250w HPS Club And Help Guide


Well-Known Member
never mind that my rooms temps are 85 but the plants do not feel 2 hot so will be lowering the light probly 10 or 8 inches above the girls
If you're temps are at 85F then you might want to get those temps under control before you lower that light, because when you lower the light more it'll get hotter. 8-10 inches is pretty high, a 250 only has about 3-4 feet of light penetration, so the higher the light, the less lumens, the less lumens, the less productivity.

68F low - 78F high, is the optimal temps for growth, but going a little higher isn't too bad.

MindMelted is right on about height and about the ballast.

Hope this helps.


New Member
Wonder what the freebies will be this month. I want some of SubCool's (TGA) Paradox Box and some more LSD for my next grow project. Attitude said they were getting some TGA gear in a couple of weeks. Have some Purple wreck and getting some of Sannie's jack. Gonna fire them in 4 seperate tanks when I get back from vacation in Mid Oct. Upgrading my grow room for production now that I have my grow skills upgraded. Dang, this grow thing is addictive! Only 4721 more strains to go! LOL!


New Member
Gotta get me one of those rodent killers. Using a pellet gun from my youth now and I think it just pisses them off! Nice mug! Think I'll go that way next time instead of the t-shirt.


Well-Known Member
So all is good with attitude.I played the guinea pig since they changed their site design.And pew,pew,pew is about right..lol
Whooo, yeah thanks again for the guinea pigging there Mind. Now we can return to the normal level of paranoia lol.


Well-Known Member
Oh I've got things figured out, the place I'd have it sent to is about.... 2 hours or so away from me lol.

I won't be in FL until around Xmas time so we'll probably have to arrange something. Lol I got so excited I woke up my girl, just to tell her lol. I'd pay you something back, I don't like taking things for free. Whether or not it's monitary or free for me, I'll send you something back as payment. Thanks for being so chill and cool about it Altered :bigjoint:.

Ohhh I can't wait for the babies to hatch and see them.

Doobs I think you've already paid in advance with all the advice and knowledge you've given me. Just keep helping me and we can call it even. I can't wait to see the babies too!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Doobs I think you've already paid in advance with all the advice and knowledge you've given me. Just keep helping me and we can call it even. I can't wait to see the babies too!!!!!
Really?.... Okay then.... Well if you ever change your mind, just let me know lol.

How long do you have to wait until they hatch?


Well-Known Member
Really?.... Okay then.... Well if you ever change your mind, just let me know lol.

How long do you have to wait until they hatch?
We're looking at 6 more weeks til hatching, then I must make sure they are all eating good and don't have any abnormalities or health problems. So all in all they'll be ready to go about 10 weeks from now.


Well-Known Member
We're looking at 6 more weeks til hatching, then I must make sure they are all eating good and don't have any abnormalities or health problems. So all in all they'll be ready to go about 10 weeks from now.
Lol it's like growing an Indica lol.

Cool rock on, lol gotta wait on the grow, gotta wait on the babies to hatch, man thank god I have a :joint: or two or three or five hundred lol.


Well-Known Member
man thank god I have a :joint: or two or three or five hundred lol.
Yeah speaking of having some :joint:, my 3d is close to gone. I'll be out by the weekend. Gonna have to buy some raggedy shit to hold me over til next harvest. Damn that means that in 4 weeks I blazed 3 1/2 oz. So basically I've kept a buzz for a month. SWEET!!!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah speaking of having some :joint:, my 3d is close to gone. I'll be out by the weekend. Gonna have to buy some raggedy shit to hold me over til next harvest. Damn that means that in 4 weeks I blazed 3 1/2 oz. So basically I've kept a buzz for a month. SWEET!!!!
Lol and the passion for growing grows stronger lol.


Hello rollitup, I\\\'ve been a long time reader and I\\\'m about 4 weeks into my grow. I\\\'m finishing up my flower cab but I have a question and would love some comments. I\\\'m not sure where I should post this, but I\\\'m using a 250w hps so I hope this would be a good spot. Here\\\'s the scoop: I have a flowering cab 3 x 2.5 x 5 running a 250w hps and maybe a couple cfl\\\'s. The problem is odor and temp control. I have a stanley exhaust mounted behind the cabinet and I was hoping to use it to pull through a carbon filter and pull heat out with 1 fan. Would it be better to pull the heat out and push through the filter or pull through the filter to get the most heat out? I do not have a cool tube, I have a basic reflector in there. My ambient temps are about 65-70f, and when I did a test run with the door shut it got up to 85-90f with fans on. I really didn\\\'t want to have to get a cool tube but this may be my only option. Any opinions on getting this corrected would be greatly appreciated.~Thanks


Well-Known Member
Havent Been on fucking computer bs...:wall:

whats the club been up to??:leaf:

heres some updates on my girls

gonna hit them up with some pollen tomorrow
4th week florwering

1st pic.. Princess Diesel on the left and S99 on the right..

2nd 3rd pix.. Princess Diesel
4th 5th pix.. S99

wish i had good camera skills i could try and get some good macros...:-P

