250w HPS Club And Help Guide


Active Member
You need to wait until the seedlings grow out and train the PPP with LST so it doesn't grow too high.
Yes peeps im gonna continue with more veg faze 18/6 for my seedlings that have just hatched gonna give em 2-3wks more veg so they all have a good chance if im struggling for light i will use my 70watt HPs floodlight to break through the caNOPY IT WORKS EVERYTIME.kiss-asswILL KEEP YOU DUDED POSTED??.:mrgreen:


Active Member
hey guys, Im looking for some advice...

I've got a box thats about 2 feet wide, 1 foot deep, and just under three and a half feet tall. I want to grow in this box, using a scrog setup I think its possible, I was thinking the best way to pull it off would be something like this...

This needs to be very stealthy, thats why everything is contained in the box

My question though, is this possible? I was also thinking about using a 250 watt bulb instead, but that would give me a watts/square foot ratio of about 125 watts/square foot, Im worried this is too much, is it? If i got the 250 it would work more for me in the future when I can get a larger grow cabinet, but Im worried about heat. Would a cool tube and two intake fans keep the cabinet adequately cool?

Any suggestions or thoughts would gladly be accepted. thanks alot!



Well-Known Member
hey guys, Im looking for some advice...

I've got a box thats about 2 feet wide, 1 foot deep, and just under three and a half feet tall. I want to grow in this box, using a scrog setup I think its possible, I was thinking the best way to pull it off would be something like this...

This needs to be very stealthy, thats why everything is contained in the box

My question though, is this possible? I was also thinking about using a 250 watt bulb instead, but that would give me a watts/square foot ratio of about 125 watts/square foot, Im worried this is too much, is it? If i got the 250 it would work more for me in the future when I can get a larger grow cabinet, but Im worried about heat. Would a cool tube and two intake fans keep the cabinet adequately cool?

Any suggestions or thoughts would gladly be accepted. thanks alot!

The passive outtake is not going to work.Your intakes should be passive and the outtake active.And unless you hav a very strong fan(which is not stealthy)you will get Way to hot in this size box.My first grow was in a box this size,and i used a 175w mh for veg.Then swapped it out for a 150 hps for flowering.That is what i suggest.And others will give even more and most likely better info.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
hey guys, Im looking for some advice...

I've got a box thats about 2 feet wide, 1 foot deep, and just under three and a half feet tall. I want to grow in this box, using a scrog setup I think its possible, I was thinking the best way to pull it off would be something like this...

This needs to be very stealthy, thats why everything is contained in the box

My question though, is this possible? I was also thinking about using a 250 watt bulb instead, but that would give me a watts/square foot ratio of about 125 watts/square foot, Im worried this is too much, is it? If i got the 250 it would work more for me in the future when I can get a larger grow cabinet, but Im worried about heat. Would a cool tube and two intake fans keep the cabinet adequately cool?

Any suggestions or thoughts would gladly be accepted. thanks alot!

Mind is totally correct about the outtake and the lighting.

A 150 is going to be much more effective, because it won't cause half as many heat issues in a grow room that size. The purpose of having a HPS is to get those dense buds, but if you have too much heat it (Like you'd get with the 250) will prove pointless. The heat will make your buds all fluffy and stringy like.

I have a 2' D x 4' W x 4' H grow cabinet room I made myself, this is basically the smallest you can really get with a 250w. Trust me I've tried a bunch of different grow room designs lol, and this one seems to work best, for me anyway.

You can try and lower the noise fans make by buying a bunch of computer fans and putting a noise suppressor behind it. You can find those at any computer store or online computer store. They are basically foam inserts that you put behind the fan before you screw it in, the foam reduces vibration and some noise.

I don't think you're going to be able to do a stealth 250 grow honestly, the heat will be too rough to manage, especially with the ballast above the grow cab. Also because it is stealth you won't be able to get the proper ventilation that you need. I'd stick with a 150w, unless you can make it a little bigger and get good ventilation.

Hope this helps :bigjoint:.


Well-Known Member
Mind is totally correct about the outtake and the lighting.

A 150 is going to be much more effective, because it won't cause half as many heat issues in a grow room that size. The purpose of having a HPS is to get those dense buds, but if you have too much heat it (Like you'd get with the 250) will prove pointless. The heat will make your buds all fluffy and stringy like.

I have a 2' D x 4' W x 4' H grow cabinet room I made myself, this is basically the smallest you can really get with a 250w. Trust me I've tried a bunch of different grow room designs lol, and this one seems to work best, for me anyway.

You can try and lower the noise fans make by buying a bunch of computer fans and putting a noise suppressor behind it. You can find those at any computer store or online computer store. They are basically foam inserts that you put behind the fan before you screw it in, the foam reduces vibration and some noise.

