2nd grow cant get more than 1/2 oz per plant


Hello everyone. This is my 1st post, and my second grow. I'm having trouble getting past 1/2 oz maybe 3/4 oz per plant. Here's my setup 600w switchable mh hps electronic ballast. 6oow sunmaster super deluxe hps, 600w argomax mh bulbs. Open grow room 4 1/2 ' x 4 1/2' used under hps. 2 sides of the walls lined with mylar. nutes are fox farms 3 pack. dm penetrator with dm liquid light and reverse for foliar feeds every 3 days durring veg, and 4 weeks into flower for foliar. big bloom & tiger bloom for flower. soil is promix in 3 gallon grow bags. 16 plants under the 600w. I feed grow big every 3rd day. The plants are nirvana PPP fem. all from seed vegged 30 days. topped and tied down main stalk. 2 main colas side branches make them look like 6,7,8, even 9 colas. 3 20" box fans. ph is about 7 with pro mix. plants are all between 27 & 30 inches. went 12/12 at i think 12". I also use mollases durrring flower at 1 tsp pr gallon. 1st grow i averaged 1/2 oz plant Cheese x Diesel. 22 total plants that finished at 4' tall no topping or training. This time I cut the number of plants down a bit. I decided to top and lst to get shorter bushier plants. I have 3 days left on a 8 week flower. added a 4 lamp t5 ho 4' for side lighting a week ago. just got 2 of these in the mail last week. plan on using for my next grow. got 2 phenos of the ppp the sativa phenos which there are 3 plants look like they will put out even less. i think i covered everything??? any help would be greatly appreciated. I need higher yield!!!!



Active Member
First thing I would say want bigger yield get a bigger light.
It could be due to other things. Are the plants healthy throughout the grow? How are the temps? PH lvl of the water you are use? Are the plants getting enough fresh air (CO2)? A great grow is about 1gram to 1watt most people see about .5-.8grams to a watt. Hope this helps out.


Well-Known Member
if you are cramming 16 plants under 1 600w light in a 4x4 area, you have some small ass plants.. i know someone growing in that size area with 800 watts of light.. has 6 plants about in a 5x5 area.. get about 3-4 oz per plant.. i personally would try to get bigger plants so you would have like 6 in that area that yield 3-4 oz per.. plus less plants=less trouble if you get caught :p but from the math i do, if you did 6 plants and got 3 oz per, for 18oz total, that is way better than 16 plants at 1/2 oz per for a total of 8..


tokinman this ones for you! The light has a 4'x4' footprint right. That is 1 plant per sf. do the plants actually absorb the light so the others dont get it. i thought that if all the plants were in that footprint they would reap the same benefits as just one plant. do they actually steal the light? does my setup look decent i spent alot of money on it. If i go 6 5 gall buckets would i get better yields? or 50 clones in 2liter bottles? by the way i didnt say almost no frost on my leaves! this is ppp they should be frosty! my plants arent small by any means they are sog. not monsters but peeps with less veg time than me are getting well over an oz per plant! is there something wrong with my setup? Ive heard about the 100w per plant thing, but people do it all the time?


lonleysmoka i have constant clean air flow in my room 3 fans in my room and one outside blowing fresh in. Ph is a constant 7 in promix medium. i think my nutes are right on f.f. and dutch master. I also made poor mans co2 for veg didnt add that in my first post. i hear of peeps getting 1 lb+ under 400w? where do you think im going wrong? does ppp take longer than 8 weeks? I know the sativa pheno will take longer than the indica ones but how much more? no red hairs.


ph 7 temps 75f morning hit 90f once here in august. but average 75-85 rh 35-50%
somebody please help!! i mentioned i was about to go on my 3rd grow I cut my babies sat oct 3. i now have 2x 4' 4 lamp t5 ho. plus my 600w hps/mh. i have 50 clones of ppp going. 1st time trying to clone. used powder instead of gel. I dont count on one living!. took clones late from flowering ppp's. i know it takes longer to root and revegg. and since the nodes alternate already i cant top. have 18 of the cheese x diesel seeds just poped, that i got from a hermie my first round. they are going as well. i plan on regenerating all ppp's for my next grow. just ordered my 4x4 tent to keep my veggers and clones. i know i wont use all of these but maybe vegg the cxd for moms or maybe if my ppp clones do take its been 8 days. ill throw the in2 liter bottles and get bud on a stick? revegg who knows!


