250 watt Scrooge(help)


New Member
I want to do a Scrog with either a 250 watt or a 400 watt HPS in a 1mtr x 1mtr x6 foot grow tent,I was Going to do White widow or northern lights or big bud.any 1 got any suggestiona
How big should my Scrooge net be. I was thinking 3ft by 3ft.any suggestiona
is there a specific reason you are usng such a small light? I would think you would get a much better result from a 600watt
If you use a 250w your space should only be 2.5'x2.5' max. If you use 400w (which i recommend) you can do 3'x 3' . The "scrog" net should be the same demensions as your room. So 3x3 if your using 400w. The strain you use is up to you. But honestly i dont like your choices. Order a 5 pack of any tga strain. They dont come femenized but youll most likely get 3 females from a pack of 5.
Heres some strains.
1. Ace of spades
3.agent orange
5.jack the ripper

Those are just a few. Look at all his strains. He tells you the best way to grow it whether its sog, scrog, top, untopped etc.

As for medium and nutes, i highly recommend keeping it simple. Just get a bag of general hydroponics maxibloom and some dynagro protekt. Maybe some calmag from GH. Make some hempy buckets (very simple to do. Just search) and get some perlite as the,medium.
Use 7g of maxibloom per gallon of water.
If you do a little research on what ive said youll get a good idea of what to do. Its simple and you should get good results if you do it right.
Run a 250 or 400 wich ever suits your budget. If you are going to scrog from seed I would highly recommend using a feminized seed to avoid wasted time if you are running I seed and if you run a regular seed chances are likely that It could be a male and you wasted your time growing it. Run what you want to run but I would do your research on wich seed to run and wich seed company to buy from. Good luck.
Screen the same size as tent yes. If you build your screen to just fit inside your tent posts you can use a simple squeeze clamp on each post under the screen to set the height, which will be adjustable to any height.
I'd go with the WW, or NL or BB
As skyrocket mentioned only work with a female clone or seed.