Well-Known Member
After a success with my first grow and prices of bud rising even further in my area, there was only one thing to do....
I learnt A LOT from my first grow, and although i'm not growing the same strain, my previous journal will be used as a sort of guidance as i'm still learning, even though these will have more indica characteristics.
Before starting anything I made a few modifications to my cupboard after my last grow. These are as follows:

I learnt A LOT from my first grow, and although i'm not growing the same strain, my previous journal will be used as a sort of guidance as i'm still learning, even though these will have more indica characteristics.
Before starting anything I made a few modifications to my cupboard after my last grow. These are as follows:
- Still have 2 intakes (bottom left of cupboard), however I now have the big computer fan on the the intake near the back face of the cupboard. This was previously on the intake near the doors. The other 2 smaller computer fans have been permanently removed, as they were loud, and not really doing that much.
The far intake has 1 hole going through the wall to outside, and the near one has 3 holes.
I took the 4" inline fan previously attached to the reflector helping blow air across the bulb, and stuck this on the 3 hole intake near the doors to bring air in.
All in all, i should have more fresh air coming in.
- I replaced the 4" inline attached to the reflector with a 5" inline (only on when lights are on). I'm hoping this will A.) improve extraction and B.) minimise heat coming off the bulb by blowing air across it and helping the RVK extract the heat.
- I got rid of the extractor at the top of the cupboard for 3 reasons.
Firstly, you could hear it running, which i didn't like.
Also, the ducting going from the extractor to the point of exit was long, and therefore the flow of air was minimised.
I felt my current extraction system would be more than enough to fully vent the cupboard, and this extra extractor was only there to try and lower temperatures. After testing the temperatures with both the extractor on and off, there was 0.1C difference, basically it wasn't really doing much.
- In an attempt to make the extraction even quieter, i bought a silencer that i fit at the exit end of the RVK.
- As i'm not going to be around as much as i was for my previous grow, i have decided to try and set up a drip watering system. This consists of a pump feeding water from my reservoir into the cupboard, before splitting off into 8 drippers, 4 for each plant. I have my doubts whether this system will water the pots evenly, but have been told it should do so. This system is better suited for coco than soil, but this was my only viable option. Everything is on timer, which will be changed throughout the grow as the plants grow. This new system means the plants will have to stay in the cupboard, with the exception of when they need flushing. Not too sure how i'm going to take them out with all the lines attached but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
- I also built an inclined water catchment tray, which sits under the pots. This has a light layer of soil on it. The idea here is to prevent the plants siting in water if ever over watered/malfunctions with the pump/timer. The Incline slopes to the left, away from all the electrical plugs and sockets on the right of the cupboard, and if over watered, hopefully the water will drip out the bottom of the pots, down the slope, and will get absorbed by soil at the bottom and along the way. This will hopefully evaporate between feedings leaving me with no extra work, except for maybe fixing the problem. I left the water proof black lining of the tray under the soil hoping it would attract heat and help dry out the soil.
- Both MH and HPS bulbs have been replaced with new ones.
- I now have a 150W nutrient heater, more than enough for my small reservoir. It's set to about 25C
- Nutrients are constantly being mixed and the water is constantly being aerated by an air pump and 2 air stones in the reservoir. This is left on 24/7.
- The two pots being used now are 10" pots, slightly bigger than last time but not much. I will consider transplanting into even slightly bigger pots once i see how the plants are growing and how much room they're taking up.
- All electrical cabling outside of the cupboard has been cut to exact length and there is no longer any multi-sockets on the floor. Everything has been screwed to the wall, just incase of some water flooding or something. Slightly paranoid about electrical fires, especially if i'm not going to be around as much. Tried to take every precaution i can think of.
- The electrical timers i used last time have been replaced with digital timers, which can turn on and off in minute intervals, as appose to 15 minute intervals like the previous one. This was needed not so much for the lights, but for the dripper system. They came in a pack of 2 so 1 went on the light, 1 went on the timer. You can decide the day and time they operate (within 1 week), which is extremely useful for the watering system.
- I've stuck a webcam in the cupboard, hoping to take pictures of the plants from a set position every couple days, maybe even every day once i start flowering. Once the grow is done i'll make a time lapse video. I have no idea if this will work but its worth a try considering the pots will be in a set position and orientation throughout the whole grow. Don't think i've ever seen/heard of a time lapse video of a marijuana plant growing. The only problem i've encountered so far is the brightness of the light, which can be overcome by placing a sun glasses lens infront of the webcam. However the colours wont be natural, and the webcam isn't exactly amazing quality, so this will be an experiment.
- This i think is the last grow in this cupboard. I plan to completely rebuild my set up from scratch next time but re-use all the equipment. This cupboard was more of an experiment than a permanent set up, after this grow i should be clued up enough to make a perfect system. I want to try Flood and Drain next time, and grow in coco. The current set up would not be adequate enough to incorporate such a system in terms of size. Also i'm sure with better planning and better design i can build something on the same footprint with more space inside and better ventilation/air exchange, something which can utilize a CO2 system.