2nd grow 1000w tangerine dream, tga,dna,g-13 seeds too!


Active Member
haha nice try kid but no signature yet lol.
sounds good like ours will be pretty close my bbgum look much darker than yours tho.

and ya the mix has some vermiculite and peatmoss added in and theres 5 holes on the bottom. ill give em a good watering tonight and see how they are doing.
i hate having to wait to transplant because i just wanna start lst'ing them alreadys. even tho they are too small still. grow damnit! ADHD makes being patient really hard haha!

night all


Active Member
Alright got it this time i think? Anyway guys will be posting pics on friday i think so i can update Y'ALL on how the girls are doin and if i am lucky Mac will have some Pics to post so we can look at the comparisons and time lines .


Active Member
can do! and nice signature! lol
and the tops continue to grow the topping seemed to work great!
gunna try it on the others soon.


Active Member
thanks k-man, ya they are looking good except 3 look like they have rust spots on their leaves its weird topped 3 more today see how it works out!


Active Member
alright its Friday so stoked cant wait to see Macs TD even though i only have one, also to See how the BBG's are doin. I counted five and a possible top on my project BBG and i also ordered 2 new lights this week went with 150 watt HPS so i will be pushing 42000 lumens on a 2 sq ft grow area at the moment and i need to get these for flowering i am gonna most likely have to flower the TD early as well as my project girl the normal grow BBG is almost 6" tall and has fully developed her 7th node and her stem is at least 1/4" thick well later this morning i will take pics and post for our soil vs hydro comparison later Y'all.


Active Member
FRIDAY yes!! Here are the pics got them right after lights come on this morning. watched my favorite episode of Weeds last night (MILF money) could barely keep myself out of the grow room during the light off time finally did a couple more bong hits of WW then crashed. Well here they are good or bad gonna do a wake and bake and maybe play some guitar for bit
2/4/2011 todays pics for comparison with Mac's soil grow hope to get some suggestions for my LST/topping project today.
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Active Member
I think me and you are more alike than we thinkk i was watching the milf weed episode last night too haha love when snoop comes in and stars rappin about it.
Damn kid that bbgum is huge already! i dont think we need to argue which way is faster lol
heres my topped bbgum

and un topped

also my 2 healthy TD one is sprouting retard leaves and im not sure why.

also if anyone knows wtf these spots are from its def not from light burn or anything cuz its only 65 right under the light. im guessing its nute burn because the mix they are in has a very hot soil.

and here is a perfect example of an uncle ben 4 top ! its one of the bagseeds

group shot!

and kid as for your LSt in my opinion you started training to early but your plant looks ok so i see no harm from it.
let the comparison begin!


Active Member
/Man i wish my top project had turned out that nice but i did ask Uncle Ben for some advice on what to do next. I was looking again tonight and now i am sure i dont have a clue what is going on there never had a topped plant do this on me but then again i only have done guerilla grows from bagseed .they were from good dank weed but it is a whole new world indoors and with hydro.I think i will be going to flowering lighting as soon as the TD has her 5th set of leaves and node developed. might be a little early for her but i only have so much space which makes two separate grow areas impossible for now plus i still have three seeds left plus my freebies power skunk and a dinafem. The way my one BBG is growing i have to flower her soon or she is gonna be to tall or out of control on me which isnt necessarily a bad thing but this is supposed to be controlled budget grow.Well i got you on spd Mac but i have a long way to go with the LST and topping project. we'll see how next week goes though its still early MY TD might even be caught up by then she is moving along pretty quick.


Active Member
Oh P.S. i would check the soil Ph Mac and see if it is to high i have had that same issue with guerilla grows and most recently with this grow at the start before i had anything to adjust the Ph in the res. every time i have seen deformed or retarded leaves it has been a Ph issue let me know what you find out or what happens with it Later Bro.


