2nd Attempt - CFL PC Grow - Going good


Well-Known Member
Hi Lamp,

Thanks. Yeah it was recommended to me to leave a bit of room up the top so that the water doesn't spill. By topping it up with soil does it damage the stem in any way? This might sound stupid, but does the stem need light or air to grow / strengthen?



Well-Known Member
Hi Lamp,

Thanks. Yeah it was recommended to me to leave a bit of room up the top so that the water doesn't spill. By topping it up with soil does it damage the stem in any way? This might sound stupid, but does the stem need light or air to grow / strengthen?

After about a week the part of the stem that was burried will likely have grown roots, it will be just like if you were to take a clone.


Well-Known Member
Dam Nice shit just what i wanted to see a nice little 12/12 setup with good pictures and organized by day. keep it up and i will be following this badboy i mean girl :) for her life


Well-Known Member
Ioe1, lets hope for a girl! :P its 18/6 by the way at the moment :) not going 12/12 till I get some height and LST happening!


Well-Known Member
Day 12 Afternoon - 18FEB09 - Heat stress?
Lights: 1x 23w 4100k CFL
2x 18w 6400k CFL
Light Cycle: 18/6

I missed it this morning, one leaf has its tip going brown and this and another leave are curling upwards. Is this heat stress?



Well-Known Member
Day 13 - 19FEB09 - Heat stress - Looking better!
Lights: 1x 23w 4100k CFL
2x 18w 6400k CFL
Light Cycle: 18/6

So yesterday I posted in the afternoon that I had noticed some scarring on my little fella. The tip of one leaf was browned and the leaves were folding inwards on themselves. After investigations and help from the folks at #rollitup irc channel, we came to the conclusion that I had my lights a tad too close. So I made some adjustments and upon checking the plant this morning i noticed the leaves had opened up a bit and it looked much happier.

I also topped up the soil last night and gave it a good watering. When the plant gets a bit more stem i plan on topping the soil again, as high to the brim as I can without impeding watering.

So, here's todays picture of my recovering little fella. Notice since yesterday (day 12 morning and afternoon) the leaves have opened up.



Well-Known Member
nice one dude i had same problem the other night lowered my plants and there looking better now like yours are also!

and dont say fella we want it to be a lady! hehe :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Day 14 - 20FEB09 - Two weeks..... Mmm.... Bit of ye old flushing!
Lights: 1x 23w 4100k CFL
2x 18w 6400k CFL
Light Cycle: 18/6

So, just to be sure that the stress on the plant the other day wasn't anything other than heat stress, Mr Gubblebum told me I should do a quick flush to try get rid of as much of the crap chemicals and what not that's in the potting mix i've been using. The little fella is looking a tad droopy from the extra water, but no more signs of heat stress or anything like that.

Also, it's starting to get a bit of girth! Nice little bushy fella!



Active Member
Nice grow mate!! but how about some pics of the outside of you grow-box?!?
hadn't you better run the cable outta the box due to poss water spillage/moisture?
I just ran mine outta the back through the hold that the keyboard used to use (the rest is boarded up)
nice healthy looking plant, an i like the way your keeping the journal day, lights, cycle etc. nice touch that i may steal, if thats ok anywayz ;)


Well-Known Member
Credits go to ICurbYou for the style of journal.

In my first attempt i had all the cables on the outside but found that i lost my stealthiness approach.

Thanks for the comments!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

Does my plant look alright for its age?

Is it sativa or indica?



Well to be honest, the plant looks healthy, but my plant at 7 days is almost twice the size of yours. I have 7 23w cfl's on the sucker though. Its "sweet diesel"


Well-Known Member
Day 15 - 21FEB09 - Bushy - Good if you're a plant. Not so good if you're a lady.
Lights: 2x 23w 4100k CFL
1x 18w 6400k CFL
Light Cycle: 18/6

So, I changed the light configuration for a bit more brightness to see if there was a difference. After 24 hours I won't comment on changes because I have no idea if the environment effect made any difference, so i'll comment on that in a few days.

She (yes, bit of optimism here calling it a 'she') seems to be nice and short and bushy. Still unsure if its indica or sativa. I'm hoping being that i'm an Aussie that most of our growers here are into the short and stout variety (as strain is unknown - bagseed). It's growing a bit slow so i've decided to order some 32w 6700k lights to replace my current. Big wattage difference. Should see them in the next week or so (*crosses fingers*). Hopefully this light change will give the plant a nice boost.



Well-Known Member
Day 16 - 22FEB09 - Discolouration in lower leaves?
Lights: 2x 23w 4100k CFL
1x 18w 6400k CFL
Light Cycle: 18/6

So, I noticed some discolouration in the original 2 fan leaves. Not sure if I should be concerned about this as i've read that its natural for them to die off. Not sure how early though... Anywho, you can see in the lower right hand corner of the below picture what I mean.

On a side note, I noticed (should have seen it days ago - it's quite more apparent now) that its really branching off. She now has two larger branches coming from the stem with multiple leaves on each branch. So bushy....



Well-Known Member
Day 18 - 24FEB09 - More discolouration in lower leaves? But also a lot of new growth!
Lights: 2x 23w 4100k CFL
1x 18w 6400k CFL
Light Cycle: 18/6

Yes, I missed a day.... Well I didn't really. I took the photo but for some reason it was corrupted when I tried to upload it at work. Didn't get another chance to take a happy snap for the day. Anyway, here's todays.

So, I noticed more discolouration on the original set of leaves, and also the second set of leaves. Even though i'm a tad concerned, the plant is doing extremely well and still growing. There's also a lot of new growth in height, the two side branches and also new leaves (even new leaves on the lower part of the plant where the old leaves are dieing!)

Anyway, here's the pictures, give me your thoughts please!



Active Member
This journal is one of the best I've seen. I LOVE the up to date pictures. Gives us newbies a look into the day to day cycle of the plant. It takes a lot of patience to care for one plant like this. Looking amazing man, keep up the good work!