2nd grow 1000w tangerine dream, tga,dna,g-13 seeds too!

Teyo Green

Active Member
everything looking solid.
i need to invest in some CO2
my flowering room is 3.5 ft. by 5 feet, 8 feet tall
trying to do 8-10 plants in 3 gallons under my 1000 watter
wat kinda CO2 tank am i looking at? size wize?
newbieeee needing help :)
DXM sounds trippy. interesting


Active Member
ya it was fun kinda like a cross between drinking a few beers on on light MDMA but with some slightly noticeable visusals. nothing like lucy or shrooms but definately in its own class.
i like it but will waiting a while to do it again. next time im going to try a 400-600 dose.
your probly just lookin at like a scuba tank sized one, might need to get it refilled a few times. but u shouldnt need a huge one.
however ive never used co2 since i dont need it and dont have the extra money for stuff like that.
as for your space it sounds alot like mine 3'w 8'l and 10 tall. i will also be using 3's for this run as i dont think 12 plants in 5's will fit under my light,
i will be keeping all the plants that dont turn male even over my limit but ive got a few copies of peoples scripts i donate some bud to so im good.

hope everyone is good i got class now, but pictures later!
and i would highly recommend people try dxm if you like to trip! very fun and no hangover besides not wanting to wake up. lol

Teyo Green

Active Member
ya it was fun kinda like a cross between drinking a few beers on on light MDMA but with some slightly noticeable visusals. nothing like lucy or shrooms but definately in its own class.
i like it but will waiting a while to do it again. next time im going to try a 400-600 dose.
your probly just lookin at like a scuba tank sized one, might need to get it refilled a few times. but u shouldnt need a huge one.
however ive never used co2 since i dont need it and dont have the extra money for stuff like that.
as for your space it sounds alot like mine 3'w 8'l and 10 tall. i will also be using 3's for this run as i dont think 12 plants in 5's will fit under my light,
i will be keeping all the plants that dont turn male even over my limit but ive got a few copies of peoples scripts i donate some bud to so im good.

hope everyone is good i got class now, but pictures later!
and i would highly recommend people try dxm if you like to trip! very fun and no hangover besides not wanting to wake up. lol
haha good info on the DXM, im cool off it though. Trippin' days are in the past...for now haha (ill revisit the idea of DXM when a little event called "the Health and Harmony Festival" comes around... haha)
3 gallon buckets seem like they are gonna be prime for 8 to 10 plants in my set up
5 gallons were fatty, the only way i would fuck with them is if i..
1.got a larger room to work with or...
2. got a strain down to perfection and could yield alot (still trying to figure out whats realistic) off of 6 plants in 5 gallons under a 1000 watter.


Active Member
hah i mainly stick to buds too because i dont like alchohol, so i dont really have an alternative to bud so psychadelics are nice for me but prolly a once a month occasion for me to trip. i also like to be selfintrospectivve and do soul searching whivh ive heard dxm was good at and it was!

as for the 3 gal vs 5 ya i did 5's last year and my roomate did 7gallons for some and his plants were smaller than mine so i figured it was safe to hypothesize that bigger pot doesnt equal more pot lol
its all about veg time thats really it use a bucket for the size of how long u will veg, like this time im only doin a month because of time req's. and still kinda sketched because c-13 haze is an 11 week strain where as bbgum is a 7 week strain( supposed 50 day flowering time) i just have to move houses in may so it would be hard to move a giant c-13 plant lol

Teyo Green

Active Member
hah i mainly stick to buds too because i dont like alchohol, so i dont really have an alternative to bud so psychadelics are nice for me but prolly a once a month occasion for me to trip. i also like to be selfintrospectivve and do soul searching whivh ive heard dxm was good at and it was!

as for the 3 gal vs 5 ya i did 5's last year and my roomate did 7gallons for some and his plants were smaller than mine so i figured it was safe to hypothesize that bigger pot doesnt equal more pot lol
its all about veg time thats really it use a bucket for the size of how long u will veg, like this time im only doin a month because of time req's. and still kinda sketched because c-13 haze is an 11 week strain where as bbgum is a 7 week strain( supposed 50 day flowering time) i just have to move houses in may so it would be hard to move a giant c-13 plant lol
good to hear what you said about your buddy growin in some 7 gallons. that definitely seems like overkill?
unless your tryna grow a sativa forest or something..
i forget (and am lazy) what lights are you vegging with???
that is where my grow def. lacks, Vegg Cabb lighting
what sort of CFL would be appropriate if i wanted to eventually end up running 8 plants in vegg and 8 plants in flower all the time.
ive got 2 T8's in there and definitely need to brighten things up. I mylared everything which helped but i know i need more watt and a wider spectrum in there.


Active Member
2 t8's should be sufficient unless you mean two t8bulbs not fixtures. because i veg with a 6 bulb 4ft t5 that i got and it does wonders for them when they are young then i think im gunna transplant and keep them under the t5 but my 1000w hangs above them and i think i will turn that on too. while it wont give them direct lighting i figure its should help them get used to the hps before i take away the t5.
8 plants is enough under a t5 till about 3 weeks old or so then they need stronger lighting.
if your trying to just harvest every few months id say you try a perpetual grow and harvest once every 2 weeks.

as for the 7gals ya the only reason to use one is if you are using subcools super soil recipe since those are the size he recommends.