I don't think you're going to be able to do a stealth 250 grow honestly, the heat will be too rough to manage, especially with the ballast above the grow cab. Also because it is stealth you won't be able to get the proper ventilation that you need. I'd stick with a 150w, unless you can make it a little bigger and get good ventilation.

Hope this helps :bigjoint:.
Ironic how tokers think alikebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Mind is totally correct about the outtake and the lighting.

A 150 is going to be much more effective, because it won't cause half as many heat issues in a grow room that size. The purpose of having a HPS is to get those dense buds, but if you have too much heat it (Like you'd get with the 250) will prove pointless. The heat will make your buds all fluffy and stringy like.

I have a 2' D x 4' W x 4' H grow cabinet room I made myself, this is basically the smallest you can really get with a 250w. Trust me I've tried a bunch of different grow room designs lol, and this one seems to work best, for me anyway.

You can try and lower the noise fans make by buying a bunch of computer fans and putting a noise suppressor behind it. You can find those at any computer store or online computer store. They are basically foam inserts that you put behind the fan before you screw it in, the foam reduces vibration and some noise.

I don't think you're going to be able to do a stealth 250 grow honestly, the heat will be too rough to manage, especially with the ballast above the grow cab. Also because it is stealth you won't be able to get the proper ventilation that you need. I'd stick with a 150w, unless you can make it a little bigger and get good ventilation.

Hope this helps :bigjoint:.
Hey Doobieus
Medical Mj on 2010 Ballot


Well-Known Member
A 250w HPS doesn't have enough light penetration for a room that high. So my best advice would be to either lower the height or get a bigger light or get another 250. Adding T5's will give it a more natural light but again there's the light penetration issue again.

Basically your top canopy will look great but the lower nodes are not going to be that great, because the 250 cannot penetrate through 8 feet of height which will affect lumens, because as the light penetration dies so does the lumens. Unless you had one HPS on each side and one on the top, that would provide the proper light penetration to the lower buds/nodes and the top/canopy.

A 250w has about a 4 to 5 foot light penetration, 5 is REALLY stretching it though. If you want the dense buds HPS's are known for producing definitely take care of any light penetration issues.

The eye hortilux bulbs are nice but pricey, but they work well. I use whatever hps bulb I can get my hands on that's reasonably priced. I haven't noticed any negative effects from this.

Hope this helps some.
Thanks for the help but i know all that about the penetration. And as far as the height of my room i just want it that high cuz i'm 6'2". I don't have to grow them 7" tall. My last grow was in a little closet and that shit sucks. So i was kinda wondering what the bigger room would be like.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the help but i know all that about the penetration. And as far as the height of my room i just want it that high cuz i'm 6'2". I don't have to grow them 7" tall. My last grow was in a little closet and that shit sucks. So i was kinda wondering what the bigger room would be like.
Ah ok gotcha, I forget people aren't as small as I am sometimes lol. Yeah you should be fine then if you don't plan to grow them 7 foot tall. You sound like you've got a grasp of things though, so I think you should be alright.

3 plants under each 250 I'm gathering then right? You should be fine, and you should be much happier not being cramped like a great white in a sardine can lol.

However you're probably gonna want more than just a can fan, the heat will definitely be easier to manage but you still need to refresh the room with air and strengthen the plants.


Well-Known Member
It has to do with florida.But the way i look at it is the more states that do.The better chance of all around for legalizing.
My domestic partner is from Florida so it's all good. Even if she wasn't from Florida I would still support because of the fact that again as you said the more the better.

You cannot hold down millions of people forever, those people can hold themselves down though. If I didn't take my part in this regardless if it's my state or not, I'd be hurting our cause as a community. The more people who stand up and sign up, the more things will progress. The Mona Lisa didn't get created by Leonardo Davinci sitting on his ass doing nothing.

Not to mention that legalization or even decriminalization would help individuals like myself not feel like a criminal because I don't have a med card (Yet, getting things rolling today actually lol) and trying to medicate my condition.

Sorry to come off kinda brash and abrupt but I'm really passionate about it, obviously lol.


Active Member
Ah ok gotcha, I forget people aren't as small as I am sometimes lol. Yeah you should be fine then if you don't plan to grow them 7 foot tall. You sound like you've got a grasp of things though, so I think you should be alright.

3 plants under each 250 I'm gathering then right? You should be fine, and you should be much happier not being cramped like a great white in a sardine can lol.

