Well-Known Member
Cheers man!What's up guys. Matchbox your scrog is looking pretty good man, what are the dimensions. here's my lady, day 22 of flower. I also have some 12-12 from seed in solo cups, but I made their soil too strong and they are starting to burn. how do I stop this? I'm thinking about potting them up but would at least like to have them sex first.
My Screen size (because it's dished) is about 1m x 40cm whereas my cab is only W-80cm x D-40cm x H-85cm. Yay for surface area!
you can help the 12/12'ers by giving a good flush, run about 3x the amount of water as there is soil in the pots through, do it about 3 times over a week, that should leech out the worst of it, or you could pot them into 'cooler' soil when you pot up. It helps to pot up while they are still in the 'veg' phase of your 12/12 from seed

Stay Frosty!