Hello everyone. This is my 1st post, and my second grow. I'm having trouble getting past 1/2 oz maybe 3/4 oz per plant. Here's my setup 600w switchable mh hps electronic ballast. 6oow sunmaster super deluxe hps, 600w argomax mh bulbs. Open grow room 4 1/2 ' x 4 1/2' used under hps. 2 sides of the walls lined with mylar. nutes are fox farms 3 pack. dm penetrator with dm liquid light and reverse for foliar feeds every 3 days durring veg, and 4 weeks into flower for foliar. big bloom & tiger bloom for flower. soil is promix in 3 gallon grow bags. 16 plants under the 600w. I feed grow big every 3rd day. The plants are nirvana PPP fem. all from seed vegged 30 days. topped and tied down main stalk. 2 main colas side branches make them look like 6,7,8, even 9 colas. 3 20" box fans. ph is about 7 with pro mix. plants are all between 27 & 30 inches. went 12/12 at i think 12". I also use mollases durrring flower at 1 tsp pr gallon. 1st grow i averaged 1/2 oz plant Cheese x Diesel. 22 total plants that finished at 4' tall no topping or training. This time I cut the number of plants down a bit. I decided to top and lst to get shorter bushier plants. I have 3 days left on a 8 week flower. added a 4 lamp t5 ho 4' for side lighting a week ago. just got 2 of these in the mail last week. plan on using for my next grow. got 2 phenos of the ppp the sativa phenos which there are 3 plants look like they will put out even less. i think i covered everything??? any help would be greatly appreciated. I need higher yield!!!!

yowza. lotsa info there, to me it seems, right outta the gate. drop the pH a bit, your running neutral, good smoke likes between 5.5 and 6.5. personally i run about 5.8. also with that many plants in that space, have you considered hydro? maybe a ScrOG? from what you've said, it sounds like you've got decent light per sq ft... (i use 1 600 per 4x4 area) and your following the recipe on the back of the nutes i assume... possibly, and i hate to say it.... but trying too hard.... theese girls aresmarter than us... they know why they're on earth! the only thing they know is to grow, and they will do just that.


no pic sorry, they look good but no trichs covering leaves. great high verrrrrrrrrrrry speedy head high. clipped a couple of wispy bud that will never amount to anything. good shit! as far as the pics i have a jailbroken iphone with a non att service provider so no uploading pics sorry.


slomo great avitar, thinking bout growing them too! little too ambitious? but anyway i wanted to include all the info i can the more knowledge the better right! i thought i read somewhere that for soil was up to 7 ph. promix is a 7. water is at seven. measured at 7 combined. i know promix isnt soil but 7 no good?


Well-Known Member
I use distilled water. I have a 600 watt mh for vegg and a 600 watt hps for flower in a 11 sq ft. room. im using fox farm ocean forrest soil and tiger bloom for flower with big bud. I'm doing seedsman ww. I top them at 12 inches. and then I suppercrop about 4-5 branches so I will end up with 5 or 6 colas. I take them out of vegg at 18-20 inches. due less plants let them grow taller. get diffrent soil. and try to get water with a lower ph. get fox farm ocean forrest. and keep using molasses.


yea, 7 no good. give them straight water for a couple days, then try slightly more acidic nutes.


slomo great avitar, thinking bout growing them too! little too ambitious? but anyway i wanted to include all the info i can the more knowledge the better right! i thought i read somewhere that for soil was up to 7 ph. promix is a 7. water is at seven. measured at 7 combined. i know promix isnt soil but 7 no good?
thanks!, fungi are super easy to grow, even more so than weed.


fox farm nutes are good. Liquid light from dutch master and molasses! i think i have a good mix. george calaventes sorry if i spelled it wrong george. He uses promix as well. I sseen him use it in a video! so you think i should buy some ph down!