However you're probably gonna want more than just a can fan, the heat will definitely be easier to manage but you still need to refresh the room with air and strengthen the plants.
I have 9 plants in total.5 young plants all showing pre-flowers femmed seeds and 4 seedlings under 1week old.I wish i never germed the other4 seedlings as i think i have too much now.The question is the ones with pre-flowers are 6-7inches tall whats the ideal size to go into bloom 12/12?.The buld is 15" away from canopy is this ok:bigjoint::roll:bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I have 9 plants in total.5 young plants all showing pre-flowers femmed seeds and 4 seedlings under 1week old.I wish i never germed the other4 seedlings as i think i have too much now.The question is the ones with pre-flowers are 6-7inches tall whats the ideal size to go into bloom 12/12?.The buld is 15" away from canopy is this ok:bigjoint::roll:bongsmilie
A 250 will grow a plant that's 3-4 feet tall perfectly fine, so about 1-2 feet when you throw them into flower, that way you get the proper light penetration you need on the lower buds.

The bulb being 15" from the canopy is way too far. You want between 5-10 inches above the canopy, that's optimal. The closer the better, but make sure you have a good controlled climate so that you don't burn your plants.

The best thing I can tell you is to make a veg box, it doesn't need to be that big so it shouldn't be too expensive.

Hope this helps :bigjoint:.

Edit: Holy shit 9 plants under a 250?! Sorry just re-read that lol, but yeah definitely get a veg box going dude. That's WAY too many plants for a 250. If you want good product then invest in making a veg box, because that many plants under a 250 isn't going to produce the best results. Also you'll have two harvests and some to smoke on while the other seedlings grow and what not.


Well-Known Member
My domestic partner is from Florida so it's all good. Even if she wasn't from Florida I would still support because of the fact that again as you said the more the better.

You cannot hold down millions of people forever, those people can hold themselves down though. If I didn't take my part in this regardless if it's my state or not, I'd be hurting our cause as a community. The more people who stand up and sign up, the more things will progress. The Mona Lisa didn't get created by Leonardo Davinci sitting on his ass doing nothing.

Not to mention that legalization or even decriminalization would help individuals like myself not feel like a criminal because I don't have a med card (Yet, getting things rolling today actually lol) and trying to medicate my condition.

Sorry to come off kinda brash and abrupt but I'm really passionate about it, obviously lol.
Everybody on this site needs to be passionate about it.:clap:


Well-Known Member
I have 9 plants in total.5 young plants all showing pre-flowers femmed seeds and 4 seedlings under 1week old.I wish i never germed the other4 seedlings as i think i have too much now.The question is the ones with pre-flowers are 6-7inches tall whats the ideal size to go into bloom 12/12?.The buld is 15" away from canopy is this ok:bigjoint::roll:bongsmilie
1 to feet is fine before you flower.You need to make a veg box though.And lower the light to 5-10 inches above.I get away with 5 inches.It will all work out for ya:lol:


Well-Known Member
Everybody on this site needs to be passionate about it.:clap:
Yeah if everyone on the site were as passionate about other states as well as their own, as much as they're passionate about growing.... You know where I'm going with this lol.

How's your whiteberry's by the by?


Well-Known Member
Yeah if everyone on the site were as passionate about other states as well as their own, as much as they're passionate about growing.... You know where I'm going with this lol.

How's your whiteberry's by the by?
She is not doing bad.But have had a change of plans.Put back to 20/4.
Think i am going to take 8 clones from her,and when they get roots put them is my big DWC that hols 8 and put them on 12/12 with the fogger set-up.Waiting for the replacement tranducers to show up.This way i will have 8 to harvest and right around 7-10 days before they are done make 8 more and try to keep this going.Then in the tent i am using now make a train wreck grow.:peace:


Well-Known Member
She is not doing bad.But have had a change of plans.Put back to 20/4.
Think i am going to take 8 clones from her,and when they get roots put them is my big DWC that hols 8 and put them on 12/12 with the fogger set-up.Waiting for the replacement tranducers to show up.This way i will have 8 to harvest and right around 7-10 days before they are done make 8 more and try to keep this going.Then in the tent i am using now make a train wreck grow.:peace:
Nice improvising there M! Yeah get those clones for sure, a continuous grow is always a nice thing.

As far as TW my oh my that smoke is so tastie and smooth and just absolutely delicious. The high is nice, really enjoyed that strain.


Well-Known Member
Nice improvising there M! Yeah get those clones for sure, a continuous grow is always a nice thing.

As far as TW my oh my that smoke is so tastie and smooth and just absolutely delicious. The high is nice, really enjoyed that strain.
Never had it.I also have 1 of each of the following.
fem.great white shark
fem. lemon skunk
fem. white rhino
fem. cheese
fem. super silver haze
fem. hawaiian snow
fem. supergirl
fem. white widow skunk:bigjoint: