2nd Attempt - CFL PC Grow - Going good


Well-Known Member
This journal is one of the best I've seen. I LOVE the up to date pictures. Gives us newbies a look into the day to day cycle of the plant. It takes a lot of patience to care for one plant like this. Looking amazing man, keep up the good work!
Hey buddy,

You should check our ICurbYou's journal. It kicks serious ass.


Keep it up.
I am crossing my finger on it being a girl!
When are you going to switch to 12/12?
To be honest i'm not to sure when i'm going to go 12/12. The plan is to LST when she (optimism) gets a bit bigger so that I can increase yield in my tiny little enclosure.

Getting some new 32w 6700k's so hopefully they will speed up the process!



Well-Known Member
Day 19 - 25FEB09 - Getting a bit of ye ol' height! Lower leaves progressively getting worse?
Lights: 2x 23w 4100k CFL
1x 18w 6400k CFL
Light Cycle: 18/6

Okay. So yesterday I didn't get to post the update so doing it on day 20, so I will post today's update tonight.

So the lower leaves are starting to get worse. It hasn't spread. Funnily enough there's actually a lot new growth on node #1 where some fresh leaves are sprouting.

The little lass is working on her third node - and she's almost done! I'm so proud....



Well-Known Member
Day 20 - 26FEB09 - That third node... Yum....
Lights: 2x 23w 4100k CFL
1x 18w 6400k CFL
Light Cycle: 18/6

That third node is getting some height! this little fella will be working on the fourth soon!!! How awesome is that! Plants looking happy. She's about to go for another nap. I've changed the time of the light cycle due to having to relocate my little enclosure.

I have also installed some 32w 6700k's to replace my other lights. These ones are super bright and hopefully they'll give the plant a boost! The next few days should give an indication if it helped at all.

Also, I will be re-doing the enclosure within the next day or two (possibly the weekend) to allow myself to setup the lights wherever around the enclosure. Maybe some sort of grill system where i can merely hook the lights onto it?

Anyway... Enough crap... Here's the pics!



Well-Known Member
Hey been a while since ive checked HER out. Anyways looking great. I wouldnt worry about the lower yellowing . Its not that bad, if you arnt using nutes they may need a little nitrogen.


Well-Known Member
Day 22 - 28FEB09 - Heat stress?
Lights: 3x 32w 6700k CFL
Light Cycle: 18/6

Okay, I've noticed the plant is heat stressed. The last two days the leaves have been curling up. I've moved the CFL's back a bit and set my fans to run throughout the 6 hour dark period. Hopefully in the next day it should relax and cool down a bit. I think it has something to do with my enclosures new home (next to my PC). Maybe I should get a little oscilating fan that will fit in the case?

Now, I need some advice. Is it time to flower? I know the plants only small. It's working on its fourth node. But alot of people say the plant will triple in size during the flower. So, should i get started? Personally i'm thinking another two weeks.



Well-Known Member
Well, it's really up to you when you want to flower... But I agree with you on this one, let it grow some more for two weeks, then flower away. Good luck man.


Well-Known Member
Day 23 - 01MAR09 - Heat stress - The saga continues!
Lights: 3x 32w 6700k CFL
Light Cycle: 18/6

So, at the moment for a few hours of the 18 i've had the little gal on the window sill trying to cool her down and let her open her leaves up again. It seems to be working! Here she is enjoying the view. Fourth node looks almost ready.



Active Member
LOOKIN SICK bro.....do you know if he/she is a she yet and what seeds did you use?? bagseed? how early can you tell if he/she is a females and do you have to wait for flowering to tell?

past times

Well-Known Member
hey man, i was just popping in to see how you were doing. Everything is looking great. Don't worry about those lower leafs, that is natural for those to get dropped after more mature leaves have been formed. you can let it wilt itself till it drops or you can snip it off a little later when the plant is a little bigger

im glad you haven't flowered yet too. have you thought any more about scrogging? That grow i waws telling you about earlier is getting close to done, and just looking at it i know i am going to get far better yield with this method the other one i used (not conclusive tough b/c i had a lot of screw ups and pc problems in the beginning attempts). I really do think it is worth a try though, https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/164898-pc-scrog-6-week-flower.html

keep it up


Well-Known Member
Wow, that is fantastic!! You've done a killer job there.

I've actually got some chicken wire I cut out that i was going to use for tieing up my lights. I might try doing a Scrog though. How tall did you let your plant get before you top'd it?


past times

Well-Known Member
Thanks man. I am pretty surprised how it turned out b/c this was my first scrog attempt. it was about 6 inches that was topped back to about 4 inches...i left 3 good nodes (trimmed off the lowest node also b/c of very slow growth.) This made it so there where 3 shoots for each half of the screen. after topping i let it veg another week then attached the screen at about 5 inches above the soil at the low point. The screen is actually bowled a bit to keep everything the same distance from the light.


Well-Known Member
Day 24 - 02MAR09 - Heat stress - The miniseries!
Lights: 3x 32w 6700k CFL
Light Cycle: 18/6

Okay, even though the plant is still growing, leaves still curling in on themselves. Oh well. I'll monitor for a few more days and see if it gets any worse. Also, she's got a little bit of sideways action going on. Probably from my shonky light setup.

I have made a modification to my case to help me move the lights around as they're always a pain. For the time being, i've cable-tied some chicken wire to the top of the enclosure and put a small hook on each light, allowing me to move them freely around the enclosure. Later on i'll work on fixing them horizontally.



Well-Known Member
wow.. VERY, VERY nicely done

this has helped me A LOT

basically keep it at 18/6 until you wanna flower it, then switch to 12/12... when you wanna harvest, switch to 6/18, right???
anyways, thanks a lot.. lol


Well-Known Member
basically keep it at 18/6 until you wanna flower it, then switch to 12/12... when you wanna harvest, switch to 6/18, right???
anyways, thanks a lot.. lol
You got the first two right, but i've never heard of anyone using 6/18. I have heard of people turning the lights out for 48 hours before harvest though. The idea it to make the plant think the sun died and it will produce TONS of resin in those two days, but i don't know if it actually works...


Well-Known Member
I am very against pc growing :) For my first serious attempt yeah it will do, its fun. But yeah, I don't think i would ever do it again.


Well-Known Member
Day 25 - 03MAR09 - Stalky
Lights: 3x 32w 6700k CFL
Light Cycle: 18/6

So, the gal seems to be recovering a bit from the heat stress. Probably due to not having a towel + computer sitting next to the enclosure.

She's getting some height! Man there was some crazy vertical growth over the last 48 hours. I believe it has to do with this being the plants first couple of days with proper exposure to the new lights (as over the weekend I had her on the window sill during 18 so she could cool down).

Should I top / LST / Scrog? Whats your thoughts for a PC case?

Also, I am no longer smoking weed. Back story - 12 months ago i joined the Australian Army Reserves. Every Tuesday night we do training for a couple of hours to stay up to scratch. Last night there was a random piss test. 70% of our guys got tested. I got lucky. I can't take the risk anymore. So when this grow is complete, I will be giving the harvest away to friends. As for my next grow.
