have larger plants.