Active Member
ya thats the one thing i havent invested in is a ph tester, I would guess its just some nute burn because the local soil i use called amazon bloom is said to have 30 days worth of food in it so way too hot for seedlings but i thought my mix would be gentler but they will grow out of it i hope. if not thats one less plant and takes me closer to my legal limit. i feel terrible breaking the law but maybe thats because im just paranoid and wanna not get fucked over by the popo lol.
and ya that sux about the limited space. but even flowering soon you will still possibly get 3 oz's or 2.
ya no doubt your faster but ya if you keep following i will veg for another month probably and make some big fat bushes hopefully pull 2 to 3 zips per plant with lst and topping.
for the uncle ben top you just have to top early for it to be perfect just right above the second node gives you 4 tops and the 1st node gives you 2.
kid my plan is to veg them till they are stronger then transfer them to 3 or 5 gallon buckets depends how many i know im going to keep. using the white colored smart pots that trim the roots as they grow into it. hobbes says his smart pots give him a 10% yield increase so thought y not.
then i will bury them up to the points where the tops are coming out and tie down the tops in diff directions and veg out some monster bushes.
then flip most likely a lil before the end of feb hopefully.
and i got the power skunk freebie too it looks like a damn nice plant so ill let you know how it is.
ill try and diagnose te problem later. bout to go to a concert. have a good one guys!


Active Member
Yeah i think i am just gonna let them veg for couple more weeks and see how the other 2 are looking and kinda let the experimenting go for this grow we'll see how it goes until i get the new HPS lights got a week at least before they arrive. i did plan on vegging on countdown type schedule with the lights dropping a half hour each week til i get to 16 hours then drop it to 12 from there. The way it's lookin now the TD should be far enough along to flower with the other 2 when i decide to go it ought to be interesting cause i am gonna jump the lumens up from 12,000 to 44,000 with the HPS maybe 56,000 if i go with a 250 watt switchable still trying to decide budget is getting tight and i need to restock nutes micromanagement bites lol. I am on 17 hours of light as of this week might just hold on that for the TD as well. so back to the grind and workin on next weeks update but any way think we can call it even this week for comparison? you def got me on the topping i only got growth rate lol but i'll take it and gonna try an get ya next week Mac.
had three down two cracked both shells are still attatched wtf the other was a dud..never had probs till i got these tangs..oh ya used the towel method then put them into rockwool cubes..


Active Member
Mine i just planted into jiffy peat pellet with miracle grow potting soil(nutes already added) to hold the pellet in a 2 inch square coco pot.i originally planted 2 of them only got one sprout?


Active Member
ya that sux you had problems with it i am too. although they sprouted they seem to be very nute sensitive as they are the only ones in this soil mix that are having problems. and i got the one retarded one. took a long time for mine to crack tho. about 5 days i just used the wet paper towel method too then straight into the soil when they pop a tail. but i have heard many many people having probs with barneys TD. in all honesty i wish i had picked a diff pack of beans than the TD althought the 2 that arent retarded are growing pretty solidly even with being burned. if you had that bad luck with them i would try emailing attitude if that thats where u got them. and say your seeds arrived crushed and they might be nice enough to send another pack. just ask nicely lol

and kid ya yours are looking great!
as for the lumens shock yours should be fine in a week or so mine are going under a 1000w from a t8. thats like 10k lums to about 140k lumens.
so im pretty sure you will be all good! and id go with the 250 hps anything else is just really too small in my opinion. and yes we will see next week. bet yours will be big compared to mine.
have a great weekend everyone!


Active Member
I kinda wish i had not gone with the TD also but i dont see them as being Nute sensitive mine took four days to sprout and i only got one of two but it has been in full nutes from day one there was only a 10 hour stretch when i wasnt able to monitor the Ph and it was at 6.8/7 when i checked and adjusted it.Been my experiance if it is nute burn the leaves show physical stress signs as well the discolration and dying plant tissue.My TD is doing well so I am thinking the discolration is in the genetics as i have noticed some very subtle signs same as yours in the orange/red spot part and the leaf derformity is always been a Ph issue which shows up very quickly in the leaves but no other harmful effects then deformed leaves unless it is not corrected then it leads to deficiencies instead of nute burn which can be misleading because you misdiagnose.Ph test kit is only like 4 bucks so it really is important to have and can save you major time in fixing any problems.So anyway just a thought to ponder hope all have had a great weekend Mine was awesome Green Bay kicked ass and are once again ridin high more monday morning Pics in the journal Night all