2nd Amendment

You sure like playing these games. The militia is the people.

Sure is laughable watching you people interpret things the way you want. You ignore the "Well Regulated" part.

And your interpretation of Militia is incorrect.

"a military force that is raised from the civil population to supplement a regular army in an emergency. "

They didn't mean a bunch of yahoo's running around like morons with their AR15's. The Militia was the civilians supplementing the regular army to fight the British. But you guys like to pick only what fits your narrative.

I have no problem with people owning guns. I have a problem with gun nuts that want to run around like some cowboy they saw in an old western movie. And those are historically inaccurate to begin with. Even back in the 1800's you had to check your guns with the Sheriff when you came into town. Open carry was banned in most of those old western towns that they portray gunslingers in the saloons packing a sidearm.
Sure is laughable watching you people interpret things the way you want. You ignore the "Well Regulated" part.

And your interpretation of Militia is incorrect.

"a military force that is raised from the civil population to supplement a regular army in an emergency. "

They didn't mean a bunch of yahoo's running around like morons with their AR15's. The Militia was the civilians supplementing the regular army to fight the British. But you guys like to pick only what fits your narrative.

I have no problem with people owning guns. I have a problem with gun nuts that want to run around like some cowboy they saw in an old western movie. And those are historically inaccurate to begin with. Even back in the 1800's you had to check your guns with the Sheriff when you came into town. Open carry was banned in most of those old western towns that they portray gunslingers in the saloons packing a sidearm.
“well-regulated” meant something unfamiliar to the modern usage of the phrase. “In good tune” would be closer to the (imo!) intended meaning.

For example, a pendulum clock that has been adjusted to keep good time is considered well-regulated.

In the context of the amendment, it meant keeping your rifle clean, operational and with the sights adjusted. A well-regulated shooter is one who can place lead on target.

I’m told it’s in the constitution, I’ve never actually seen it myself, so I’m just assuming it’s there. Even though I think gun control needs to be a thing, I have no problem with responsible gun owners owning guns.

Do they need armor piercing rounds? Tannerite or dynamite? I think that’s a little excessive.
No one cares about your opinion. "I'm told.." read the Constitution first that MAY lend credence to your opinions.
Or, more likely, you are the same butt hurt little fascist bitch-boy that has used a couple dozen dead accounts that you hacked with some rudimentary app due to the previous owners using poor passwords.

Wow, your mom's basement is a real hotbed of radicalism.
Don't you think if I'm a hacker I'll hack the shit out of your computer. Be smarter than that.
Or, more likely, you are the same butt hurt little fascist bitch-boy that has used a couple dozen dead accounts that you hacked with some rudimentary app due to the previous owners using poor passwords.

Wow, your mom's basement is a real hotbed of radicalism.
Why are all you guys wanting to talk about my asshole and dick. Sound pretty perverted.
Why does that matter? You a cop! So what if my account is 8 years old.
Don't you think if I'm a hacker I'll hack the shit out of your computer. Be smarter than that.
lol not necessarily with an account that has a date of birth in it.
Don't think so. I just started a thread to see who would agree with the 2nd amendment and from the looks of it not many people on here.
Not what you asked though. You asked if we 'believe in it' and the answers were a resounding 'yes'.

Why are all you guys wanting to talk about my asshole and dick. Sound pretty perverted.
lol @ the 'you guys' snowflake.
Many responses I got were to kill myself with my own firearm.
And yet you can still see them?

Triggering yourself to those responses to snowflake about them is on you man.

This is the internet, saying stupid shit that is indistinguishable from the trolls that get paid to attack our citizens usually means that you will end up getting trolled until you either turn full mutant troll or open up a new sock puppet. Very very rarely some people actually start being real by dropping the act.