Active Member
go to home depot they sell a HUGE cfl there i think its like a 70 wat or something but if you wanna add some light thats the easiest way, only problem is ive only found them in the 2700k spectrum which is ment more for flowering but if you mixed it in with the tubes i think you should be good. and when i say its huge its like damn! thats huge! lol
biggest cfl i have personally seen.
but if you search online you can find CFL's up to 300watts.

Teyo Green

Active Member
for suree. thanks for the input
ima do some cfl research
might just buck up and buy a 6 or 8 bulb t5
realistically i need it.
supplement with a little CFL. should be legit
ima update my thread here ina sec you should scope that shit lol
rep +


Active Member
Was up all sounds like good stuff Mac but I too have given up the trippin except for very special occassions Just the Buds for me anyhoot I would highly recommend goin with T5's i have done alot of research and shopping for cfl's and they are just to much hassle other than maybe one or two for bottom up lighting under the plant canopy i am currently using 2' 4 bulb T5's and cant argue with the results i plan on using them to supplement from bottom up when i go to a 150watt HPS for flowering. most likely will start 12/12 next week i dont think i am going be able to let the steroid monster veg for much longer just hope the little TD gets to 6 nodes by then which is very possible well later Yall new update is up on my thread so stop by and check it out let me know what ya think and if you can notice any diff from CO2.


Active Member
Are you in soil or running a hydro system medimaker? would also like to follow your grow with the TD's do you have a grow journal going?
I'm in soilless mix, some day I'll get around to a journal.
I was going to clone them before sending them into flower but decided to just throw them in flower.

Now in flower I have 4 bubba kush, 4 tangerine dreams and 8 ak47 all in 5gal pots
They all spent around 6 weeks under 600wMH getting topped, trained and trimmed.


Active Member
would love to gollow your grow man definately post up here when you get to your journal.
i did bubba kush last run had two got a lil over 2 oz's of rock hard nugs, harveted in 45 days with cloudy and some amber. very stoney.

ya kid Tripping is fun but i mostly do it when im somewhere social and fun, raves or massive are fun but festivals are where its amazing.
like as soon as i took the DXM i was out of my house and biked to my friends and kicked it then went to another friends and partied a lil.
then went to my girls and then biked home. active tripper!!!
I just figured i will trow my c-13haze into flower a week early because it will stretch more than any other i think. and it say almost 11 week flower so want it to be done as soon as possible.
the babies are looking good sorry for not labeling but its late and i got a chem test in the morning.

Night all !
BTW pics are fromyesterday will post new ones saturday


Active Member
I used to trip like that to had to be very active your babies are lookin sweet Wish mine were still that small sorry didnt get a chance to do pic updates today will do it tommorow got the new HPS from fed-ex today and spent the whole day and til 8:00 hanging and rehanging lights til i had them sort of where i wanted them plus cleaned a bit just plain busy busy with the light remodel lol the girls look totally different under the new light though gonna go into flower on monday i .going to drop the lights a 1/2 hr each night til monday then hit 12/12. But dude you are gonna flip when you see the BBG girls this week gonna be interesting to see the steroid monster stretch out in flower.catch ya tommorow good luck with the chem.


Active Member
ya i just prefer to trip like that because if it ever takes a turn for the worst theres sober people to help you know you arent gunna die lol. also generally just have more fun than trippin alone.
ya your monsters should just shoot straight up, my bbgum that i topped has taken over as the dominant plant in my bunch even passed the 3 bag seed that got planted like 4 days earlier.
Hanging lights is a pain in the ass especially just trying to get them perfect where they arent gunna burn the plant but not gunna make it want to stretch bad.

I am transplanting this weekend i think either that or monday. gunna use 3 gallon smart pots because i dont think i could fit 12 in 5's under my 1000w.
they are looking great tho and i cant wait to flip, the sad thing is im vegging 2 or 3 weeks less than last grow but i will probably cop double haha
Ill post some pics tommorrow for another comparison, but i think at this point we know hydro is def a faster veg, that thing grew like a weed! HAHA
hope everyone is having a great weekend so far!
o and kid Chem can suck my bong haha Hardest test ive taken in college or school in general.


Active Member
Also just noticed i got 2 distinctly opposite TD phenos, already i can see one has overlapping fatter leaves, and the other the leaves dont even touch and are skinny and long. this makes me happy got a sativa and and indica dom from what it looks like. cant tell what the 3rd looks like because the retard plant sprouted two heads and is actually trying to grow well.
can also tell this on the bagseeds 2 taller w/ green stems 1 shorter with purple stem.
cant tell on any of the others but its looking like its going to be a great grow!
night all

Teyo Green

Active Member
wutttupppp hows everything going?
i just got a 400 w mh for vegg w/ digital lumatek ballast
fucking stoked. Watchu smokin on?


Active Member
goin good teyo transplanted 4 into 3 gallon smart pots, gunna do the rest monday since the hydro store is closed tommorrow and im out of soil.
thats a real nice light for veg, i always felt anything over a 400 mh was over kill because they tend to produce alot of heat unless vented.
smokin on some albert walker, and doin some vape globe BHO hits helpin my roomie trim, nice chillen saturday. bloon moon with orange best beer ever.
hows everything with you man? whats fillin your lungs with goodness.

Teyo Green

Active Member
smokin on some grand daddy purps i picked up. pretty stoney.
check out my journal i just updated with some pics yo!


Active Member
they are looking really good man, was just looking at making one of those DWC bubble cloners,
but i was thinking could you only transplant them into another hydro media? or could they be put in soil.
nice smoke GDP is def one of my favs, great night time smoke i got some sour cheese for sleep time my roomie grew tastes fucking amazing.